what is film appreciation course yahoo

by Jodie Kuphal Jr. 9 min read

What is the meaning of Film Appreciation?

Film appreciation means an enlightenment to this language of Cinema and familiarize the vocabulary if the medium. To understand cinema, it is also essential to understand the timeline and milestones since the inception of Cinema till the day. Originally Answered: what is film appreciation?

What is film appreciation 101?

'Film Appreciation 101' is intended as a journey through the world of film. It is a sampling of the thought and accumulated critical opinion that forms the basis of the modern stature of 100 years of film-making--as art or culturally important dramatic work.

How to appreciate a film?

For appreciating a film, you need to understand the history of filmmaking, how the films were made in the past, and how they are being made, and what progress can be achieved in the future cinema. You must be able to understand what the director had in his mind while he made the film, To what extent could he be just with the film, What

Why take a film-industry course?

This course may be useful for professionals who need to be informed and conversant about the film-industry; for the layman who wants to know as much as he/she can about the world of film for personal enjoyment; or for the student, hoping to become familiar with the 'lay-of-the-land' for film-criticism. Lessons include discussions on the following:

Course Description

'Film Appreciation 101' is intended as a journey through the world of film. It is a sampling of the thought and accumulated critical opinion that forms the basis of the modern stature of 100 years of film-making--as art or culturally important dramatic work.

Course Lessons

This lesson asks the question, "Why do we enjoy watching movies?" Additional lesson topics: Film and Popular Culture; Why do we watch movies? Video 41 Total Points

Student Testimonials

"I loved this course! It was so helpful learning the different movie styles and going through classics in the 90's and before! I can't think of anything that needs to be added to this course. Overall 100%!!" -- Joyell L.

What is film appreciation?

FILM APPRECIATION is a participatory lecture format, which means we will have active in-class discussions with contributions by everyone! A combination of tasks designed to explore various aspects of film include: storyboarding, in class group activities, creative work, role-playing, facilitated discussion, and writing exercises. You are expected to think critically and creatively, contribute to the design of an online product, lead and contribute to discussions, and to work toward the creation of a end-of-class project film mashup project which demonstrates your learning.

How to become an active viewer of cinema?

To become an active viewer of cinema, developing one’s own informed perspective through personal engagement with films using analytical tools and techniques. Understand the way that content, form, and contexts work together to create meaning in film.

What is the opportunity for students to examine and question pertinent data and assumptions of a given discipline?

Opportunity for students to examine and question pertinent data and assumptions of a given discipline, guided by the evidence of scholarly research, is appropriate in a learning environment . This concept is accompanied by an equally demanding concept of responsibility on the part of the student.

What does "I" mean in college?

An instructor may award a grade of “I” (Incomplete) if a student was unable to complete all of the objectives for the passing grade in a course. An incomplete grade cannot be carried beyond the established date in the following semester. The completion date is determined by the instructor but may not be later than the final deadline for withdrawal in the subsequent semester.

What is a storyboard assignment?

For several assignments you will design original storyboards of a short scenes using parameters set up in class. Each storyboard will demonstrate key filmic strategies or techniques studied in class like camera angles, movement, or lighting. This exercise is designed for you to apply what you’re learning in a challenging and fun way.

What is film appreciation?

Film appreciation is the technique positively to motivates making of the movie, elaborate making of movie and what were struggling handled in the film, after seen the movie, how this product adopted by the audience explain those things. To appreciate every aspects of film especially script, dialogue, screenplay, music, cinematography and direction.

What does it mean to appreciate every aspect of a film?

To appreciate every aspects of film especially script, dialogue, screenplay, music, cinematography and direction. Positively to appreciate every aspect of film in detail. It gives to promote to audience in the positive way, it given energetic strength to the film crew. Originally Answered: what is film appreciation?

How many screenwriters did Kurosawa work with?

Kurosawa, for instance, worked very hard on the film’s script. He often collaborated with a group of five screenwriters, all of them would gather around a table, and work on exactly the same pages of the script, and Kurosawa would choose the best-written version from the different drafts of each particular scene.

How do critics see filmmaking?

Critics see film making in three discrete steps. First being screenplay when the script and its flow is decided. The next step is cinematography, where the film is actually shot, with actors being the medium. The third step is editing, where the film is made presentable to the audience.

Is film appreciation a critical study?

It will. Film appreciation, is a part of cinema studies. Understanding the historical, social, and political and philosophical context of films, their genre and their principle creatives is part of a broad field known as critical studies. Think of it as art appreciation for cinema.

And why we took 12 hours to 'appreciate' a 7.5 minute short film

There is a point in you reading this post only when you can spare at least 10 minutes, 7.5 to watch a short film first and the rest to read what I've written under it.

Sequence: United States of America

At the 3:09 mark, an entire sequence about the US begins. Remember that Directors Charles & Ray Eames were American themselves.

Sequence: A female orgasm

Starting exactly at 4:44, a top shaped like a woman comes to life when an instrument is put through her, exactly under her skirt. As sensuous, calming music plays in the background, the makers symbolize sex, the female orgasm (most men may ask what that is but I digress) and out of her consequent ecstasy, she dances!

Sequence: Hypnosis

Starting 4:05, with hypnotic music in the background, the Eames’ choose a top angle for their camera and tops with often circular patterns that make them appear hypnotic, psychedelic, almost making us sleepy.

Sequence: God

At the 6:25 mark, for the first time, the camera makes a radical movement which hasn’t been made in this film otherwise. A blurred top approaches the camera slowly at eye-level, then comes into focus and then suddenly the camera jumps to the top angle without a cut.

Evolution of technology

Notice how the tops and the objects which aren’t tops but have been spun like tops are shown as gradually evolving in terms of technology all through the film.

Different countries

Through a combination of the tops, the people spinning the tops, the props in the background and the music that plays, the Eames’ have showcased multiple regions across the planet.

What do you mean by Film Appreciation?

In order appreciate something there’s always a need to be an understanding and this is what film appreciation is all about. It helps you in providing a basic understanding and also its key dynamics of what a film is made up of i.e. art, technology and industry. The very next stage of the process essentially reflects the film in order appreciate it.

More Details about the Film Appreciation Course

This course is generally designed for the scholars and teachers and is generally intended at the growth of one’s knowledge in order to study film and building up of cinema as one medium for art and communication at the same time.

Importance of Film Appreciation

Do you know the fact that the analysis of the film enables each and every viewer in order to appreciate the work as form of art? It basically explains and describes all the working parts and basically encouraging a complete understanding as a whole.
