what is expected of a biology course by students

by Dr. Bernita Wilderman 6 min read

After taking this course, students must be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the essential content of the discipline
  • Discuss and demonstrate how scientists solve problems in the discipline
  • Evaluate the validity of scientific arguments
  • Apply knowledge to scientific problems
  • Ask a question and develop a testable hypothesis
  • Plan and investigate to test a hypothesis
  • Analyze data and apply scientific ideas to evaluate the strength of a hypothesis
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Common Coursework Biology Majors Can Expect
Students in this major take several foundational biology and chemistry courses. These may include ecology and evolution, genetics, biostatistics, cell structure and function, biochemistry and molecular biology, human anatomy and physiology, and marine biology.
Jul 16, 2019

Full Answer

What can I expect from a biology course?

In biology, students study a variety of life processes and learn how different organisms meet the challenges of living in their environment. Students learn to use laboratory equipment and materials to collect data and then use a variety of data analysis skills to interpret the data.

What do students study in biology?

FROM STUDY TO SKILLS Biologists study life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy. Subfields range widely from biochemistry and molecular biology to physiology and ecology.

Why should I take a biology course?

A biology major gives you an in-depth understanding of the natural world. It also helps you learn how to conduct research, problem solve, organize, and think critically. You'll find that graduating with a biology degree opens the door to many exciting job opportunities.

What are the most important things you learn in biology?

In general, biologists study the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution of living organisms.” Biology is one of the big subjects that form the building blocks of everything we understand when it comes to natural science, along with chemistry and physics.

What every biology student should know?

Here's what you should know....15 Basic human biology factsThe human body has 12 systems. ... There are four blood groups: A, B, AB, and O. ... Our DNA is stored in 23 pairs of chromosomes within the nucleus of every cell in our body. ... Our immune system fights off infection mostly through the use of antibodies and microphages.More items...

What are 3 benefits of studying biology?

First and foremost, the science of biology is mainly studying about life. Second, it provides an in-depth, scientific understanding of how all living and nonliving organisms interact with each other. Third, it gives insights into how diverse life forms are.

What made you choose this course?

Include information about your skills and natural talents in your answer. Consider mentioning how your skills align with the subject matter. Focus on your unique strengths that could contribute to your success in the course. Discuss the skills you hope to further develop through the course.

Why we study biology give 5 reasons?

10 Reasons To Study Biology With A TutorHands-on learning.Discover the latest research methods.Use the principles and apply them to anything.Excellent career options.Learn basic concepts of living.Learn about the human body and how it thrives.Explore food chains within ecosystems.Understand the environment better.More items...•

What are the 4 types of biology?

There are four primary categories: botany, human biology, microbiology and zoology.

Is biology hard in college?

Broadly speaking, biology is a comparatively simple science major to get into without a huge amount of training or expertise in the subject. One advantage students and professors will point out is that there is less complex mathematics to do in biology compared to your average science class in another subject.

Is biology class 11 hard?

Many students opt for Biology thinking it is an easy and interesting subject. But after seeing the vast syllabus of class 11, they tend to realize that it requires some hard work to get good marks in this subject. Syllabus of Class 11 Biology is completely different from that of class 10.

What do you learn in biology 9th grade?

This course is laboratory-based science class in which students will study the cell, the molecular basis of heredity, biological evolution, interdependence of organisms, matter and energy, and organization in living systems and the behavior of organisms.

What do you learn in biology?

All biology majors should be able to understand and communicate the major concepts and investigational methods that currently define biology and that they should learn basic laboratory and field techniques used in the various biological subdisciplines. After completing the four required core courses, students should be able to demonstrate their understanding of the central theories and methods in molecular biology, cell biology, genetics, physiology, ecology, phylogenetics, and evolution, and use the vocabulary that embodies this knowledge. Through the laboratory component of the core courses, students should learn to articulate a testable hypothesis and design an effective investigative approach; collect, organize and analyze data using appropriate quantitative tools including statistical and graphical methods; and effectively communicate their ideas orally and in writing using customary scientific formats and styles.

What should all Macalester students know about biology?

We expect that by graduation, all Macalester Biology students should understand that science is a continual and dynamic process of investigation. All students should appreciate that biological knowledge progresses via the support and rejection of competing hypotheses by the scientific community. Students should understand that these decisions are based on empirical evidence and logical arguments developed through inductive and deductive reasoning. To this end, all our students should become familiar with the historical development of some of the major concepts in biology. In addition, all our students should be able to develop scientifically informed positions on some of the social issues related to the biological topics they have studied.

Why is it important to take a bio class?

That’s because of your professors who prep in-depth courses that teach you biological insights and applications. In other words, high-level work needs high-level thinking from all sides.

What is the class called that combines biology and math to determine the likelihood of certain outcomes?

FUN FACT: There’s an interesting class called” biostatistics” that combines biology and math to determine the likelihood of certain outcomes.

Is it normal to graduate without having questions answered?

Many students have questions about their education and that’s perfectly normal. What’s not normal is graduating without ever having those questions answered. Prepare yourself for a successful career in science when you know exactly what to expect.

Is there a lot of book work in class?

FUN FACT: Although there’s a lot of book work, much of what you do in class is interactive and hands-on.

Is it easier to pass biology in college?

FUN FACT: If you study hard and use resources like study groups and tutors, then passing biology in college becomes much easier.

What do you study in biology?

You’ll take math, science, chemistry and biology courses. A biology major studies the science behind living organisms. This includes the origin and history of animal and plant life, and their characteristics, function, processes and habits. Biology majors develop the fundamentals needed to pursue a career or graduate-level work in ...

What Is a Biology Major?

A biology major studies the role of living organisms, their function and characteristics. In this major, students use an integrative approach, blending time in the classroom with time in a research laboratory. Students will work both independently and collaboratively in the lab and on research projects, where they’ll be expected to conduct studies, analyze the results and present their findings. Students in this major will gain a solid foundation in biology that prepares them for a variety of graduate-level programs or careers in the health and environmental fields.

What is the introduction to biology?

Introductory-level classes prepare students for advanced coursework in biology, particularly for those who choose a concentration. Many opt to narrow their studies to a particular field in biology, such as bioinformatics, biotechnology, molecular biology or microbiology. Advanced coursework varies by concentration.

Why do people study biology in medical school?

Many students who seek a career in medicine study biology because it’s the basis for several medical principles they’ll explore in medical school.

What classes do you need to take to become a marine biologist?

Students in this major take several foundational biology and chemistry courses. These may include ecology and evolution, genetics, biostatistics, cell structure and function, biochemistry and molecular biology, human anatomy and physiology, and marine biology. Students are also required to take additional math and science courses, like biophysics and calculus. Beyond basic coursework, programs require a laboratory and research component. Some students also participate in study abroad programs or internships.

What are the major biological concepts?

Major biological concepts for student focus include homeostasis, energy transfer and use, the relationship between structure and function, and change over time. Additionally, students’ experience in biology supports their developing environmental literacy.

What are the practices of science?

Scientists engage in a variety of practices such as asking questions, planning and carrying out investigations, and engaging in argument from evidence. It is through these scientific and engineering practices that scientific knowledge among scientists is built. Importantly, it is through participation in these science practices that students in all grade levels build a deeper understanding of science content.

How can science literacy be achieved?

Science literacy is achieved by helping students make sense of their world. In biology, students study a variety of life processes and learn how different organisms meet the challenges of living in their environment. Students learn to use laboratory equipment and materials to collect data and then use a variety of data analysis skills ...

What are the measures of course content and skills?

Course content and skills are assessed through a wide range of evaluative measures including tests with objective and written responses, laboratory reports, simulations, research projects, class presentations and home assignments.

Why is science literacy important?

Science literacy is vital for all citizens as science connects to virtually every aspect of our modern lives. From making decisions on personal matters to engaging confidently in global policy discussions, our understanding of scientific knowledge and where that knowledge originates is fundamental. Research on student learning in science continues ...

Where did the DNA sequences come from?

DNA sequences were obtained from it and from several other species of bacteria. The DNA sequences came from the same part of the bacterial chromosome of each species.

What is the introductory course in biology?

This introductory course defines biology and its relationship to other sciences. We examine the overarching theories of life from biological research and also explore the fundamental concepts and principles of the study of living organisms and their interaction with the environment. We will examine how life is organized into hierarchical levels; how living organisms use and produce energy; how life grows, develops, and reproduces; how life responds to the environment to maintain internal stability; and how life evolves and adapts to the environment.

What are the four major classes of biomolecules?

Identify the four major classes of biomolecules (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids ) based on their properties, structure, and functions.

What are the domains of organisms?

Based on cellular characteristics and other clues, classify organisms into Domains (Bacteria, Archaea, Eukaryota) and identify major eukaryote groups (protists, plants, fungi, animals).

How many levels of protein structure are there?

Describe and distinguish among the four levels of protein structure.

Why is it important to learn biology online?

Learning biology online can give you structure and motivation to complete studies with the support of a community and real-life professors.

What biology course do I need to take to complete the University of Phoenix?

To complete the series, they must also take General Biology II – BIO/351.

What is a straighter line biology course?

This StraighterLine’s biology course is the low-cost way to take credits and provides biology college-level working knowledge in a self-paced and entirely online structure.

What is the lab course?

The laboratory course has the same emphasis. It covers cell structure and function, biochemistry, genetics and heredity, and biotechnology.

What is the Hopkins introduction to cancer?

Hopkins’s Introduction to the Biology of Cancer introduces the molecular biology of cancer and its biological hallmarks.

Why did Harvard design this biology course?

Harvard designed this biology course to explore the fundamentals of cell biology.

What is the primary goal of the cell course?

The course’s primary goal is to understand, from a human-centered perspective, that cells are evolving ensembles of macromolecules that turn form complex communities in tissues, organs, and multicellular organisms.


What’s College Biology All About?

Taking a college-level bio class is pretty serious. It’s especially important when you’re working toward a degree. That’s because of your professors who prep in-depth courses that teach you biological insights and applications. In other words, high-level work needs high-level thinking from all sides. FUN FACT: Although ther…
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Who Can Take The Class?

  • As interesting as bio courses are, you can’t just walk into a college and sign up for a major. In fact, you have to take and pass several basic classes just to qualify. Be sure to ask your admissions counselor for more information on the prerequisites. Meanwhile, mandatory classes usually include the following: 1. Genetics 2. Biochemistry 3. Molecular biology 4. Ecology 5. Zoology 6. E…
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Is College Biology Easy Or Hard to Pass?

  • Your final grades depend on how well you understood the class material. However, certain courses are harder than others and biology is one of them.Not only are the lessons more in-depth than they are in high school but they’re also faster-paced and more challenging to the mind. Furthermore,the college you attend will play a role in how difficult the coursework is.That’s beca…
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Will I Need A Tutor?

  • You may or may not need a tutor in college for biology. It all depends on how hard you work and how well you understand the information. Still, hiring a study buddy isn’t a bad idea. In fact, many schools offer free tutoring services to students enrolled full-time. If you get help with your homework, make sure they’ve got a background in biology or related sciences. Ask to see crede…
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The Takeaway

  • Many students have questions about their education and that’s perfectly normal. What’s not normal is graduating without ever having those questions answered. Prepare yourself for a successful career in science when you know exactly what to expect.
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Practices of Science and Engineering

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Sample Selected Responses

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Sample Technical Passage with Selected Response

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