how to create a training course for your blog

by Russel Veum 9 min read

Create online training courses in 2022.

  • Step 1: Figure out why you’re doing it. Before developing your course you should have a vision and mission as to why you are doing it. Just because it ...
  • Step 2: Evaluate your target audience.
  • Step 3: Content creation.
  • Step 4: Establish your goal.
  • Step 5: Jot down the design strategy.

Full Answer

What will you learn in a blogging course?

In the first part of this blogging course, you’ll learn how to understand your audience and what you have to offer. In the second part of the content, you’ll learn more about what great content looks like, and learn how you can apply what you learn to your own content in the future. 14. Intentional Blogging (Course Here)

How to create an online course for beginners?

How to Create an Online Course and Share Your Expertise. 1 01. Choose the right subject matter. The topic you choose is entirely in your hands, and can be pretty much anything - from baking tips to website ... 2 02. Test your idea. 3 03. Research the topic extensively. 4 04. Write a course outline. 5 05. Create the course content. More items

How do I start a blog?

First, we begin with setting up your blog, including how to name your blog, smart ways to pick a niche to blog about, buying an affordable domain with Bluehost or another monthly web hosting company, setting up and optimizing WordPress, and installing all the crucial plugins I personally use.

What do I get with built to blog?

When you join Built to Blog, you’ll also get access to free templates (like my blog post outline as one example) that you can take right now and use on your blog today.

How do I create a course blog?

How to Start a Course Blog (In 7 Simple Steps)Step 1: Decide the Purpose of Your Course Blog. ... Step 2: Choose a Blogging Platform and Create Your Website. ... Step 3: Configure Your Privacy and User Settings. ... Step 4: Customize the Design and Appearance of Your Course Blog. ... Step 5: Personalize Your Blog's Pages.More items...•

How do you create a training course?

How to Create Online Training Courses in 5 Incredibly Easy StepsStep 1: Define Your Online Training Goals and Learner Persona. ... Step 2: Create an Outline for Your Online Training. ... Step 3: Build the Content for the Online Training Courses. ... Step 4: Engage Your Learners. ... Step 5: Measure Meaningful Engagement Metrics.

How do you create an online training program?

Here's what you need to do to create an effective online training programGather Your Info. Ask the right questions. This is how you'll figure out what skills you need to teach. ... Create Your Presentation. Choose an authoring tool. ... Arrange Practice Runs. Enlist beta testers. ... Implement Your Online Training Program.

How do I sell courses on my blog?

Sell your online course with blogEstablish yourself as an authority. Blogs are one of the top ways to establish yourself as an authority on any given subject. ... Build SEO. ... Helps build a community. ... Create landing pages. ... Create shareability. ... Offer extra monetization. ... Serve as a creative outlet.

What are the 6 steps in developing a training program?

Six Steps to an Effective Training ProgramStep 1: Define Your Training. ... Step 2: Prepare Your Training. ... Step 3: Practice Your Training. ... Step 4: Deliver Your Training. ... Step 5: Confirm Your Training. ... Step 6: Audit Trainee Performance.

How do I create a free e-learning course?

0:424:53How to create an Online Course - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipYou'll also need an e-learning toolkit. So that you can create interactive courses with quizzes.MoreYou'll also need an e-learning toolkit. So that you can create interactive courses with quizzes. Videos and dialogue simulations a great example of such a tool kit is iSpring suite.

Are online courses profitable?

Are Online Courses Profitable? Yes, they are. Online courses offer one of the best business models to digital entrepreneurs. The demand is rising and people are more than willing to pay for them, and they are one of the top ways to make money online.

How do you sell a training program?

How To Sell Training Courses To CompaniesIdentify your target market. ... Ensure you know how you're able to help a company. ... Offer taster sessions for your courses. ... Market your training courses in the right ways. ... Don't forget about repeat business. ... Attend the best networking events. ... Running a successful training business.

How do I create a PDF course?

Go to Manage Learning Content.Select Courses.Click on a specific course in the Course Overview.You will now be in the Course Curriculum area of the Course Builder.On the left-hand side, click Add Lesson.Select PDF.Name the Lesson Title as desired.More items...

What is a storyboard in a course?

A storyboard is a rough, visual outline that helps map out how text, pictures, and other elements will look on a page, or in this case, your entire course. It will allow you and your team to see the overall learning pathway without the gritty details, and make changes needed before writing the specific content for each piece. Once you are done with the course design, submit for approval, and you are well on your way to creating the course.

What is the best way to ask for feedback from students?

Asking for feedback from your students is a great way to engage with your current audience, ensuring that they are getting the most out of online learning. After course completion, Take their feedback and use it to tweak the course and content accordingly.

What should the topic of an online course be?

The topic for your online course should be either a subject that you’re already knowledgeable about or are willing to invest in learning thoroughly. Either way, you need to be passionate about the subject.

How to teach a lesson?

Go in a logical order and try to make your ideas evolve naturally from one to the other , to ensure a smooth and frictionless learning process. Remember that teaching is about guiding your audience through an idea, step by step. To make this clear in your course outline, define an objective for each of your lessons.

What does competition mean in a course?

Having competition means that people find the topic relevant and helpful for them. It’s also a good idea to create content that can comfortably fit into an existing, tried-and-tested space. Once you have a clear target audience in mind, you are best equipped for later creating and marketing the course.

Why is online education important?

Therefore, fostering a community of learners around your course will greatly improve their experience, contributing to the overall success of your course. An active online community can help users share their learning process with a group of peers.

Do you need to run a test before starting an online course?

Creating an online course requires a lot of hard work and effort on your part, so running a test before you begin will allow you to validate this online business idea as one that will pay itself off down the line.

Can you rent a lesson on a video by video basis?

Individual lessons for rent or purchase: Allow users to rent or purchase your online course on a video-by-video basis. When purchasing a video, users will enjoy unlimited streaming of the lesson they’ve purchased, so that they can go back and rewatch the content at all times.

Step 1: Define your target learners

When we ask about target learners of an online course, almost all training departments have a common answer. The course targets that anyone who is interested in the topic or needs to gain the skill. It’s right, yet not enough.

Step 2: Systematize and break training materials into modules

Now, you know the learners and what they want to achieve through the course. It’s time to get back to the rough training materials available. Review all of them again to make sure that the knowledge meets their needs and matches their level.

Step 3: Complete each module with proper content format

After organizing the content modules in the outline, you can work on appropriate content formats for each module. This is an important step, and the most difficult, in creating online training modules online because it determines the training effectiveness.

Step 4: Revise and run pilot programs on test audience

Once you complete the first version of the training material, forward it to Subject Matter Experts and Stakeholders for feedback. Try to keep away from an endless feedback loop by finishing this stage in a maximum of three revised versions.

Step 5: Launch the final version, update, and improve

Now you’re ready with the final version of the online training course. It’s time to upload them to an online platform or learning management system, launching the training to your audience.

To sum up

We hope that you have a good grasp of how to create online training modules through our step-by-step guide. Training development is never a one-and-done process. In case you struggle with optimizing for effective training modules, feel free to call F.Learning for a free consultation .

How To Create E-Learning Courses: A Q&A

To understand what customized online learning is, let's break it down into two parts.

Breaking Down The Process of Creating Custom Online Training

Let's say you have a clear idea of the general parameters for a course you want to create and are confident in your team's ability to bring it to life. These would be your next steps to actually do so:

5 Tips for Creating Customized Training Content for Learners

Let's be honest — whether you decide to create content internally or work with an e-learning content development partner, creating a custom online training course is a massive undertaking.

Wrapping Up: Working with Artisan E-Learning to Develop Custom Online Training

At Artisan E-Learning, we can help you bring your custom online training courses to life. We offer a variety of services, including custom e-learning development, translation and localization of courses, and even e-learning template and prototype creation.

1. Tools for building online training courses for employees

Acquiring the appropriate tools goes a long way when developing online courses for employees.

2. Recycle resources for course content

One time saving, yet impactful way to create online training courses is to look at the resources you already have.

3. Link to outside resources

While you make the most of resources internal to your organization, you should also look to assets available externally.

4. Add multimedia to your employee courses

Adding multimedia is a potent way to add substance to your courses. It boosts learner engagement too.

5. Rely on templates

If you’re just starting out or creating multiple courses at once, then there is no need to start building from scratch.

6. Keep the learning goals in mind

The most effective course builders always keep their goal in mind. It gives the course a purpose, streamlines it and sets an obvious target for the learner to reach.

Great online courses for employees is all about taking that first step

No matter what training experience you have or the size of your business, you have to start somewhere! The trick is to take advantage of the resources you already have and discover the new resources that will help you create your training.


What Is A Training Module?

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Types of Training Modules

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How to Design A Training Module Step-By-Step

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