what is distance course

by Nico Lubowitz 9 min read

How long will it take to complete my distance learning course?

A distance learning course is simply an educational course that is delivered remotely, meaning that students can complete some or all of their coursework without having to …

Is distance learning better than classroom learning?

Merriam Webster defines distance learning as, “a method of study where teachers and students do not meet in a classroom but use the Internet, e-mail, mail, etc., to have classes.” Simply put, distance learning is when students are separated from teachers and peers.

What are the pros and cons of distance learning?

Distance learning is a way of educating students online. Lectures and learning materials are sent over the internet. Students work from home, not in a classroom. There are many excellent benefits of distance learning. For one, it proves less expensive to support. For another, distance learning is not limited by geography.

What is the best distance learning school?

Apr 09, 2022 · Distance learning is a course or program completed remotely from the school or university that offers the educational opportunity. E-learning, online learning, and distance education are other terms used for this practice. Distance learning provides flexibility for students with families. Most distance learning now occurs online, which requires that a student simply …

What does distance learning mean?

distance learning, also called distance education, e-learning, and online learning, form of education in which the main elements include physical separation of teachers and students during instruction and the use of various technologies to facilitate student-teacher and student-student communication.

What is the meaning of looking for distance course?

a way of studying in which you do not attend a school, college, or university, but study from where you live, usually being taught and given work to do over the internet: They offer advanced degrees or professional certification through distance learning.6 days ago

What are the 3 types of distance learning?

These types of distance learning include:Video conferencing.Hybrid distance education.Open schedule online courses.Fixed-time online courses.

What is distance learning examples?

Textbooks, email and postal correspondence, virtual libraries, online databases, message boards, CDs and DVDs can all play an important role in the delivery of study material for asynchronous distance learning courses.

What are the benefits of distance learning?

7 advantages of distance learning coursesIt's flexible. ... It can accommodates students with special needs. ... It eliminates the commute and hassle of getting to class. ... It saves time. ... It offers more networking opportunities. ... It allows students to hone their time-management skills. ... It helps students develop their technical skills.Jul 14, 2020

What is distance learning deped?

What is Distance Learning? This refers to a learning delivery modality where learning takes place between the teacher and the learners who are geographically remote from each other during instruction.

How is distance learning done?

Distance learning is an educational process where students receive instruction through online classes, video recordings, video conferencing, or any other audio/visual technology medium. It enables people to receive education without having to be physically present in a classroom.

What is your idea of distance learning?

Distance learning describes any learning that happens without the students being physically present in the lesson. (However, this could also apply to the teacher in certain situations.) Historically, this described correspondence courses in which students would communicate with their schools or teachers by mail.Mar 10, 2020

How do students learn distance learning?

What Is Distance Education? Distance learning does not include any in-person interaction with an instructor or study peers. Students study at home on their own, and the learning is more individual and varies on speed and timeline according to each individual student and their availability.

What's the difference between online learning and distance learning?

With online learning (sometimes called eLearning), students can be together in the classroom with an instructor while working through their digital lessons and assessments. When using distance learning, students work online at home while the teacher assigns work and checks in digitally.Apr 2, 2020

What are the two types of online learning?

They identify just two primary types of e-learning: computer-based e-learning and internet-based e-learning. This method of classification could be seen as more accurate because it differentiates e-learning from online learning, the two of which are often incorrectly used interchangeably.

What is distance learning?

Merriam Webster defines distance learning as, “a method of study where teachers and students do not meet in a classroom but use the Internet, e-mail, mail, etc., to have classes. ”. Simply put, distance learning is when students are separated from teachers and peers. This means that students learn remotely and do not have face-to-face learning ...

What are the different types of distance learning?

Types Of Distance Learning. 1. Online courses. Online courses are usually offered as additional classes in traditional degrees. As long as students have computer and internet access, they can learn and receive instruction at home.

What is the difference between distance learning and online learning?

Online learning can be used as a supplement for teachers in their courses, while distance learning replaces teachers with instruction that is pre-set on the learning platform.

What is hybrid course?

Hybrid courses. Hybrid courses combine traditional classroom settings with online learning at home. This can mean that students learn individually at home and meet up for in-person instructions or lectures at certain intervals during the course.

Why is distance learning important?

Distance learning is extremely important for those who cannot attend programs due to health complications, severe social anxiety, busy work schedules or parenting demands, or any other situations which make it necessary to be confined to the home.

What is correspondence course?

Correspondence courses consist of students engaging in class material via mail or email. Students receive material and assignments through mail, and they send completed assignments back through the same method.

Is distance learning the right kind of education?

The distance learning definition may seem confusing at first, but it’s quite simple, and it may even be the right kind of education for you. Let’s learn more about distance education, how it’s different from online learning, and if it’s the ideal fit for you.

What is distance learning?

Distance learning is a way of educating students online. Lectures and learning materials are sent over the internet. Students work from home, not in a classroom. There are many excellent benefits of distance learning. For one, it proves less expensive to support. For another, distance learning is not limited by geography.

What is asynchronous distance learning?

Asynchronous distance learning comes with more opportunities for student interaction. Students can access course content beyond the scheduled meeting or class time and interact through online conversations, quizzes, or video comments on their own schedule.

Why is self-paced learning important?

Self-paced learning accommodates various learning needs and preferences and enhances student success. Students can refer then back to the content to study for exams, have discussions, and consult the content beyond.

What is synchronous education?

Synchronous means “at the same time.” It refers to a method of education delivery that happens in real-time. It requires live communication online. It uses technology, such as teleconferencing, to achieve this.

What is video conferencing?

Video conferencing is traditionally a meeting where two or more participants use video to connect over the internet. This is a form of synchronous communication. Using tools like Zoom, Blackboard Collaborate, Adobe Connect, or other conferencing software, teachers and students interact together no matter where they are located.

What can you do for your students?

The best thing you can do for your students is to participate and support them in the learning process, even from a distance. Stay active in discussion boards, ask questions, and comment on individual posts by students.

Why is video important in distance learning?

This is largely because of video and technology. Video helps make distance learning feel personable and helps keep students engaged. Not only are students more successful, but they prefer remote learning. 77% of academic leaders rate online education as equal or superior. And 69% of chief academic officers agree.

What is distance learning?

Distance learning is a course or program completed remotely from the school or university that offers the educational opportunity. E-learning, online learning, and distance education are other terms used for this practice. Distance learning provides flexibility for students with families. Most distance learning now occurs online, ...

What do I need to do distance education?

In addition to a computer and Internet access, a person enrolled in a distance education program might need computer software, such as an anti-virus, word processing, and spreadsheet programs. Each individual program can provide the specific technology requirements for its courses.

What is video conferencing in homeschooling?

Video conferencing allows students to communicate with distance learning teachers in real-time. Some homeschool programs offer distance learning for elementary school students, although this does not offer the social interaction needed to prevent isolation and depression in this age group.

What are the organizations that provide information and references for different programs?

Several organizations provide information and references for different programs, including the U.S. Distance Learning Association, the International Centre for Distance Learning, and the Distance Education Clearinghouse at the University of Wisconsin.

What are the disadvantages of homeschooling?

One disadvantage is the lack of social interaction.

When choosing a distance education program, should students evaluate the course content and the institution's accreditation?

When choosing a distance education program, students should evaluate the course content and the institution's accreditation. They might also want to consider costs, course methods, and the amount of student-teacher communication. Most online courses incorporate email and online discussion opportunities.

Why is video conferencing important?

Video conferencing allows students to communicate with distance learning teachers in real-time. Distance learning is attractive for several reasons, including convenience, flexibility, and pace. It is convenient because students can study when and where they want. For those who work or have families, the flexibility to schedule classes ...

What is distance education?

Distance education, also called distance learning, is the education of students who may not always be physically present at a school. Traditionally, this usually involved correspondence courses wherein the student corresponded with the school via mail. Today, it usually involves online education. A distance learning program can be completely ...

Who created the first distance education course?

The first distance education course in the modern sense was provided by Sir Isaac Pitman in the 1840s, who taught a system of shorthand by mailing texts transcribed into shorthand on postcards and receiving transcriptions from his students in return for correction.

How does distance education affect communication?

With the many tools and programs that technological advancements have to offer, communication appears to increase in distance education amongst students and their professors, as well as students and their classmates.

What is the ICDE?

The organization has since been renamed as the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE), with headquarters in Oslo, Norway.

How does distance learning help?

Distance learning can expand access to education and training for both general populace and businesses since its flexible scheduling structure lessens the effects of the many time-constraints imposed by personal responsibilities and commitments. Devolving some activities off-site alleviates institutional capacity constraints arising from the traditional demand on institutional buildings and infrastructure. Furthermore, there is the potential for increased access to more experts in the field and to other students from diverse geographical, social, cultural, economic, and experiential backgrounds. As the population at large becomes more involved in lifelong learning beyond the normal schooling age, institutions can benefit financially, and adult learning business courses may be particularly lucrative. Distance education programs can act as a catalyst for institutional innovation and are at least as effective as face-to-face learning programs, especially if the instructor is knowledgeable and skilled.

What was the first university to offer distance learning?

The University of London was the first university to offer distance learning degrees, establishing its External Programme in 1858. The background to this innovation lay in the fact that the institution (later known as University College London) was non-denominational, and given the intense religious rivalries at the time, there was an outcry against the "godless" university. The issue soon boiled down to which institutions had degree -granting powers and which institutions did not.

Why is distance education important?

Distance education programs can act as a catalyst for institutional innovation and are at least as effective as face-to-face learning programs, especially if the instructor is knowledgeable and skilled. Distance education can also provide a broader method of communication within the realm of education.

What is distance learning?

Distance learning describes any learning that happens without the students being physically present in the lesson. (However, this could also apply to the teacher in certain situations.) Historically, this described correspondence courses in which students would communicate with their schools or teachers by mail.

What is computer based distance education?

Computer-based distance education is a fixed-time, synchronous lesson on computers, usually a computer lab. This is most common in existing institutions that already have access to the necessary devices. Hybrid learning is a specific type of blended learning where students are learning the same lesson in real-time (i.e.

What is asynchronous learning?

Asynchronous learning is a less connected but also less constrained format. Instead of live online lessons, students are given learning tasks with deadlines. They then self-study to complete the assignments. Open-schedule online courses add yet another layer of flexibility.

What is fixed time online course?

Fixed-time online courses are a type of synchronous course that requires online users to all visit a specific virtual location at a set time and place (e.g. a webinar). Unlike more rigid synchronous lessons, this does allow students from anywhere in the world to connect and interact online.

What is video conferencing?

Video conferencing is a common way for teachers to interact directly with students in live lessons.

What is the credibility of remote learning?

Accreditation. The credibility of a remote learning platform is really a combination of the instructor and the platform itself. For learners, it’s important to note how well recognized that platform’s credentials are.

Is distance learning flexible?

As most distance learning systems are made to be fairly flexible in this regard, the course schedule has a lot to do with its content and not the system. Still, it’s an important factor to consider when choosing a course.

What is distance learning?

Distance learning is the kind of education that is conducted beyond physical space and time and is aided by technology. Online educational tools allow students and instructors to interact synchronously or asynchronously and give endless training opportunities with distance learning courses or hybrid courses.

What are the different types of distance learning?

There are two main types of distance learning: 1 Education programs that are delivered entirely online. In this type, colleges and universities allow students to receive instruction only from home, which will require a computer and an internet connection. 2 Hybrid education programs. This means that learning takes place both in-person and online. In this type of learning, students have to attend campus certain times a month, but they also should be present in the online learning environment. Each hybrid program has a different amount of time required on campus.

What age group is online college?

According to the Best Colleges 2019 online trends Report, here are some distance learning student categories: 18-24-year-olds focused on academic studies. 18-24-year-olds, exploring college academics, social offerings, and a variety of activities.

What is hybrid education?

Hybrid education programs. This means that learning takes place both in-person and online. In this type of learning, students have to attend campus certain times a month, but they also should be present in the online learning environment. Each hybrid program has a different amount of time required on campus.

How does elearning help students with disabilities?

The learning experience is technologically enhanced, and students with disabilities now have endless accessible learning options. Elearning also reduces the costs of training by removing costly transportation, physical location costs and other amenities that traditional education tends to offer.

Why is distance learning important?

This is a huge advantage for people who want to participate remotely in programs they wouldn’t be able to attend otherwise. Distance learning is seamlessly cost and time-saving and therefore allows participants to combine work, family, and studies. Other benefits of distance learning include:

Why do students go online?

And studies show that it does. One more reason for students to go online is that the web has forever changed the way we interact and find information. Online learning is accessible and flexible, and this is what makes it so appealing.




Internet technology has enabled many forms of distance learning through open educational resources and facilities such as e-learning and MOOCs. Although the expansion of the Internet blurs the boundaries, distance education technologies are divided into two modes of delivery: synchronous learning and asynchronous learning.
In synchronous learning, all participants are "present" at the same time in a virtual classroom, as …


One of the earliest attempts was advertised in 1728. This was in the Boston Gazette for "Caleb Philipps, Teacher of the new method of Short Hand", who sought students who wanted to learn through weekly mailed lessons.
The first distance education course in the modern sense was provided by Sir Isaac Pitmanin the 1840s who taught a system of shorthand by mailing texts t…

Paced and self-paced models

Most distance education uses a paced format similar to traditional campus-based models in which learners commence and complete a course at the same time. Some institutions offer self-paced programmes that allow for continuous enrollment, and the length of time to complete the course is set by the learner's time, skill, and commitment levels. Self-paced courses are almost always offered asynchronously. Each delivery method offers advantages and disadvantages for …


Distance learning can expand access to education and training for both general populace and businesses since its flexible scheduling structure lessens the effects of the many time-constraints imposed by personal responsibilities and commitments. Devolving some activities off-site alleviates institutional capacity constraints arising from the traditional demand on institutional buildings and infrastructure. Furthermore, there is the potential for increased access to more ex…


Barriers to effective distance education include obstacles such as domestic distractions and unreliable technology, as well as students' programme costs, adequate contact with teachers and support services, and a need for more experience.
Some students attempt to participate in distance education without proper training with the tools needed to be successful in the programme. Students must be provided with training opportuniti…

Educational technology

The modern use of electronic educational technology (also called e-learning) facilitates distance learning and independent learning by the extensive use of information and communications technology(ICT), replacing traditional content delivery by postal correspondence. Instruction can be synchronous and asynchronous online communication in an interactive learning environment or virtual communities, in lieu of a physical classroom. "The focus is shifted to the education tra…


Online credentials for learning are digital credentials that are offered in place of traditional paper credentials for a skill or educational achievement. Directly linked to the accelerated development of internet communication technologies, the development of digital badges, electronic passports and massive open online courses(MOOCs) have a very direct bearing on our understanding of learning, recognition and levels as they pose a direct challenge to the status quo. It is useful to d…