where to find your course code uf

by Dr. Jonathon Morissette IV 9 min read

Navigate to the desired UF service and login using your GatorLink credentials. When prompted to choose a login authentication method, select Enter a Passcode Open the Duo Mobile app on your enrolled two-factor authentication (2FA) device and tap Show. A six-digit passcode will be displayed: Enter the DUO Mobile generated passcode and click Log In.

Full Answer

How do I find online courses on the UF campus?

Many of the courses offered on UF’s campus have an online component. Oftentimes, a course has a Canvas site where students can participate in discussions, view grades, and take quizzes or exams. In the UF Schedule of Courses, located in ONE.UF, students can find course offerings and determine to what percentage the course is available via the web:

How do I request canvas courses in myufl?

Registrar courses can be requested by faculty members in myUFL by navigating to Main Menu > Student Information System > Online Learning > Canvas Course Request. Support staff needing to request Canvas courses on behalf of faculty will need the UF_SA_CANVAS_CRSE_REQUST_ADMIN security role.

What do the course numbers mean?

Each participating institution controls the title, credit and content of its own courses and recommends the first digit of the course number to indicate the level at which students normally take the course.

How do I use my UF all access code?

Go to bsd.ufl.edu/AllAccess/ or Gator1.ufl.edu. Here, log in with your GatorLink account. Then choose the drop-down for “UF All Access: Get Access Codes for Classes“. Students are shown a list of classes in which they are enrolled in that are participating in UF All Access with the prices included.

What is the good life UF course code?

IDS 1161IDS 1161: What is the Good Life.

How do I request a course at UF?

To add a section to an existing e-Learning course site, you will first need to request a course shell for that section via myUFL by navigating to Main Menu > Student Information System > Online Learning > Canvas Course Request.

What are UF classes?

CoursesAccounting.Advertising.African and Asian | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures.African Studies.African-​American Studies.Agricultural and Biological Engineering.Agricultural and Life Sciences | General.Agricultural Education and Communication.More items...

What is the good life quest course UF?

Course Description Applying multi-‐ disciplinary and cross-‐cultural approaches to explore what is a good life, students consider the cost of the good life, examine how people have chosen to live as members of local and global communities, and analyze conceptions and expressions of beauty, power, love, and health.

Is UF quest required?

The UF Quest Requirement All undergraduate students are required to take Quest courses to complete the general education requirement except if they have an A.A. from a Florida public college/state university or are in the Innovation Academy program.

How do I get a new canvas course?

Request an academic courseLog in to MyCUInfo and use the Canvas - Create a Course tutorial for assistance with course creation.Once created, your course will be blank; however, you can copy course content into a new course.

How do you combine sections in canvas UF?

To combine sections, start by selecting the combine section folder icon, which will bring up a screen showing all available sections that can be combined. Click the desired sections you want to combine.

Is UF a party school?

Princeton Review has placed the University of Florida at number 16 on their list of "party schools" in the United States. The new ranking is two spots higher than last year and two spots higher than Florida State University, which was ranked at number 18.

Is UF hard to get into?

The acceptance rate at University of Florida is 38.8%. For every 100 applicants, 39 are admitted. This means the school is very selective. If you meet University of Florida's requirements for GPA, SAT/ACT scores, and other components of the application, you have a great shot at getting in.

What GPA is required for UF?

The state minimum requirements for Freshmen applicants can be found here; however, UF's standards for admissions are significantly higher than the state minimums. Applicants who are admitted typically have at least (and usually higher than) a 3.7 High School GPA.

What is a course prefix?

The course prefix is a three-letter designator for a major division of an academic discipline, subject matter area, or subcategory of knowledge. The prefix is not intended to identify the department in which a course is offered. Rather, the content of a course determines the assigned prefix used to identify the course.

What is equivalent course?

Equivalent courses at different institutions are identified by the same prefixes and same last three digits of the course number and are guaranteed to be transferable among the participating institutions that offer the course , with a few exceptions. (Exceptions are listed below.)

What is the program code for research?

Program code 1100 is most commonly used. Research. This category includes all expenses related to activities specifically organized to produce research, whether commissioned by an agency external to the institution or separately budgeted by an organizational unit within the institution.

What is program code?

The Program Code is a four-digit value that identifies the functional nature of an expense. The mission categories (Program Codes) correspond to the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) classification such as instruction, research, clinical, service, institutional support, and so on.

How many functional classifications are there in a program?

Functional Classifications of Program Codes. There are ten major functional classifications of program codes. The functional classifications are grouping expenses according to the purpose for which the expenses are incurred.

What is the program code for public service?

Program code 2200 is most commonly used. Public Service. This category includes expenses for activities established primarily to provide non-instructional services beneficial to individuals and groups external to the institution, such as community service programs and cooperative extension services.

What is the program code for auxiliary enterprises?

Program code 5200 is most commonly used. This category includes all expenses relating to the operation of auxiliary enterprises. Auxiliary enterprises are those that are managed to operate as a self-supporting activity, such as residence halls, food services, intercollegiate athletics, college stores, and parking.

How many majors are there in UF online?

UF Online courses are specifically for undergraduate students enrolled in the 24 majors of UF Online or the approximately 60 majors of UF PaCE. UF Online provides an accessible, flexible education for those looking to pursue a fully online degree program.

Is flexible learning required at University of Florida?

Flexible Learning courses are online, open-enrollment credit courses available to anyone. Admission to the University of Florida is not a requirement. Students receive an official UF transcript when they successfully complete their coursework.

Can I get a bachelor's degree online at UF?

There are a variety of ways to pursue a UF degree online, ranging from web courses for residential students to fully online bachelor's degrees in 24 majors offered by UF Online. UF’s Distance Learning also offers masters, doctoral and certificate programs online.

What is a Passcode

A passcode is a 6-digit code generated by the DUO multi-factor authentication system for use as an alternate method of login verification.

Why and When to Use Passcodes

In the absence of internet connectivity, the ability to generate passcodes at-will or in advance ensures one's ability to complete multi-factor authentication (2FA) login.

How to Generate Passcodes

During times in which internet access is limited or unavailable, a temporary, one-time use passcode can be generated by the DUO Mobile app in order to complete login authentication. Instructions to do so are as follows::


A Fund code is a value that identifies the source and intended purpose of monies and how they should be spent. Monies come to the University from a variety of sources and are “deposited” into Funds, which are identified by the different Fund codes, depending on the source and how the resources can be used.

Fund Groups

The list of Fund Groups and Definitions provides detailed information about the basic groups below:

Current Funds (1XX)

Current Funds include the economic resources of the University that are expendable for operating purposes in performing the primary objectives of the university:

Research Funds (2XX)

Research funds consist of economic resources that are restricted to the purpose of research. These funds include activities to produce research, whether commissioned by an agency or separately budgeted by a unit within the University.

Loan Funds (3XX)

Loan funds consist of loans to students and the resources available for such purposes. The terms of the loan agreements normally specify that the monies operate on a revolving basis, i.e. repayments of principal and interest loans to other individuals

Capital Projects Funds (5XX and 6XX)

Capital Projects Funds are used to account for the unexpended resources that come from various sources to finance the acquisition, construction, or renewal and replacement of long-lasting plant assets and the associated liabilities.

Capital Interest and Sinking Funds (7XX)

This fund group is used to account for the accumulation of resources for interest and principal payments and other debt service charges related to plant fund indebtedness.
