what is digital literacy course

by Mrs. Marie Barrows DDS 10 min read

5 Day Training in Digital Literacy

  • Digital Literacy is an important skill in any business today; therefore the course is designed to meet the needs of participants in all sectors.
  • The course aims to develop informed and skilled participants that can apply the acquired skills in any industry.
  • The acquired skills contribute to improved productivity and efficiency in the workplace.

Digital literacy is about using technology to find, use and share information. It's also about understanding the importance of privacy, security and assessing the credibility of information. This course explores skills, trends and issues in digital literacy.

Full Answer

Why do we need to teach digital literacy?

Digital literacy is the ability to navigate our digital world using reading, writing, technical skills, and critical thinking. It’s using technology—like a smartphone, PC, e-reader, and more—to find, evaluate, and communicate information. With Microsoft Digital Literacy classes, you can gain skills needed to effectively explore the Internet.

How do you teach digital literacy?

What is digital literacy course? Digital literacy is about using technology to find, use and share information. It's also about understanding the importance of privacy, security and assessing the credibility of information. This course explores skills, trends and issues in digital literacy. Click to see full answer.

How to increase our digital literacy literacy?

Digital literacy is the ability to navigate our digital world using reading, writing, technical skills, and critical thinking. It’s using technology—like a smartphone, PC, e-reader, and more—to find, evaluate, and communicate information. With Microsoft Digital Literacy classes, you can gain skills needed to effectively explore the Internet.

What every teacher needs to know about digital literacy?

Digital Literacy is the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills. A Digitally Literate Person: Possesses a variety of skills – technical and cognitive – required to find, understand, evaluate, create, and communicate digital information in a wide variety of formats; …

What do you do in digital literacy?

Digital literacy means having the skills you need to live, learn, and work in a society where communication and access to information is increasingly through digital technologies like internet platforms, social media, and mobile devices.26 Nov 2020

What are some examples of digital literacy?

Examples of Digital LiteracyUnderstanding how to use web browsers, search engines, email, text, wiki, blogs, Photoshop, Powerpoint, video creation/editing software , etc. to showcase learning.Evaluating online resources for accuracy/trustworthiness of information.More items...•1 Oct 2011

What are the 5 skills of digital literacy?

5 Digital literacy skills employers want to seeIndependent research. ... Familiarity with terms and common platforms. ... Collaboration. ... Adapting to new technology. ... Teaching or explaining technologies you use.20 Sept 2021

What are the topics of digital literacy?

Globally, the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) frames its benchmarks for digital literacy around six standards: creativity and innovation; communication and collaboration; research and information fluency; critical thinking, problem solving and decision making; digital citizenship; and ...

Why do teachers need to be digitally literate?

They help learners utilize critical thinking skills to evaluate the quality of digital sources and information, which in turn helps learners communicate better. By teaching digital literacy to learners, they are being prepared to enter adulthood and be successful in their careers.16 Nov 2020

Why is digital literacy important for students?

With digital literacy skills, students can move beyond a process-oriented understanding of technology and apply digital resources creatively in their original work. These skills build upon the traditional concept of literacy and support students in using critical thinking skills.19 Aug 2021

How do I teach my child digital literacy?

Quick Tips to encourage digital literacy in the classroom and at homeTalk about what digital literacy means in your classroom. ... Talk to kids about the digital world and internet safety. ... Talk about cyberbullying. ... Encourage the use of digital products. ... Make lessons digital. ... Set Technology Limitations.

What is digital literacy in 21st century?

Digital literacy is the set of competencies required for full participation in a knowledge society. It includes knowledge, skills, and behaviors involving the effective use of digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop PCs for purposes of communication, expression, collaboration, and advocacy.2 Dec 2017

How do I teach digital citizenship?

5 Creative Ways to Teach Digital CitizenshipKnow what's right from wrong. One of the most basic lessons you can cover around digital citizenship is practicing proper “netiquette” online. ... Understand the consequences. ... Don't talk to strangers. ... Always play fair. ... Choose your friends wisely.15 Aug 2019

What is another name for digital literacy?

He prefers the term “new literacies,” which he said better conveys how rapidly technology is changing. Other experts have used terms like “literacy and technology,” “multiliteracies,” and “21st century literacies.”8 Nov 2016

What are the 4 principles of digital literacy?

4 Principles Of Digital Literacy4 Principles Of Digital Literacy. Comprehension. ... Comprehension. The first principle of digital literacy is simply comprehension–the ability to extract implicit and explicit ideas from a media.Interdependence. ... Social Factors. ... Curation.

What is the difference between cyber literacy and digital literacy?

Cyber literacy (also known as digital literacy) refers to a particular set of skills that help us navigate the digital space, understand the implications of our actions, and protect ourselves from cyber threats.22 Mar 2022

What is Digital Literacy?

The term literacy is a very common one, it simply means the ability to read and write. But when we add the word ‘Digital’ before it, it becomes a dynamic term that includes a lot of aspects and not simply reading and writing.

ROANEnet Digital Literacy Training Programs

ROANEnet will be offering the following Digital Literacy Training programs:

What is digital literacy?

Cornell University defines digital literacy as “the ability to find, evaluate, utilize, share, and create content using information technologies and the Internet.”.

Why is digital literacy important?

Because digital literacy is so important, educators are increasingly required to teach students digital literacy in the classroom. In many ways, this is similar to what educators have always done in teaching students to read and write. In other ways, however, digital literacy is a brand new skill. Most students already use digital technology, such ...

What does it mean to be illiterate?

A person who is illiterate, who cannot read or write, will inevitably struggle to get along in society. It’s impossible to go on to higher education or get a high-paying job without the ability to read and write.

Is digital literacy taught in schools?

The ability to create and share online is considered a part of digital literacy and should be taught in schools. Students should know how digital writing differs from traditional writing—for example, how to include images and links in writing. They should also have an understanding of what kind of audience they’re sharing with online.

What is digital literacy?

Definition. Digital literacy is the ability to navigate various digital platforms and understand, assess and communicate through them. When you read a book on a Kindle, consider the accuracy of a news report linked in your social media newsfeed or create and share a YouTube video, you are displaying digital literacy.

Why is digital literacy important?

Digital literacy is important because we live in a tech-dependent world. Today, you can buy movie tickets from your smartphone, read the news on a mobile tablet or take books with you to the beach on a digital e-reader. We need to become digitally literate to keep up with the changing times.

What is digital literacy?

Not all digital literacy programs are based on classes. Some digital literacy programs offer basic digital skills instruction on a one-on-one, on-demand basis. In community-based organizations, specific drop-in times are identified for one-on-one instructions. In libraries, this sometimes takes the form of library staff being available to respond immediately to patrons who ask for help and scheduling future help for the community member when needed. In some cases, libraries have created special paid or volunteer positions or invited partner organizations into the library to assume this role.

How long is a computer training class?

Depending on the curriculum and other factors, a “basic computer training” course may be as short as four or five hours or as long as 30 or 40.
