what is depart de l'event de course sous peu en in french

by Beulah Reynolds 10 min read

How do you say Of course in French?

Let’s cut to the chase. Bien sûr is how you say of course in French. Translated literally as “very sure”, bien sûr is quite versatile because just like “of course” is used in English bien sûr can be used in all sorts of situations both formal and informal.

What does les travaux devraient commencer sous peu mean?

Les travaux devraient commencer sous peu. Work is due to commence in the near future. La décision est attendue sous peu. A decision is expected in the near future. La production devrait commencer sous peu. Production is expected to start in the near future. Les projets de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador seront annoncés sous peu.

How do you use sous peu in a sentence?

Le livre sera publié sous peu. The book will be published shortly. Le soleil se lèvera sous peu. The sun will rise soon. Le directeur examine ma requête et me contactera sous peu. The manager is reviewing my request and will contact me before long. [...] qui rentre ront sous peu dans leur pays. [...] work assignment and due home shortly. [...]

sous peu

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Mets-le sous la table, en attendant. Put it under the table in the meantime.

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When to use "bien sûr"?

Bien sûr can also be used in response to a statement. It’s a little difficult to describe the type of situations where this is appropriate, but it usually takes on a meaning similar to “ no problem “.

What does "bien sûr" mean?

Let’s cut to the chase. Bien sûr is how you say of course in French. Translated literally as “very sure”, bien sûr is quite versatile because just like “of course” is used in English bien sûr can be used in all sorts of situations both formal and informal.

Can you add que oui to bien sûr?

Although it’s not necessary you can add que oui to bien sûr to add emphasis.

Can you learn bien sûr without difficulty?

At the end of the day my recommendation is to not overthink this one. If you know how to use “of course” in English then you should be able to learn bien sûr without too much difficulty.