The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission is the governmental agency responsible for titling, registering and inspecting automobiles and licensing drivers in the U.S. state of New Jersey. The MVC is composed of eight members, including the Chief Administrator.
When you complete a defensive driving course, the New Jersey MVC will remove two points from your driving record. Keeping your driving record clean can help you avoid costly penalties and keep your insurance rates from rising. Lower your auto insurance premium!-.
The New Jersey Defensive Driving Course is a six-hour online course approved by New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission to remove 2 points from your driving record and qualify for an insurance discount. The course covers traffic laws and techniques for …
Defensive Driving Courses. The defensive driving course is a voluntary course. If you received a notice in the mail from the MVC giving you an option to take a Driver Improvement Program, or a notice to take the Probationary Driver Program, please read above content under Remedial Driver Programs for details.
This course is approved by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission and is provided to you by the American Safety Council. System Requirements The New Jersey Defensive Driving course requires keystroke identity validation, which is compatible only with physical keyboards.
six hoursThe New Jersey Defensive Driving course is a six-hour course and will take you a minimum of six hours to complete.
DriveSafeToday's defensive driving course costs only $19.95. Our NJ MJV-approved course is available in text, audio, and video streaming formats and completion allows you to remove 2 points from your NJ driving record once every 5 years. You can also receive up to a 10% car insurance discount for 3 years.
Lower your auto insurance premium!- Any auto insurance provider in New Jersey is required to offer a discount to any policy holder that completes a defensive driving course. The discount, which is usually between 5% and 10% lasts for three years and can be renewed for continuous savings.
Upon completion of the defensive driving course: Two points may be removed* from the accumulated points you currently have on your license. *IMPORTANT NOTE: Point credits for State-approved, New Jersey defensive driving course curriculum only.
How often can I take the New Jersey Defensive Driving course for point reduction? You can take the course once every five years to reduce two points from your driving record.
The six-hour course is 100% online and approved by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) for point and insurance reduction.
You can check how many points are on your license in New Jersey by going to the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission website. Checking your license points in New Jersey will cost you $15, since you will need to pay for a copy of your driving record.Jul 16, 2021
Thankfully, the New Jersey MVC will remove these points for a couple different reasons: Three points will be removed if you go one full year without receiving a violation or having your license suspended. Two points will be removed if you complete a NJ defensive driving course. This can be done once every five years.
12Your driving privileges will be suspended once you accumulate 12 or more points on your license.
Get a 2 Point Reduction The 2 point reduction defensive driving course can also help reduce your NJ car insurance rate. The NJ mandatory law states upon completion of the 6 hour NJ defensive driving course, drivers are eligible to receive up to 10% reduction on their car insurance for 3 years.
There is no way to remove the points from your licence once they're marked – you'll just have to wait until the points expire (after 4 years), when the DVLA will automatically remove them at the appropriate time.
Expect classroom driver training between $30 and $180. Actual road training runs between $50 and $150 per session. Most driving schools offer an all-inclusive package between $200 and $800. The testing vehicle should have air bags and an adjustable steering column, while being no more than four years old.
If you are thinking about taking a defensive driving course in New Jersey, you may be unsure about a few things. Let’s start with the basics: “What is defensive driving?” According to the New Jersey Driving Manual, “Most road collisions are caused by motorist error.
We all know that safety is very important, but that isn't enough motivation for most people to take defensive driving in New Jersey. Luckily, there are a few other great benefits involved with completion of the program. So, why should you take the course? Three reasons:
While some states have strict Eligibility Requirements when it comes to defensive driving courses, New Jersey is not one of them. In fact, determining your eligibility to take defensive driving in New Jersey is quite simple. If you are taking the course for a point reduction, you may only do so once every five years.
Most people are surprised to discover how easy completing defensive driving in New Jersey can be. Our convenient online course makes the process even simpler by allowing you to complete the entire course from home. There are only three Quick and Easy Steps involved in completing our course:
New Jersey defensive driving courses will teach you everything you need to know to become a better, safer driver. The topics covered, in keeping with the New Jersey MVC guidelines, include:
Now that you’ve learned what defensive driving is, why you should take it, what the requirements are, how it works, and what you will learn, you should be ready and willing to get started.
At Safe2Drive, we put our customers above everything else. We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service and top-notch courses at low prices. We're constantly updating our courses to make sure they have the most up-to-date information and use the best technology available.
We have made every attempt to answer the most commonly asked questions about our New Jersey Defensive Driving course. Please call or email us if your question is not here.
How many points will be removed from my driving record when I take the online New Jersey Defensive Driving course?
Drivers that are issued a driver's license permit for the first time are probationary drivers and will have to serve a two-year probationary period. While in the probationary period, drivers who are convicted of two or more moving violations with a total of four or more points, will receive a Fee Due notice to pay for and enroll in the Probationary Driver Program to correct improper or dangerous driving practices. This program is a four-hour classroom program provided by approved New Jersey-licensed providers throughout the state. Up to three points will be removed from your driving record if you successfully complete the program. A $75 administrative fee payable to the MVC is required prior to scheduling a class with a New Jersey-licensed provider. Drivers will be required to pay an additional training fee to the provider for the classroom instruction.
The defensive driving course is a voluntary course. If you received a notice in the mail from the MVC giving you an option to take a Driver Improvement Program, or a notice to take the Probationary Driver Program, please read above content under Remedial Driver Programs for details.
This course is approved by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission and is provided to you by the American Safety Council.
The New Jersey Defensive Driving course requires keystroke identity validation, which is compatible only with physical keyboards.
Far too many people don’t even know that there are defensive driving courses out there, but this is potentially one of the most important classes you’ll take in your life. That’s because defensive driving can do more than save you money (which we’ll talk about in a moment) but it can also save your life.
If you’ve never really heard of it before, defensive driving is all about being fully aware of your surroundings and making sure that you are being proactive about how you drive instead of reactive to what other people are doing.
There are several different reasons to take a defensive driving course. Let’s take a quick look at each and then dive into them a little more: Save money on your car insurance, Remove points from your driver's license, and Improve your overall safety while driving
The first thing that you can do by taking a New Jersey defensive driving course is save some money on your insurance. That’s because car insurance companies know that someone who is more aware of their surroundings and better prepared on how to act if something goes wrong is less likely to get into an accident.
Finally, you can improve your safety while driving by getting training in defensive driving. We all go to drivers education classes in order to get our license. And while there, you learn about all of the things that you and the other drivers on the road are responsible for doing.
Our New Jersey Defensive Driving Course is a 6 hour, online only course that is approved by the NJ MVC. When you sign up you’ll get immediate access to the full course, including text, audio and streaming formats. Not only that, but it’s available 24/7, so you can work at your own pace.
If you’re interested in taking a defensive driving course you want one that’s going to get you the best possible benefits. That’s where we come in. At Drive Safe Today, we offer a program that’s approved by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission. Plus, we know everything you need because we’re local.