what is course coorrection

by Meda Barrows 9 min read

This term refers to fixing a situation where there is a problem currently. Example: We need to course-correct this project, or we will not reach our goals. Variations: course correct. Related: Course Correction.

Full Answer

What is course correction and how does it work?

Course-correcting means there’s more than one course. It may sound obvious, but the very idea that course correction is possible implies that there’s more than one avenue to your destination. Having to adapt your strategies or plans to ever-changing business conditions doesn’t even necessarily mean you’ve made an error.

Why choose course correct?

But due to information overload, it is easy to get overwhelmed and distracted from one's learning objectives Course Correct helps you separate the signal from the noise by narrowing your course choices that are suited to your learning objectives from the vast ocean of resources out there.

What does course correct mean in project management?

Course-correct Definition: This term refers to fixing a situation where there is a problem currently. Example: We need to course-correct this project, or we will not reach our goals.

Should you course-correct your competition?

That same agility and adaptability will allow you to learn from your competition and react to their moves in the market -- at least you’ll have the opportunity to do so. Miss out on that opportunity and enjoy your slide into obsolescence. Course-correcting means there’s more than one course.

What is meant by course correction?

The alteration of a course to get back on track.

What is another word for course correction?

What is another word for mid-course correction?varianceadjustmenttransformationamendmentreformationreworkingswitchtransitioncorrectionmakeover205 more rows

How do you use correct course?

The aircraft was following a course correction and crashed to the ground.

What is correction and examples?

1. The definition of a correction is a change that fixes a mistake, or a punishment to correct a fault. An example of a correction is changing the answer of 2 + 2 from 5 to 4. An example of a correction is sending someone to jail for stealing. noun.

What is mid course?

Definition of midcourse : being or occurring in the middle part of a course (as of a spacecraft) a midcourse correction.

Is that correct synonym?

Correct Synonyms - WordHippo Thesaurus....What is another word for correct?rightaccurateprecisetrueexactveraciousfaultlessflawlessstrictcertain219 more rows

What is course content?

Any informational material that is required for participation or understanding content such as assigned readings, video recordings, exams, and any other material needed for learning.

Is it course or coarse?

“Coarse” is always an adjective meaning “rough, crude.” Unfortunately, this spelling is often mistakenly used for a quite different word, “course,” which can be either a verb or a noun (with several different meanings). BUY THE BOOK!

What are the types of corrections?

The two main types of community corrections supervision are probation and parole. Community corrections is also referred to as community supervision.

What is the purpose of corrections?

Abstract. Four different goals of corrections are commonly espoused: retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation. Each of these goals has received varied levels of public and professional support over time.

What are the roles of corrections?

Correctional officers typically do the following:Enforce rules and keep order within jails or prisons.Supervise activities of inmates.Inspect facilities to ensure that they meet security and safety standards.Search inmates for contraband items.Report on inmate conduct.Escort and transport inmates.

Usage of "Course Correction" by Country

Business English is used in many different countries around the world. Some of the words and phrases listed on this site will be understood everywhere Business English is used, but some words and phrases are only used in specific countries. The map below shows where "Course Correction" is most commonly used.

Learn More About "Course Correction"

"Course Correction" is in the top 30% most popular words looked up on this site.

Business English Quiz

Question: What does "Calendar Invite" mean? (A) When a person wants to meet with you next week. (B) An email sent to schedule a meeting with the option to either accept or decline the meeting at the scheduled time. (C) When a person has available time on their calendar to meet with you. (D) When a person does not have any time to meet with you. Answer: Find out the right answer here ..

About This Site

Jargonism is a Business English dictionary. You can learn about words and phrases that are commonly used in the workplace like Circle Back, Thought Leader, and Offsite.

Word of the Day

Date: 02/07/2022 Word: Close It Out Definition: To mark something as completed. Example: This task has been fixed, so let's close it out within the task tracker.

Usage of "Course-correct" by Country

Business English is used in many different countries around the world. Some of the words and phrases listed on this site will be understood everywhere Business English is used, but some words and phrases are only used in specific countries. The map below shows where "Course-correct" is most commonly used.

Learn More About "Course-correct"

"Course-correct" is in the top 30% most popular words looked up on this site.

Business English Quiz

Question: What does "Calendar Invite" mean? (A) When a person wants to meet with you next week. (B) An email sent to schedule a meeting with the option to either accept or decline the meeting at the scheduled time. (C) When a person has available time on their calendar to meet with you. (D) When a person does not have any time to meet with you. Answer: Find out the right answer here ..

About This Site

Jargonism is a Business English dictionary. You can learn about words and phrases that are commonly used in the workplace like Circle Back, Thought Leader, and Offsite.

Word of the Day

Date: 02/20/2022 Word: Close It Out Definition: To mark something as completed. Example: This task has been fixed, so let's close it out within the task tracker.


Demetri ( John Cho) and Agent Fiona Banks ( Alex Kingston) track down a man who has taken it upon himself to kill those who have avoided the death foretold in their flashforwards, thus supposedly helping the universe "course correct" itself.


The episode was watched by a series low 4.77 million viewers with a 1.3 rating with adults 18-49. IGN gave this episode a 7.2 rating out of 10, stating they liked "the idea of someone killing off "Blue Hand" members." The A.V. Club gave this episode a D+. Television without Pity gave this episode a B-.

Effective course-correcting requires humility

In business and in life, you have to know when a mistake is a mistake. You can fight tooth and nail to cover up a mistake or to redirect attention elsewhere, but all you’re doing is delaying the inevitable and proving yourself an ineffective leader.

Without course corrections, your competitors will out-maneuver you

Business today is more agile than it has ever been, and you have to match that agility if you want to be in this for the long haul. Adaptability is key to long-term, sustainable growth. In today’s economy and business climate, it’s incredibly difficult to corner a market. You’re not going to develop something that is impervious to usurpation.

Written By

Boland T. Jones is the founder, chairman and CEO of PGi. The company hosts virtual meetings with people in countries all over the world.
