what elective course does culinary arts count as uc

by Sim Batz 7 min read

All students begin with Culinary Arts, which is a year-long UC "g" elective course that covers food safety, sanitation, nutrition, food preparation techniques, customer service, and the operations of commercial kitchens and restaurants.

What are UC G elective?

Courses specifically approved in the G subject area include those such as political science, economics, geography, humanities, psychology, sociology, anthropology, journalism, speech or debate, computer science, computer programming and others or be interdisciplinary in nature, drawing knowledge from two or more fields ...

What are UC approved honors courses?

Honors courses The honors box on the UC application form is used to designate a course for which an extra grade point is awarded for a letter grade of C or better.Jul 19, 2021

How do you know if a course is UC approved?

The courses you take to fulfill the subject requirement must be certified by UC as meeting the requirement and must be included on your school's UC-certified course list. Visit the A-G course list site – a database of UC-certified course lists in California schools – to see if your courses are UC-approved.

Is Pltw AG?

Project Lead the Way (PLTW) The A-G courses on this program's A-G Reference List are approved by UC for high schools to implement and must be taught by a teacher at the local school site. UC does not allow students to fulfill the A-G subject requirements by enrolling directly in these courses.May 28, 2019

What is the difference between honors AP and IB?

There is no standardization for what designates “honors,” and it can vary from school to school. Honors courses can prepare students for higher-level courses (AP/IB) and college work in the future. Sometimes, depending on the school. Usually fewer extra quality points than AP or IB classes.Feb 8, 2021

Does UC consider alternate majors?

The UC application allows you to choose an alternate major, but we only guarantee the review of first-choice majors. For students who chose a major outside the College in one of our professional schools, check with the school to see if a supplemental application or any other action is required.

Do UC's look at weighted or unweighted?

Competitive UCs like Berkeley and UCLA look at fully weighted GPA, meaning that you get an extra grade point for every UC-approved Honors, AP, IB, and community college course you take from the end of freshman year to the start of senior year.

How many AP classes should I take for UCLA?

For highly selective schools such as Ivy League schools, Stanford, and public universities like UCLA and UC Berkeley, it's common for accepted applicants to take about eight AP classes throughout high school, though that number can range from five to 13.Sep 23, 2015

Do UC's look at freshman grades?

UC schools assign a GPA to you based on their own criteria. And here is a relevant quote "In calculating the GPA, UC does not include courses taken in the freshman year, regardless of the level of the course." So you are correct, the UC application does not take in to account your freshman year grades.

How many years of history are required for UC?

UC-approved high school courses. Two years of history, including: one year of world or European history, cultures and geography (may be a single yearlong course or two one-semester courses), and. one year of U.S. history or one-half year of U.S. history and one-half year of civics or American government.

What is a C in college?

College courses. Grade of C or better in any transferable course(s) (excluding conversation) held by the college to be equivalent to two years of high school language. Many colleges list the prerequisites for their second course in language as "Language 1 at this college or two years of high school language.".

How many years of college prep math?

Three years of college-preparatory mathematics that include the topics covered in elementary and advanced algebra and two- and three-dimensional geometry. A geometry course or an integrated math course with a sufficient amount of geometry content must be completed.

What are the G subjects?

Courses specifically approved in the G subject area include those such as political science, economics, geography, humanities, psychology, sociology, anthropology, journalism, speech or debate, computer science, computer programming and others or be interdisciplinary in nature, drawing knowledge from two or more fields.

How many years of college prep is required?

1 year required. One year of college-preparatory coursework required, chosen from: courses approved specifically in the elective (G) subject area, or courses approved in the A-F subject areas beyond those used to satisfy the requirements of the A-F subjects.