what is course code uf

by Mrs. Aida Marvin III 8 min read

What is a course prefix?

What does the first digit of a course number mean?

What is the ENC code for freshman composition?

What is equivalent course?

What is the Department of Education's responsibility for accrediting a course?

What does the C after the course number mean?

Is a 900-999 course transferable?

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What is a good life UF course number?

IDS 1161IDS 1161 fulfills the UF Core requirement and 3 credits of the Humanities General Education Requirement. Please do not hesitate to ask for accommodation for a documented disability.

Is a D+ passing at UF?

For general purposes, passing grades are A, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D- and S. Failing grades are E and U. However, note that C- is not a passing grade for courses in the major, General Education, or Gordon Rule credit.

What does C mean at UF?

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grade Option Subject to college degree program and department guidelines, students can take elective coursework and earn grades of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory). A grade of S is equal to a C (2.0) or better.

What does Clas stand for at UF?

The College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (CLAS) has seven requirements for awarding of a degree. Students must also meet all requirements for the major.

Is a 1.5 GPA passing?

Is a 1.5 GPA Good? The national average is a 3.0 GPA, so a 1.5 GPA is well below average. A 1.5 GPA makes you seem unready to advance to an institution of higher learning. If you still have a few semesters to go, a respectable GPA is within reach, if you're willing to work hard for it.

What is a good GPA at UF?

The middle 50% GPA of admitted students ranged from 4.4 to 4.6. This is a very competitive GPA to attain. That being said, UF does take into account weighted scores when calculating the GPAs of their applicants.

What does H mean in grades?

HonorsH Honors. Signifies outstanding work. No grade points are assigned. S Satisfactory. Signifies acceptable work.

What is an A in Florida?

A = 90%-100%, B = 80%-89%, C = 70%-79%, D = 60%-69%, F = 0%-59% The district may use either a letter or a numeric grade on the permanent report card and transcript.

Does a C count as AC or better?

Definition of Grades and their Corresponding Grade PointsLetter GradeAchievement LevelGrade PointsB-2.7C+2.3CAcceptable2.0C-1.79 more rows•Apr 13, 2022

Is UF liberal school?

The university reports that more than 700 faculty members teach at least 35,000 students each year, with more than 11,000 undergraduates pursuing a degree from the college and 1,500 graduate students are also attaining graduate degrees in the college....University of Florida College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.TypePublicWebsitewww.clas.ufl.edu8 more rows

How many colleges are at UF?

16 collegesUF is home to 16 colleges and more than 170 research centers and institutes. UF offers nearly 100 undergraduate degree programs and more than 200 graduate degree programs. Only five other universities nationwide have as many programs of study on one campus as the University of Florida.

Does UF require foreign language?

To earn a UF degree, students must meet the requirements of their major and college in addition to the university's foreign language requirement for admission.

What is a passing grade in Florida?

The grades of "A" through "D-," "P," and "S" are passing grades, and credit is earned for courses in which they are awarded. Grades of "D+," "D" or "D-," while considered passing for undergraduate students, indicate weak performance.

Does UF have grade forgiveness?

UF does not have a grade forgiveness policy. The grades you earn stay on your transcript, even when you repeat a course.

What if I fail a class at UF?

Yes, students may repeat courses. The complete Repeat Course Policy statement can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog under Academic Regulations > Grades/Grading Policies > Repeat Course Work. Contact the Office of the University Registrar if you have additional questions at (352) 392-1374.

Is UF pass-fail?

UF does not offer Pass-Fail grading, in which a grade of “Pass” would include all grades that are D- and above and a grade of “Fail” would include E grades.

Spring 2022 Courses - UF Online

Below is a list of courses offered in UF Online during the 2022 Spring term. Please contact your academic advisor for questions about how any of these courses might fit into your academic plan.. Visit the Schedule of Courses in ONE.UF for additional information about these courses.

Search Courses - University of Florida

Welcome to Course Search. Use the search panel to find and narrow down courses of interest. Back to the Undergraduate Catalog

Summer 2022 Courses - UF Online

Below is a list of courses offered in UF Online during the 2022 Summer term. Please contact your academic advisor for questions about how any of these courses might fit into your academic plan.. Visit the Schedule of Courses in ONE.UF for additional information about these courses.

Undergraduate Catalog < University of Florida

Office of the University Registrar Division of Enrollment Management 1478 Union Road S107L Criser Hall - P.O. Box 114000 Gainesville, FL 32611-4000

Class Meeting Times - Office of the University Registrar

The Office of the University Registrar. Division of Enrollment Management. 1478 Union Road. S107L Criser Hall - P.O. Box 114000. Gainesville, FL 32611-4000

What is the Course Code Directory (CCD)?

The Course Code Directory (CCD) is a comprehensive information resource consisting of a narrative section that provides general and in-depth information on applicable laws and State Board of Education rules; explanations of requirements and policies pertaining to multiple topics, and details on the PreK-12 course numbering system.

New Course Submissions

The Department is currently testing a new electronic course request and review application, available through www.cpalms.org and the iCPALMS platform. This new system allows for courses to be built within the application, using the department's format for course descriptions and state standards approved by the State Board of Education.

What is a three letter code?

The three letter code of a course that indicates placement of course within the discipline. Example: POS, ATR, ENC. The code is assigned by SCNS as part of the course approval process.

What is the nine digit number for a university?

Nine-digit number used by the Office of the University Registrar to associate a course with the department responsible for teaching it. Also referred to as the Department Number. Note that this is distinct from the Department ID Code. Contact the Office of Instructional Planning and Research if the appropriate OUR Department Code for any request is unclear.

What is a CIP code?

Six-digit codes (in the form XX.XXXX) that each represent a specific instructional program in the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP), which is maintained by the National Center for Education Statistics. The CIP provides a taxonomic scheme that supports the accurate tracking and reporting of fields of study and program completions activity and should be included with most actions related to degree program creation, modification, or other change.

What is an instructional site?

The SACSCOC defines an instructional site as an institutional location that provides fifty percent or more of at least one program. The Florida BOG provides a different definition. Namely, BOG Regulation 8.0009 states that an " instructional site is defined as a temporary instructional unit of a university, apart from the main campus, that provides a limited range of instructional programs or courses leading to a college degree, in facilities not owned by the institution."

What is a university catalog?

The university catalog in effect at the time of a student's first enrollment, which governs course prerequisites, co-requisites and graduation requirements for a particular academic year.

What is location in education?

A location of an institution that is geographically apart and independent of the main campus of the institution. A location is independent of the main campus if the location is (1) permanent in nature; (2) offers courses in educational programs leading to a degree, certificate, or other recognized educational credential; (3) has its own faculty and administrative or supervisory organization; and ( 4) has its own budgetary and hiring authority.

What is continuing education unit?

Continuing Education Unit | CEUCourses taken to maintain licensure in professions that require a state or professional board license.

What is a combination degree?

Combination DegreesCombin ation degrees allow students to double count graduate credits toward their bachelor’s degree at no loss of integrity or quality of either degree. More Info

What is a certificate on a transcript?

CertificateAn organized concentration of study in an approved subject area. University-approved certificate programs began appearing on the student transcript in Spring 2012. Non-university approved certificate programs are not recognized on a student transcript although individual courses are reflected. More Info

What is degree audit?

Degree AuditA computerized evaluation of a student's progress towards completion of a degree. See ONE.UF. More Info

What is program code?

The Program Code is a four-digit value that identifies the functional nature of an expense. The mission categories (Program Codes) correspond to the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) classification such as instruction, research, clinical, service, institutional support, and so on.

What is the program code for research?

Program code 1100 is most commonly used. Research. This category includes all expenses related to activities specifically organized to produce research, whether commissioned by an agency external to the institution or separately budgeted by an organizational unit within the institution.

How many functional classifications are there in a program?

Functional Classifications of Program Codes. There are ten major functional classifications of program codes. The functional classifications are grouping expenses according to the purpose for which the expenses are incurred.

What is the program code for auxiliary enterprises?

Program code 5200 is most commonly used. This category includes all expenses relating to the operation of auxiliary enterprises. Auxiliary enterprises are those that are managed to operate as a self-supporting activity, such as residence halls, food services, intercollegiate athletics, college stores, and parking.

Why is it important to use program codes?

To maintain the integrity of the University’s financial records, it is essential that the Program Code be used appropriately and consistently among like transactions. Please reference the Program Codes and Definitions to determine the appropriate Program Code to use.

What is the program code for janitorial services?

Includes items such as janitorial/utility services; repairs to building, furniture, and equipment; maintenance of facilities; etc. Program codes 0100 and 0200 are most commonly used.

What is UF All Access?

UF All Access is the University of Florida's digital course materials program. Selected courses are available through UF All Access to provide students with the lowest prices on their eBooks and Courseware products. Students can choose to opt into these materials and be provided instant access to their access codes for their homework systems and/or access to a digital version of their books. The charges will be billed to their student accounts automatically and if they have Financial Aid available, it will automatically pay for these charges.

Why Choose UF All Access?

Price discounts negotiated by UF to help you save on your digital course materials

What is the mission of the University of Florida Bookstores?

The mission of the University of Florida Bookstores is to provide a variety of necessary goods and services in support of the academic and financial needs of the University community while exceed ing customer expectations in all activities .

How many credits does UF Online have?

UF Online courses are specifically for undergraduate students enrolled in the 24 majors of UF Online or the approximately 60 majors of UF PaCE. UF Online provides an accessible, flexible education for those looking to pursue a fully online degree program. Freshman PaCE students take at least 15 credits of classes via UF Online and may transition to residential learning at the completion of 60 credit hours.

What is UF distance learning?

UF Distance Learning offers a selection of online degrees at the masters, specialists and doctoral levels, as well as online undergraduate and masters-level certificates.

Is flexible learning required at University of Florida?

Flexible Learning courses are online, open-enrollment credit courses available to anyone. Admission to the University of Florida is not a requirement. Students receive an official UF transcript when they successfully complete their coursework.

Does UF have an online course?

Many of the courses offered on UF’s campus have an online component. Oftentimes, a course has a Canvas site where students can participate in discussions, view grades, and take quizzes or exams. In the UF Schedule of Courses, located in ONE.UF, students can find course offerings and determine to what percentage the course is available via the web:

What is a course prefix?

The course prefix is a three-letter designator for a major division of an academic discipline, subject matter area or subcategory of knowledge. The prefix is not intended to identify the department in which a course is offered. Rather, the content of a course determines the assigned prefix to identify the course.

What does the first digit of a course number mean?

Each participating institution controls the title, credit and content of its own courses and recommends the first digit of the course number to indicate the level at which students normally take the course. Course prefixes and the last three digits of the course numbers are assigned by members of faculty discipline committees appointed for that purpose by the Florida Department of Education in Tallahassee. Individuals nominated to serve on these committees are selected to maintain a representative balance as to type of institution and discipline field or specialization.

What is the ENC code for freshman composition?

For example, a freshman composition skills course is offered by 59 different postsecondary institutions. Each institution uses ENC_101 to identify its freshman composition skills course. The level code is the first digit and represents the year in which students normally take the course at a specific institution. In the SCNS taxonomy, ENC means English Composition, the century digit 1 represents Freshman Composition, the decade digit 0 represents Freshman Composition Skills and the unit digit 1 represents Freshman Composition Skills 1.

What is equivalent course?

Equivalent courses at different institutions are identified by the same prefixes and the same last three digits of the course number and are guaranteed to be transferable between participating institutions that offer the course , with a few exceptions, as listed below in Exceptions to the General Rule for Equivalency.

What is the Department of Education's responsibility for accrediting a course?

The Department of Education shall ensure that credits to be accepted by a receiving institution are generated in courses for which the faculty possess credentials that are comparable to those required by the accrediting association of the receiving institution . The award of credit may be limited to courses that are entered in the statewide course numbering system. Credits awarded pursuant to this subsection shall satisfy institutional requirements on the same basis as credits awarded to native students.

What does the C after the course number mean?

In the sciences and certain other areas, a C or L after the course number is known as a lab indicator. The C represents a combined lecture and laboratory course that meets in the same place at the same time. The L represents a laboratory course or the laboratory part of a course that has the same prefix and course number but meets at a different time or place.

Is a 900-999 course transferable?

Courses in the _900-999 series are not automatically transferable, and must be evaluated individually. These include such courses as Special Topics, Internships, Apprenticeships, Practica, Study Abroad, Theses and Dissertations.
