what is course 22 like at mit college confidential

by Spencer Hauck III 4 min read

What is a a course at MIT?

A course is a course, of course, except when it is a subject. At MIT course numbers and abbreviations refer to courses of study leading to specific academic degrees and, by extension, to the departments or programs offering those degrees. For example, Course 6 refers to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Is 12/19 a realistic possibility for MIT?

I’d 100% consider 12/19 to be in the realm of possibility too, though it would break the nine day notice norm. MIT has extended the Regular Action deadline from January 1st to January 6th, 2021 and the admissions office will be closed from December 24th-January 3rd.

Does MIT do academic pre-reads?

MIT doesn’t do academic pre-reads. What the head coach told a group of potential recruits in a summer invitation-only Zoom was that if you end up “high on the board” (in other words, you have the coach’s full support) at MIT, that means your chances of admission become approximately 50/50.

How many credits do I need to get into MIT?

Counting credits at MIT is complicated and different for every student and major. However, as a rule of thumb, you can generalize that about half of your time at MIT will be spent taking the GIRs, and about half of your time will be spent specializing in your course (s) of study.

MIT Admissions Fall 2022 - Massachusetts Institute of Technology ...

MIT applicants for Fall 2022 – here’s your thread to post questions, comments or admissions stats and updates. How do your stats compare to students admitted last year? Check out the chart below and then share your stat…

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Everything you need to know about MIT Early Action Decisions

2021 Early Action/Early Decision Discussion + Results Megathreads

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Sally Rubenstone

Sally Rubenstone knows the competitive and often convoluted college admission process inside out: From the first time the topic of college comes up at the dinner table until the last duffel bag is unloaded on a dorm room floor.

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What is a course at MIT?

A course is a course, of course, except when it is a subject. At MIT course numbers and abbreviations refer to courses of study leading to specific academic degrees and, by extension, to the departments or programs offering those degrees. For example, Course 6 refers to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

What is an IAP at MIT?

IAP is MIT’s Independent Activities Period, which takes place in January. #-#-# units or Units arranged. Credit units (hours) indicate the total amount of time spent in class and laboratory, plus the estimated time that the average student spends on outside preparation, for one regular term subject.

What is MITx?

MITx, the Institute’s portfolio of massively open online courses, offers flexible access to a range of interactive courses developed and taught by instructors from MIT.

What is the infinite corridor?

The Infinite Corridor connects many of MIT’s main buildings. MIT students work on a solar electric vehicle. Collaboration is a hallmark of an MIT education. MIT is dedicated to providing its students with an education that combines rigorous academic study and the excitement of discovery.

Is MIT a cross-cutting school?

The MIT Schwarzman College of Computing, opened in fall 2019, is a cross-cutting entity with education and research links across all five schools.

where to get coffee when dunkin is closed?

and please dont say laVerdes. had their coffee once and it tasted like some rancid jungle swamp water.

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Current high school student visiting the campus for a college tour tomorrow.

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Grad student looking for tennis hitting partners!

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Why is this subreddit so boring?

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Non-communal showers at MIT

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What vaccines does MIT officially recognize?

im vaccinated with sputnik v, but it's recognized by neither eu nor us, and you can't get access to western vaccines in russia (at all)

What is MIT doing with loaner iPads?

If I remember correctly, MIT said that those who had loaned iPads from IS&T will need to return them after the Spring 2022 semester (unless they've posted something new since that I didn't see).

Need Recommendations for Storage Facilities for Summer

Can anyone recommend an affordable and safe storage place near Cambridge, MA? I need to store my stuff for summer before moving to a new apartment/dorm in Fall 2022. What did you like about the storage place? Thanks so much!