A course is a course, of course, except when it is a subject. At MIT course numbers and abbreviations refer to courses of study leading to specific academic degrees and, by extension, to the departments or programs offering those degrees. For example, Course 6 refers to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
Undergraduate Degree Charts. 1 School of Architecture and Planning. Architecture (Course 4) Art and Design (Course 4-B) Planning (Course 11) 2 School of Engineering. 3 School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. 4 Sloan School of Management. 5 School of Science. More items
MITx courses are delivered through the edX platform or through MITx online. Learn more about MITx, our global learning community, research and innovation, and new educational pathways. View our course list below; new courses are added regularly.
Central to the MIT undergraduate experience is the concept that a four-year residential college requires a full-time academic program. An MIT degree represents not only a specified number of credit units and a collection of subjects, but an intensity and continuity of involvement in an academic enterprise and an immersion in the culture of MIT.
At MIT course numbers and abbreviations refer to courses of study leading to specific academic degrees and, by extension, to the departments or programs offering those degrees. For example, Course 6 refers to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
15.000 Explorations in Management Broad introduction to the various aspects of management including analytics, accounting and finance, operations, marketing, entrepreneurship and leadership, organizations, economics, systems dynamics, and negotiation and communication.
The Department of Ocean Engineering was established as the Department of Naval Architecture in 1893 and designated as Course XIII. The course offered instruction in the theory and methods of designing and building ships.
BiologyBiology (Course 7) < MIT.
Yep, as others have said, your GPA (and standardized test scores) is just one thing MIT is going to consider. 2 Bs and 1 C definitely won't rule you out of MIT yet, but you are really going to need to crack down and focus these next two years.
Student life. MIT Sloan students and alumni informally call themselves Sloanies. The MIT Sloan culture is similar to, but also distinct from, overall MIT culture, and is influenced most strongly by its MBA program.
The (imaginary) MITese – English dictionary has entries for Courses 1-24 (with the exception of Course 19 (which was called Metallurgy from 1937-1940, Meteorology from 1946-1981, and Meteorology & Physical Oceanography from 1981-1983) and Course 23 (which used to be Modern Languages, then Foreign Literature & ...
The best MIT online courses include:Introduction to Biology - The Secret of Life.Introduction to Philosophy: God, Knowledge and Consciousness.Statistics and Data Science (Program)Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Part 1: Linear Elastic Behavior.The Challenges of Global Poverty.More items...•
And since 2001, the university has been publishing all of the educational materials from its undergraduate- and graduate-level courses online for free, so anyone with access to the internet can experience over 2,000 MIT courses through MIT OpenCourseWare.
Brain and Cognitive Sciences (Course 9)
Physics (Course 8)
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Course 6)
A course is a course, of course, except when it is a subject. At MIT course numbers and abbreviations refer to courses of study leading to specific academic degrees and, by extension, to the departments or programs offering those degrees. For example, Course 6 refers to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
IAP is MIT’s Independent Activities Period, which takes place in January. #-#-# units or Units arranged. Credit units (hours) indicate the total amount of time spent in class and laboratory, plus the estimated time that the average student spends on outside preparation, for one regular term subject.
The undergraduate programs at MIT are designed to help students develop the knowledge and capabilities needed to meet the challenges of modern society. An MIT education joins the power of a specific discipline to a concern for social values and goals.
One of the most exciting features of undergraduate education at MIT is the opportunity for students to join with faculty in ongoing research projects.
In the third and fourth years, students focus on the departmental programs. There is also time for students to take elective subjects each year. These elective opportunities allow students to follow social interests or to enrich their educational backgrounds.
In the first year, many students take subjects from a variety of options in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and humanities, arts, and social sciences. During the second year, students generally continue their studies with subjects meeting various Institute requirements and beginning subjects in departmental programs.
During the Independent Activities Period (IAP) in January, students can spend time in workshops, independent research projects, intensive subjects and seminars, field trips, lecture series, and other activities that do not easily fit into the traditional academic calendar.
Central to the MIT undergraduate experience is the concept that a four-year residential college requires a full-time academic program. An MIT degree represents not only a specified number of credit units and a collection of subjects, but an intensity and continuity of involvement in an academic enterprise and an immersion in the culture of MIT.
In general, MIT is not an appropriate place to pursue an undergraduate education on an extended, part-time basis. MIT students base their studies on a core of subjects in science, mathematics, and the humanities, arts, and social sciences (the General Institute Requirements [GIRs] ).
MIT is widely known for its superb computer science program and has the most number of applicants every year. At Massachusetts Institute of Technology, students are tutored on the present and future of computers. The department prepares its students to work in any industry around the world.
Mechanical engineering is the most popular of the all the engineering majors offered at MIT and graduates the highest number of students annually behind computer science. Like other engineering courses offered at MIT, research on next-generation advancements in mechanical engineering is a priority.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology offers one of the chemical engineering programs. Students are taught and research modern trends in chemical engineering and microbiology including the production of cell-sized robots. 5. Computer Science (B.S. M.S. & Ph.D.)
Physics is not only a popular course at MIT, but almost one-hal f of the students who graduate from the department are double majors, with their second major in either computer science, mathematics, or economics.
When you apply to MIT, you apply to the entire university, not to a specific major or school, so all first-year students begin MIT undeclared.
We also have the Schwarzman College of Computing that coordinates computing education, research, and infrastructure across the schools.
You can skim the degree chart below to get a quick visual sense of what you can study at MIT, or read the catalog for the gory details.