what is considered upper division course in college

by Ross Considine DDS 8 min read

Course Numbering System

  • Lower-division Courses. Lower-division courses, numbered from 100 to 299, are designed primarily for freshmen and sophomores.
  • Upper-division Courses. Upper-division courses, numbered from 300 to 499, are designed primarily for juniors and seniors. ...
  • Graduate-level Courses. ...

In contrast, 300- and 400-level classes are considered upper division. These courses are primarily for juniors and seniors. Courses numbered 500 or higher typically represent graduate-level classes. Other schools use different numbering systems.Oct 25, 2021

Are upper division courses harder than lower divs?

Most lower Div courses are similar in difficulty, though with few exceptions depending on professors. The Upper Div courses, however, will be more difficult in topic and curve, as many people that did not do so hot or were not as motivated will have dropped out before reaching Upper Divs.

What exactly is upper division coursework?

  • Multiply the point value of the letter grade (see values below) by the number of credit hours (credits, units). …
  • Total the quality points for all terms.
  • Total the credit hours for all terms.
  • Divide the total quality points for all terms by the total credit hours for all terms.
  • The result is your cumulative GPA.

What is considered upper division coursework?

  • Lower division
  • Upper division
  • Major courses
  • Minor courses
  • General education courses Degree Requirements Every college major will have different courses, electives, and requirements that are necessary for graduating. ...
  • Introductory material. ...
  • Younger students. ...
  • A larger class. ...
  • A stricter structure. ...
  • Evaluation by test. ...

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What upper division writing course to take?

Writing in the Professions

  • UWP 104A Business Writing
  • UWP 104B Law
  • UWP 104C Journalism
  • UWP 104D Elementary and Secondary Education
  • UWP 104E Science
  • UWP 104F Health
  • UWP 104I Internships
  • UWP 104J Social Justice
  • UWP 104T Technical Writing

What does upper division coursework mean?

Upper division courses are courses offered at the junior level or higher. By definition any course taken at a community college is not upper division.

What is the difference between upper and lower division?

Lower-division courses are offered for freshman and sophomore level credit. All courses offered at a community college are lower-division courses. Upper-division courses are offered for junior and senior level credit. These courses are not offered by community colleges.

What is Upper Division GPA?

A typical GPA for an upper division course will fall in the range 3.0 - 3.5, depending on the course and the students who enroll. For example, a GPA of 3.2 would result from 45% A's, 40% B's, 10% C's, and 5% D's and F's.

Are upper division courses harder?

'” While many upper division courses may indeed be more difficult, they often have smaller class sizes, creating a more interactive learning environment for students.

Ready to start your journey?

Some colleges divide their course catalogues into upper- and lower-division classes.

What Are Lower-Division Courses?

Lower-division courses introduce students to an academic discipline. They provide an overview of foundational theories, concepts, and methods.

What Are Upper-Division Courses?

Upper-division courses build on the foundational knowledge gained during lower-division classes. These courses take an advanced approach and often require students to possess prior knowledge in the field.

When Should You Take Upper-Division Courses?

When should students take upper-division courses? And when should they avoid 300-level or higher classes?

What are upper level courses?

What Are Considered Upper-Level College Courses? College is an exciting and challenging time in a person's life. Understanding how to navigate the numerous requirements and rules that all accredited colleges and universities have makes your college experience one of positive growth, both intellectually and socially.

Can a senior register for a course?

It is important to note that not every senior can register for a senior-level course. Some programs limit enrollment to students in programs offered by that department. You might be required to gain special permission from the instructor or from the department head to register for a course.

Is a freshman course a sophomore course?

It is a safe assumption that a course whose number begins with a 1, like College Composition 112, is a freshman course. Sophomore courses generally begin with a 2, as in Calculus 220. Also, when a course begins “Introduction to,” it is almost always a freshman course. It is useful to read the course description in your institution's college ...

What Is the Difference Between Upper-Division and Lower-Division Courses?

In colleges/universities, undergraduate courses are categorized into two divisions:

Course Coding

The course number designated to a course indicates its course level. While some universities utilize three-digit course numbers, others use four digits for their course numbering system. Nevertheless, most institutions have similar interpretations for the course number designations.

Lower-Division Courses

Lower-division courses are primarily focused on fundamental theories, concepts, perspectives, principles, methods, and procedures of critical thinking that serve as foundations for higher courses.

Upper-Division Courses

Upper-division courses involve specialized and advanced coursework that improves your problem-solving and analytical skills and allows you to apply theory into practice. These courses build on basic knowledge and skills learned and developed from lower-division course academic experiences.

Which Is Harder Between Upper-Division and Lower-Division Courses?

In general, upper-division courses are more sophisticated and challenging than lower-division courses. With higher course numbers, the complexity of the study also increases.


In climbing a flight of stairs, you take one step at a time until you reach the top. Similarly, completing your undergraduate degree requires significant steps for you to move from one level to the next.

What is the lower division class number?

Lower-division courses, numbered from 100 to 299 , are designed primarily for freshmen and sophomores. Certain classes are closed to freshmen who lack the designated prerequisites or whose majors are outside the units offering the courses. This information is available in the course catalog or from the student’s academic advisor.

What are the graduate level courses?

Graduate-level courses, numbered from 500 to 799 , are designed primarily for graduate students. However, an upper-division undergraduate student may enroll in courses numbered 500-599 with the approval of the student's advisor, course instructor, department chair and dean of the college in which a course is offered. If such a course does not meet an undergraduate graduation requirement, it may be eligible for use in a future graduate program on the same basis as work taken by a nondegree graduate student. Undergraduate students should review additional information about graduate credits earned by undergraduate students.


What Are Lower-Division Courses?

What Are Upper-Division Courses?

  • Upper-division courses build on the foundational knowledge gained during lower-division classes. These courses take an advanced approach and often require students to possess prior knowledge in the field. At the University of Washington, for example, introduction to microeconomics is a 200-level course, while intermediate microeconomics is 300-leve...
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When Should You Take Upper-Division Courses?

  • When should students take upper-division courses? And when should they avoid 300-level or higher classes? Generally, academic advisors recommend that first- and second-year students proceed with caution before enrolling in upper-division coursework. At a minimum, students should contact the professorto ask about prerequisites or required knowledge before joining an …
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