what is considered an ethics course philau

by Mark Corwin 3 min read

What is ethical philosophy and theoretical ethics?

Ethics Courses. Students must complete 3 credits in ethics (one 3-credit course, or a series of 1- or 2-credit courses) from this approved list of University offerings. Students may choose from a variety of courses in several liberal arts disciplines. Students who wish to propose another course for consideration should write to the Director ...

What is Phil 105 introduction to philosophy of Law and ethics?

Philadelphia University, Philadelphia, PA. 13 Nov, 2005. ... To balance employee and employer interests is considered part of a rights ... Reason for selection: I selected this book because it will talk about the ethics of surveillance technology and how it can be abused by managers. Title:

Where can I find additional ethics courses?

PHI 220 - Ethics. Provides a systematic study of representative ethical systems. This is a Passport and UCGS transfer course. Lecture 3 hours per week. 3 credits. The course description above is common to all Virginia's Community Colleges. Northern Virginia Community College may add course prerequisites, co-requisites and/or other requirements.

Are there any free online ethics courses available for public officials?

This course will develop the ethical foundations of good professional practice in computing and will give students an informed awareness of the principal issues of ethics and professional responsibility in the development and use of computers and information systems. It will provide a basic survey of ethical theories and discuss the role of professional organizations in …

What type of course is ethics?

Introduction to Ethics. Course description and objectives: This course is an introduction to the philosophical study of morality, including the theory of right and wrong behavior, the theory of value (goodness and badness), and the theory of virtue and vice.

What is phil 211?

3-0-3. A study of theories of morality and values and their application to selected topics in personal and social ethics such as euthanasia, abortion, capital punishment, sex and marriage, human and animal rights, the environment, hate speech, world hunger and poverty and censorship.


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Ethical Considerations for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations

Successfully navigate contentious situations when confronted with an ethical dilemma. Learn about the origin of ethics, how professions address ethical issues, and dissect intriguing case studies supplied by speech language pathologists.

Ethically Reduce Your Caseload

SLPs cite large caseloads as being one of their greatest concerns. Yet, most continuing education shows how to get students onto our caseload or diagnose and treat students, rather than get them off our caseload. This ASHA ethics CEU course presents research and methods for reducing caseloads both ethically and effectively.

How Ethics and Biases Shape Our Decisions: A Fun Look at Research on Heuristics

In this course, we shared fun and provocative research collected by Nobel Prize Winner Daniel Kahneman on how we are all susceptible to our own biases and look at it through the lens of being a speech language pathologist.

Navigating Ethical Predicaments in Your Work with Diverse Students

You never expected to find yourself in an ethical predicament in the field of speech-language pathology, did you? Whether it’s due to using published tools that don’t quite fit our students or not being completely sure about whether a bilingual student has a difference or a disorder, many of us have found ourselves in uncomfortable situations.

Certificate in Cultural & Linguistic Diversity

Earn 16 (Yes 16!) CEU hours and become highly competent in serving and reducing your caseload and become a leader in your professional community. 2 hours of this certificate course meet the ethics requirements

For State Officials

California law requires state officials to complete an ethics training course within six months of being hired. If your service is ongoing, you must complete the course once during each two-year period. The two-year period begins with an odd-numbered year, for example, 2017-18, 2019-20, etc.

For Local Officials

Cities, counties and special districts in California are required by law (AB 1234, Chapter 700, Stats. of 2005) to provide ethics training to their local officials.

What is HRCI code of ethics?

The HRCI Code of Ethics has been adopted to advance and uphold the highest standards of service and conduct recognized by all certificants using any of the following credentials : aPHR®, aPHRi™ PHR®, PHRi™, PHRca®, SPHR®, SPHRi™ and GPHR®.

What is HRCI certification?

An HRCI certification implicitly obligates the user to comply with the mandates and requirements of all applicable laws and regulations . Certificants are required to act in an ethical and professional manner by adhering to these standards and ensuring public confidence in the integrity of their professionalism.

How to contact HRCI?

To assist you with any additional questions or information, please get in touch with us! HRCI Customer Experience – [email protected] or +1-866-898-4724.

What is professional ethics?

Professional Ethics. Business or Professional ethics in a nutshell: Ethics is the branch of philosophy concerned with the meaning of all aspects of human behavior. Theoretical Ethics, sometimes called Normative Ethics, is about discovering and delineating right from wrong; it is the consideration of how we develop the rules and principles (norms) ...

What is the theory of ethics?

Theoretical Ethics, sometimes called Normative Ethics, is about discovering and delineating right from wrong; it is the consideration of how we develop the rules and principles (norms) by which to judge and guide meaningful decision-making. Theoretical Ethics is supremely intellectual in character, and, being a branch of philosophy, ...

What is business ethics?

It is best understood as a branch of ethics called applied ethics: the discipline of applying value to human behavior, relationships and constructs, and the resulting meaning. Business ethics is simply the practice of this discipline within the context of the enterprise of creating wealth (the fundamental role of business).

What are the three parts of business ethics?

There are three parts to the discipline of business ethics: personal, professional and corporate. All three are intricately related, and it is helpful to distinguish between them because each rests on slightly different assumptions and requires a slightly different focus in order to be understood.

What are the three approaches to ethics?

All three approaches to ethics described above are principally focused on the individual: the singular conscience, rationally reflecting on the meaning of duty or responsibility, and in the case of Virtue ethics, the ethical athlete practicing and inculcating the capacity to achieve the state of eudemonia.

What are the four ethical frameworks?

From the earliest moments of recorded human consciousness, the ethical discipline has entailed four fundamental approaches, often called ethical decision-making frameworks: Utilitarian Ethics (outcome based), Deontological Ethics (duty based), Virtue Ethics (virtue based), and Communitarian Ethics (community based). Each has a distinctive point of departure as well as distinctive ways of doing the fundamental ethical task of raising and answering questions of value. It is also important to understand that all four approaches have overlaps as well as common elements, such as:

What is the virtue of Aristotle?

For Aristotle and other Greek thinkers, virtue meant the excellence of a thing. The virtue of a knife is to cut; the virtue of a physician is to heal; the virtue of a lawyer is to seek justice. In this sense, Ethics becomes the discipline of discovering and practicing virtue.

Industry-standard ethics & compliance training and certification direct to you and your compliance team

Elevating Ethics and Compliance (E2C) is a comprehensive training course designed to dig deep in to the principles that lead to HQP in organizations.

E2C Training

Delivered conveniently online, this digital-classroom style course presents our industry-leading coursework facilitated by expert instructors.

In-House Training

Let our expert faculty come to you and lead your team through our comprehensive coursework in your home office.


Managing Ethics in Organizations (MEO) is a week long intensive in conjunction with the Hoffman Center for Business Ethics.

Board Training

We understand the complexities of board composition and the core requirements for your training. Our team will structure an engaging training program that will meet your regulatory obligations, and return a solid-investment of your board’s time and energy.