what is citizenship course in college

by Roberto Dach 5 min read

Citizenship classes provide students with a knowledge of United States history, government and institutions, and the use of community services and agencies. They are designed to assist eligible individuals to become United States citizens. The class prepares students to take the Citizenship Examination.

This course prepares immigrants for the citizenship process as well as the INS examination and interview. The course emphasizes oral communication and assists the strengthening of English language skills for those limited in English. Classes are offered in Spanish and English.
Dec 20, 2021

Full Answer

What are the courses in a citizenship class?

The civics portion of citizenship classes covers civics, geography, government and history subjects. Teachers must prepare students for the written and oral portion of the naturalization exam.

What is it called citizenship education?

It is known by different names in different countries - for example, ‘citizenship education’ (or just ‘citizenship’ for short) in the UK, ‘civics’ in the US, and ‘education for democratic citizenship’ in parts of Europe.

Is there an a level in Citizenship Studies?

There is also an A level in Citizenship Studies which is available through AQA. This qualification is valued by leading Universities including the University of Cambridge. More than 500,000 young people have now attained qualifications in Citizenship Studies since 2002.

What are the requirements to teach US citizenship classes?

Although there are no federal standardized requirements to teach U.S. citizenship classes, teachers should have the skills to teach both the civics and literacy subject areas covered by the naturalization exam. In addition, teachers should have the necessary skills to teach speakers whose English is a second language.

What is a citizenship class?

The virtual course is designed to help legal permanent residents pass the citizenship test given by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. Through the program, adults learn about U.S. history and government and are encouraged to take the citizenship exam.

What do citizenship classes teach?

Most citizenship courses combine the literacy and civics elements of the naturalization test into one course. Most classes include practice reading aloud, writing, vocabulary development and role-playing the naturalization interview process.

What should I study to become citizenship?

Before you take the United States Citizenship Test, you'll want to study English and American civics. You'll need to practice speaking, reading and writing English. You'll also want to study the three branches of American government and the major rights and responsibilities of citizens.

How long are citizenship classes?

Classes range from 40 to 60 hours long, with various schedules available to learners. In addition to educational support, the program offers free naturalization legal services.

Why do we study citizenship?

Why is citizenship education important? Citizenship education gives people the knowledge and skills to understand, challenge and engage with democratic society including politics, the media, civil society, the economy and the law.

What are examples of citizenship?

The definition of citizenship is the status of being a citizen, along with the rights, duties and privileges of being a citizen. An example of citizenship is someone being born in the United States and having access to all the same freedoms and rights as those already living in the US. The status of being a citizen.

When can I apply for citizenship?

You may file Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, 90 calendar days before you complete your permanent residence requirement if your eligibility for naturalization is based upon being a: Permanent resident for at least 5 years; or. Permanent resident for at least 3 years if you are married to a US citizen.

Is the citizen test hard?

Critics say the new test is harder for English learners. It features more nuanced questions and highlights such issues as states' rights and the Vietnam War.

What is asked in citizenship interview?

You will first swear to tell the truth. The USCIS officer will then ask you about your background, character, place and length of residence, ability to answer civic questions, and willingness to take the Oath of Allegiance. You should be completely honest during your naturalization interview.

How much do citizenship classes cost?

Fees. Citizenship classes cost $25 per session.

Can you take citizenship classes online?

This is an online class to prepare you for the US citizenship test. You can take this class on your phone or on a computer. The class is self-paced, so you can learn anytime. The class is translated so you can study in your own language or in English.

What is high school citizenship?

Character Domain: Citizenship Students demonstrate good citizenship by fulfilling their civic and social responsibilities and contribute to the well-being of the communities in which they are a member (including their home, school, neighborhood, country, and the greater world).

What is citizenship education?

Citizenship education (subject) Citizenship education is taught in schools, as an academic subject similar to politics or sociology. It is known by different names in different countries - for example, ‘citizenship education’ (or just ‘citizenship’ for short) in the UK, ‘civics’ in the US, and ‘education for democratic citizenship’ in parts ...

When was citizenship introduced?

Citizenship Education was introduced as a statutory subject in the English National Curriculum in 2001 following the recommendation of the Crick Report in 1998.

What are the two kinds of criticisms of citizenship education?

Criticism of citizenship education in schools. There are two kinds of criticism of citizenship education in schools. Firstly, some philosophers of education argue that most governments and mainstream policies stimulate and advocate questionable approaches of citizenship education.

What is CSPE in education?

It is known as CSPE (Civic, Social and Political Education ) and is taught to 12- to 16-year-olds. In 2009 it is expected that an additional subject currently under the working title 'Society and Politics' will be offered as a subject to students between 16–18 years of age in secondary schools in the Republic of Ireland.

Is citizenship education undemocratic?

They suggests that schools are fundamentally undemocratic institutions, and that such a setting cannot instill in children the commitment and belief in democratic values that is necessary for citizenship education to have a proper impact.

Do academies follow the national curriculum?

Academies do not need to follow the National Curriculum , and as more than half of all English schools (¾ of secondary schools) are now academies, this has undermined the teaching of citizenship as a discrete subject.

Should citizenship education be a priority subject?

The Government should establish citizenship education as a priority subject for teacher training , and provide bursaries for applicants. Urgent action should be taken to step up programmes of Continuing Professional Development for those willing to take on and lead citizenship education in their school (para 133).


This course prepares immigrants for the citizenship process as well as the INS examination and interview. The course emphasizes oral communication and assists the strengthening of English language skills for those limited in English. Classes are offered in Spanish and English.


For a nominal fee of $60 we will assist students with input of the N-400 Application for Naturalization on the computer. Please note that an additional fee of $60 for each follow-up visit will be charged if the information required is incomplete. Please contact 562-467-5098 for an appointment.


Identification: Drivers License or California ID, Social Security Card, or Permanent Resident Card




Citizenship education has been a statutory subject in the English National Curriculum since 2001. It must be taught as part of the school curriculum to all pupils aged 11–16 years old in maintained schools in England. The current Programme of Study was introduced in 2014, and identifies four key areas in detail:
• Politics: Parliamentary democracy in the UK; Parliament, voting, elections, political parties; Influen…

Criticism of citizenship education in schools

There are two kinds of criticism of citizenship education in schools. Firstly, some philosophers of education argue that most governments and mainstream policies stimulate and advocate questionable approaches of citizenship education. These approaches aim to develop specific dispositions in students, dispositions conducive to political participation and solidarity. But there are radically different views on the nature of good citizenship and education should involve and …

Notable academics

• Joel Westheimer, professor of citizenship education at the University of Ottawa

See also

• Civics
• Global citizenship education
• Hansard Society § Citizenship Education
• Spatial citizenship
• The Springfield Plan

External links

Citizenship education in schools
• Learn and Serve America's National Service-Learning Clearinghouse Citizenship Education Bibliography
• Time for Citizenship - a UK based Primary Education site
• Department for Children, schools and families Citizenship site