what is career exploration course?

by Prof. Brenna Barrows III 5 min read

Career Exploration guides seventh through twelfth grade students to discover their career path or college major. This eight-week elective course does not tell teens exactly what to do with the rest of their lives, but rather provides possible directions to the next step.

In education, career exploration is the process of researching, evaluating, and learning about modern work opportunities and how students can pursue the careers of their choice.Feb 16, 2022

Full Answer

What are the benefits of early career exploration?

The LifePath Career Exploration Course is a standalone, comprehensive career guidance resource designed for high school students. The 17-module course supports both student-led, independent study and teacher-directed, classroom use. The LifePath Course is available via the Canvas platform. Students Chart Their Paths

How to explore a new career?

Feb 16, 2022 · What Is Career Exploration? In education, career exploration is the process of researching, evaluating, and learning about modern work opportunities and how students can pursue the careers of their choice. That makes career exploration one of the most important subjects in terms of long-term life planning for students in any grade.

Which career is the best?

Career Exploration is discovering and learning more about occupations you are attracted to. Career Exploration is researching careers, jobs, college majors, and graduate programs. Career Exploration is taking assessments to learn about your interests, personality and aptitudes. Career Exploration is identifying your values, what is important to you about the work you want to do.

How to explore career options?

Apr 20, 2021 · A career exploration program enables students to gain insight into potential careers. Students learn what skills are necessary for a particular career and what those who are in the profession do as part of their job. With this information, students can imagine themselves in careers that suit them.

What do you learn in career exploration?

Career Exploration is simply learning about various occupations and their "fit" with your unique career preferences, e.g. the skills, interests and values you want satisfied by your career. Ideally, you engage in career exploration during or after identifying your career preferences through self-assessment.

What is career exploration example?

exploring possible careers and assisting with job, internship, or program searches; developing on-the-job skills (soft skills or technical skills); modeling behavior, attitudes, or skills in the workplace (job-shadowing); and.

What are 3 benefits of early career exploration?

Depending on the structure of the program or course offerings, students can learn about employability skills, connect academic interests and classroom learning with potential careers, and begin the process of identifying and planning for learning opportunities in high school.Feb 26, 2020

Why is career exploration important?

Career exploration improves students' knowledge of career options, encouraging them to develop and work toward goals during the critical years when they are also beginning to venture beyond the orbit of their parents.

How can I make my career exploration fun?

You'll also find a ready-to-use career exploration activity you can implement in your classroom right now!Interest & Preference Questionnaires. The first step in introducing students to career options is to determine what they like in the first place. ... Aptitude Surveys. ... Classroom Speakers. ... Job Shadowing. ... Mentorships.Oct 29, 2021

How do I write a career exploration paper?

1) Identify 1 similar occupation to the one you're writing about. 2) Briefly (2-3 sentences) explain how this alternate profession is similar to the one you are exploring in your paper. 1) Describe your vision for your possible future in this profession.

How do you explore jobs in high school?

Explore your interestsLearn about yourself. Understanding what you enjoy—and what you're good at—is the first step in exploring careers, say school counselors. ... Identify possible careers. ... Do your research. ... Internships. ... Jobs. ... Other activities. ... In high school. ... After high school.

Which is better education or experience?

Success in actual work tells prospective employers more about what you have to offer. Work experience can make you a good match for a particular job today, but without higher education, you may lack the skills that are important for advancement tomorrow.

What is career exploration?

Career exploration is a continuous cycle of building knowledge of yourself and the world of work, testing out your ideas, and reflecting and correcting course based on what you learn. You may enter multiple cycles of career exploration during your college career, and will likely encounter many more throughout your lifetime.

Why is career exploration important?

Exploring a variety of careers is important as you consider the life you would like to build for yourself, and it does not happen all at once.

How to develop your identity?

1.Know yourself: Gain a sense of self-awareness and understand your natural strengths, weaknesses, talents, values, and interests. Expand all | Collapse all. Think about who you are as a person and take some time to write down what you know about yourself.

When do you start thinking about your career?

Many people begin thinking about their career in high school or college when they pursue their first job or internship. For some, they begin thinking about their career upon picking a college major. When developing a career plan, adopting a lifespan perspective can help you understand how your career will evolve to meet your needs as they change over time.

Why do people work part time?

For a teenager, or young adult, a part-time job may serve to earn spending money, save for college, or support a family. Once in college, a student may pursue experiences that will diversify their skill set and determine next steps. Young professionals may focus on building competence and rising through the ranks.

What is a career?

A career is not just the list of positions and titles you have held, but can be an expression of who you are as an individual. A career can have many different definitions and meanings throughout the lifespan. A career might allow you to: Apply your favorite skills. Spend your time focused on a topic/industry you enjoy.

Is a career a recursive process?

Instead of imagining a career as a choice you make once, you can conceptualize it as a recursive process or cycle with the following stages. You will likely complete multiple cycles of career exploration in college, and many more throughout your lifetime. As your identity develops and changes, so might your career.

How to do career exploration?

What is Career Exploration? 1 Career Exploration is discovering and learning more about occupations you are attracted to. 2 Career Exploration is researching careers, jobs, college majors, and graduate programs. 3 Career Exploration is taking assessments to learn about your interests, personality and aptitudes. 4 Career Exploration is identifying your values, what is important to you about the work you want to do. 5 Career Exploration is determining the skills and education you need to begin your career. 6 Career Exploration is trying out possible careers through Volunteering, Internships, Apprenticeships, Job Shadowing, and Career Camps. 7 Career Exploration is building your self-confidence by making a plan, figuring out where to start, and taking action!

Is a career the same as a job?

A career and a job are not the same thing, and it’s very hard, especially if you’re still in school or heading back to school, to know exactly which job (s) you’ll end up in. Entering into a career, you’re defining a range of possibilities for yourself rather than a particular job.

What is career exploration?

A career exploration program enables students to gain insight into potential careers. Students learn what skills are necessary for a particular career and what those who are in the profession do as part of their job. With this information, students can imagine themselves in careers that suit them.

Why is career exploration important?

So, rather than impede the learning process or cause students’ anxiety, career exploration serves as a motivator and gives students a greater sense of clarity. School is not in a vacuum unto itself but is for a purpose that will benefit the student’s future.

How does self discovery help students?

Self-discovery may come through the means of questionnaires, surveys, etc. There are also self-driven, future-readiness solutions that allow students to grow their understanding.

What is read to lead?

According to Read to Lead, a game-based learning platform that helps students develop literacy, life, and career skills, “introducing and adopting curriculum directly related to future careers is one way of exposing middle schoolers to jobs they may be pursuing in the future.”.

Why do schools exist?

Schools exist to teach students and are deemed successful when those attending are growing in their knowledge. Beyond educating students in the traditional sense, schools also need to prepare students so that they have the skills to function in the workplace. That means ensuring students have the critical social emotional skills (SEL) ...

Who is Larry the writer?

Outside of the classroom, Larry is a freelance writer whose writing focuses on edtech and general education topics.

What is career exploration?

The career exploration process includes self-assessment, researching careers, and "test driving" the career. These steps allow you to uncover more about yourself and discover occupations that will be a good fit for you. Click the stages below to begin your career exploration journey!

What is the first step in career exploration?

​​​​​​​​​The first step in career exploration is getting to know more about yourself. You must learn about your own personality, interests, values, and strengths to find careers that will be a good fit for you. ​

What are the best career services?

​For an in-depth assessment of your personality and/or interests, SCC's Career Services offers: 1 ​​Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) - This assessment measures your personality, and it connects you with careers that may align based on how you perceive the world and make decisions. 2 Strong Interest Inventory (SII) - ​​​This assessment helps you match your interests with potential educational, career, and leisure activities, using an individual's preferences in a variety of areas to aid them in discovering what they'd most enjoy doing with their work and their free time.

What is informational interview?

An informational interview is a an informal conversation you can have with someone working in a career or​ area of interest to you. It is an effective research tool and is best done after preliminary online research. It is not a job interview, and the objective is not to find job openings.

What is the role of a nurse in health care?

Nurses promote health, prevent disease,​​ and help patients cope with illness. They have a unique scope of practice and can practice independently, although they also collaborate with all members of the health care team to provide the care needed by each patient as an individual. Holland Interest Code.

Is nursing a good career?

If you answered yes to these questions, a career in nursing may be a good fit for you! Choosing the Nursing Path for You. Although an entry-level nurse can find a job with a three-year RN degree, there is a growing national movement to require all nurses to hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree.

What is a career pathway?

A career pathway is a series of steps including education, training, and skills that students need to complete to achieve their career goals. Career pathways can also provide students with countless opportunities, since the education, training, and skills can be transferred to other areas of study or industries if students’ interests change. Be sure to check out our webinar on Advising and Teaching Career Pathways.

What is a career cluster?

Career clusters are groupings of careers with similar skills or common themes based on industry groups. They serve as an organizing tool for curriculum design and instruction, and their descriptions provide the essential knowledge and skills that students should demonstrate upon completing high school

Why do we need a career assessment?

This in turn can help guide what they select as an endorsement and study during high school. It can also help them make plans for what they’ll do after high school .

What is CTE in college?

Career and technical education (CTE) courses offer students an opportunity to obtain practical knowledge and technical skills for a variety of career paths, such as welding, computer science, and cosmetology. Students can also earn college credit leading to industry-recognized credentials and postsecondary certificates.


What Is A Career?

  • Some may think of a career as static, linear, and well-defined from start to finish. For most people, however, a career can better be defined as a series of professional decisions that affect your financial, social, political, educational, personal, and spiritual development over your lifespan. A career is not just the list of positions and titles you have held, but can be an expression of who y…
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Career Throughout The Lifespan

  • Many people begin thinking about their career in high school or college when they pursue their first job or internship. For some, they begin thinking about their career upon picking a college major. When developing a career plan, adopting a lifespan perspective can help you understand how your career will evolve to meet your needs as they change over time. For a teenager, or you…
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Career Development Cycle

  • Instead of imagining a career as a choice you make once, you can conceptualize it as a recursive process or cycle with the following stages. You will likely complete multiple cycles of career exploration in college, and many more throughout your lifetime. As your identity develops and changes, so might your career. 1.Know yourself: Gain a sense of ...
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Next Steps

  • Now that you have learned about the career exploration process, you may be ready to make decisions to learn more about yourself and the world of work. These can be expressed in next steps or goals, depending on how you like to think about them. When you consider what you would like to do moving forward, make sure your goals are SMART:
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How Career Services Can Help You

  • The Career Services Center can help you with your career exploration process. Career Counselors are available to meet with you 1-on-1 as you make decisions about your career path. A Career Counselor will partner with you to determine your needs and create a plan that helps you progress. You can also speak with a Career Counselor about personality assessments that may …
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