what is c.a.r.e. training certification course.

by Darron Jacobi 9 min read

Full Answer

How do I become a caregiver in South Africa?

To be registered as a caregiver, the service provider that employs you must ensure that you undergo (or have undergone) home-based care training,You must possess a certificate that indicates that you received your training from an institution accredited by the South African Qualification Authority.

How do I get a caregiver license in Japan?

Tips for pursuing caregiving studies in JapanMust be of foreign nationality.Must be over the age of 18 upon application.Must complete secondary level education or the equivalent of 12 years education or;Must be a college graduate from the origin country.Must be willing to pursue studies in the related field.More items...•

Where can I study caregiver in Philippines?

Manila Based Accredited Caregiver Schools School: AMA Computer College – Sta. Mesa Inc. School: De Ocampo Memorial College Inc. School: Metropolitan Medical Center College of Arts, Science and Technology (formerly Metropolitan Hospital College of Nursing Inc.)

Do you need a license to be a caregiver in California?

In California, there is no license required to operate an in-home care (homecare) agency. This has created a situation of risk for the elderly and disabled persons, receiving services at home. Caregivers (also called home care aides, personal attendants, companions) may or may not be trustworthy or reliable.

What is a certified care worker?

A certified caregiver is a professional equipped with the expertise to provide caregiving services. Caregivers are well-known in their field and recognized as nationally-certified professionals. They are the core figures within the world of caregiving services.

How much is the basic salary of caregiver in Japan?

The typical rate of a caregiver in Japan falls under the range of 125,000 JPY to 180,000 JPY. But as a starting salary, there are facilities that offer as low as 100,000 JPY according to the vlogger.

How many years is a caregiver course?

The course duration is 6 months to 1 year depending on the school schedule. The accredited schools will train the students with regards to bed making, proper way of taking care of physically handicapped patients, and proper cleaning of patient's private parts.

What strand is caregiver?

While the ICT strand focuses on technology, the HE strand focuses on livelihood projects such as caregiving, cookery, bartending, baking, handicraft making, tourism, housekeeping, dressmaking, and such. This strand will greatly help students find jobs immediately. These are the HE strand specializations you will get.

What course should I take to become caregiver?

The American Caregiver Association (ACA) is the National Standard for caregiver certification in the United States, and this course is one of their most complete: Offering 120 hours of in-class credit, it covers dozens of caregiving topics, knowledge and know-how – from resident rights, caregiver communication, and ...

How do I become a certified caregiver in California?

California Caregiver Certification OnlineTake an online training course meeting the state of California 10-hour and 5-hour training guidelines.Show confirmation you took the course and passed the exam.Register your name and training information with the state of California.

What is the minimum wage for caregivers in California?

California I.W.C. With respect to live-in caregivers, Wage Order 15 requires: The worker must be paid at least the state minimum wage rate for employment, which is currently $10.50 per hour.

How much are caregivers paid in California?

The average salary for a caregiver is $16.11 per hour in California.

Your Instructor

Peter van Stralen is a highly sought after and nationally admired author and keynote speaker. His engaging talks have influenced numerous leaders and teams to build better lives, teams and company cultures. Peter speaks on a variety of topics including leadership, teamwork, culture, and customer care based on his book CARE Leadership.

Course Curriculum

The Boss Mentality vs. The CARE Leadership Mindset (Page 49 in the Book)

Get started now!

Yes, please give me access to the full course! I understand that Iʼm getting full access to this digital career course (presented by Peter van Stralen) and that it's designed to help me create a culture of CARE at my place of work.

What is C.A.R.E. in health care?

faculty course provides a conceptual model and specific techniques that guide all staff members to communicate in ways that will enhance satisfaction and encourage patient partnership. It is designed for everyone whose work can impact patients’ and family members’ impressions of the care organization. Participants use their own experiences in health care to identify staff actions that make a difference. Essential skills are organized into a four-point model: C onnect, A ppreciate, R espond, and E mpower (C.A.R.E.).

How many learners can attend C.A.R.E. workshops?

workshops. Workshops can accommodate 8-24 learners to ensure individualized attention and optimal small group learning.


Healthcare team members across all specialties and roles face continual pressures and challenges ensuring optimal patient care and satisfaction. Patients have better health outcomes when good interactions with staff encourage them to adhere to treatment plans and follow up with care.


Treating Patients with C.A.R.E. is open to clinicians and non-clinical support staff members and supervisors. Workshops can accommodate 8-24 learners to ensure individualized attention and optimal small group learning.


Treating Patients with C.A.R.E. provides a conceptual model and specific techniques that guide all staff members—anyone who comes in contact with patients–to communicate in ways that will enhance satisfaction and encourage patient partnership. Participants use their own experiences in healthcare to identify staff actions that make a difference.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this workshop participants will be able to: 1. Describe what is meant by C.A.R.E. 2. Discuss our organization’s healthcare service standards and how they relate to C.A.R.E. 3. Describe ways for using C.A.R.E. on the job to deliver impressive healthcare service.


This workshop consists of brief presentations, interactive exercises, videotaped case studies and skills practice to build learner awareness, knowledge, skills and confidence regarding communication. Case examples frame realistic issues involving patients and families. Experiential learning activities are key to the effectiveness of the workshop.

C reating a Relationship

The client is the focus and center of everything in coaching. The power of coaching resides in the relationship between coach and client. It is important that the client feels safe and supported in the coaching session. Here are some aspects for creating a relationship between coach and client to best support and empower him or her.

A ssessing the Goal

The second stage of my coaching model is to identify and clarify the goal the client wants to achieve. It is extremely important that the coach listens carefully to the client’s words, asking the right questions and challenge the client to go deeper. That helps the client to identify what they truly want to accomplish.



  • The benefits of effective communication between patients and providers and among healthcare team members are well documented: patients have better health outcomes, better adherence to treatment plans and more consistent follow-through, as well as higher levels of satisfaction with their care. The Treating Patients with C.A.R.E.curriculum further teaches effective communicatio…
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  • Treating Patients with C.A.R.E. is open to clinicians and non-clinical support staff members and supervisors with training responsibilities and aptitude, who will lead C.A.R.E. workshops. Workshops can accommodate 8-24 learners to ensure individualized attention and optimal small group learning.
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  • This Treating Patients with C.A.R.E. faculty course provides a conceptual model and specific techniques that guide all staff members to communicate in ways that will enhance satisfaction and encourage patient partnership. It is designed for everyone whose work can impact patients’ and family members’ impressions of the care organization. Participan...
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Learning Objectives

  • After participation in this Treating Patients with C.A.R.E. faculty course, learners will be able to: 1. Define the four key elements of the C.A.R.E.communication model for delivering impressive healthcare service (Connect, Appreciate, Respond and Empower), 2. Demonstrate the four key elements of the C.A.R.E.communication model and describe examples from practice, 3. Practic…
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  • Participants in this faculty course practice presenting components of the Treating Patients with C.A.R.E. workshop and provide feedback to one another based on IHC’s structured feedback model. They practice engaging their audience in activities and maintaining the flow of the workshop. Participants are exposed to the theory and practice underlying graduated involvemen…
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  • The Institute for Healthcare Communication (IHC) takes responsibility for the content, quality and scientific integrity of this CME/CE activity. IHC is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to sponsor continuing medical education for physicians. IHC designates this 2.5-day Treating Patients with C.A.R.E. faculty course for a maximum of 18 …
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