what is best mcat prep course?

by Walton Mosciski 9 min read

What college courses should I take to pass the MCAT?

6 rows · Apr 15, 2021 · Why We Chose It: Blueprint is our choice for the best MCAT prep course because of its strong ...

What courses are required/recommended for the MCAT?

15 rows · Apr 08, 2022 · Magoosh Summary. Of all the courses we reviewed, Magoosh is the most affordable by far. Students ...

Do MCAT preparation courses really help?

15 rows · Aug 05, 2021 · Best Live Online MCAT Preparation. Ample Study Time: If you can devote a ton of time to ...

What books do you need to study for the MCAT?

Feb 19, 2022 · The 7 Best MCAT Prep Courses Princeton Review. The Princeton Review MCAT Ultimate Course is the most comprehensive, intensive MCAT course offered... Blueprint MCAT (Next Step Test Prep). Blueprint MCAT is a personalized online MCAT prep course that utilizes diagnostic... MCAT Self Prep. MCAT Self ...

Which MCAT prep course best?

Best MCAT Prep Courses SummaryBest Overall MCAT Prep Course: Blueprint MCAT.Most Immersive MCAT Prep: Altius.Best Value MCAT Prep Course: Magoosh.Best MCAT Live Online Classes: Princeton Review.The Popular MCAT Pick: Kaplan.Most MCAT Study Material: Gold Standard.

Is an MCAT prep course worth it?

For these students, are MCAT prep courses worth it? Yes, definitely. But even at this level, you don't need to spend $3,000. Well, you could go to companies out there that charge thousands of dollars for a class.

Is Kaplan or blueprint MCAT better?

Books – Blueprint provides 6 hard copy prep books (all specific MCAT subject related) to all of its' students, while Kaplan provides 8 prep books (7 subject matter related). All are extremely thorough, well written, do an excellent job of breaking down complex concepts, and closely track the coursework.

Is MCAT self prep course good?

MCAT Self Prep is a great resource to use if you need a little extra motivation to start studying, have a busy schedule, and do not want to spend a lot of money. It was really easy to watch a couple videos and learn a lot during random breaks in my day and right before bed.

Is Kaplan or Princeton Review better for MCAT?

The primary difference between the Kaplan and Princeton Review MCAT offerings revolves around instruction. Kaplan provides better quality on demand, video-based instruction, while we tend to like the quantity and approach of Princeton's live classes better.

How much does MCAT prep cost?

Compare the Best MCAT Prep CoursesProviderCostLengthBlueprint Best Overall$1,799 to $2,4996-12 monthsKaplan Best Live Online$1,799 to $6,9995 weeks to 6 monthsMCAT Self Prep Best Customizable OptionFree to $999Lifetime accessAltius Best Guarantee$2,499 to $9,99912 months2 more rows•Jan 4, 2022

Is Princeton Review MCAT worth it?

Is the Princeton Review worth it? Yes! Princeton Review has a great course that has helped students raise their score through effective content and an easy-to-use platform. Their 510+ score guarantee is especially valuable for students who need to hit a specific score for admissions.

What MCAT book should I buy?

To help you ace the test, we rounded up the best MCAT prep books to buy today.Best Official Guide: MCAT – The Official Guide to the MCAT® Exam, 5th Edition. ... Best for Visual Learners: MCAT Complete 7-Book Subject Review 2022-2023. ... Best for Exam Strategies: MCAT Prep Books 2021-2022.More items...•Nov 1, 2021

Is Kaplan MCAT worth it?

Conclusion. Kaplan MCAT prep is a great choice to get you ready for the MCAT. Many have gone through the course and had great success and you do have the higher score guarantee, which means Kaplan stands behind their work. Kaplan is a great choice if you learn mainly by lecture/video and practice questions.

Is MCAT self Prep free?

Is this really free? Yes! Our eCourse is 100-percent FREE!

How can I study myself for the MCAT?

Top 10 MCAT Study HabitsFind Your Baseline. ... Don't Sacrifice Practice for Content Review. ... Focus on Accuracy. ... Build Stamina. ... Take as Many Full-length Practice Tests as Possible. ... Simulate REAL MCAT Conditions. ... Practice Dealing With Distractions. ... Manage Your Stress.More items...

Who is MCATBros?

MCATBros was first founded as a community on a mission to help premedical students that leveraged the expertise and knowledge of a recent MCAT test taker and medical student (at the time), and we have contributed our knowledge, and community development expertise to the largest premedical and MCAT communities in the ...

What is the best MCAT prep course?

After reviewing numerous courses , we found that Princeton Review and Blueprint were the best MCAT prep courses. Both courses offer some grea...

Are MCAT prep courses worth it?

MCAT prep courses are a great way to learn new material and refresh yourself on old material. Some factors to consider might be your budget, lear...

How far in advance should you study for the MCAT?

The amount of time it takes to study for the MCAT will vary from person to person. It is recommended that students give themselves adequate time to...

Is Kaplan or Princeton Review better for MCAT?

Both prep courses are great options when studying for the MCAT. Princeton Review is a little cheaper and has a couple of different features versu...

How difficult is MCAT?

The MCAT is a very difficult exam. Many students spend months preparing for the MCAT exam. MCAT prep courses are an efficient way to study and ta...

Best 2018 Online Medical College Admission Test Mcat Review Courses & Study Materials [Compared]

1. The Princeton Review MCAT Prep Course 2. The Gold Standard MCAT Review Course 3. Kaplan MCAT Prep Course 4. Adapt Prep MCAT Review Course 5. Mag...

The Gold Standard Mcat Prep Course

1. Practice Questions: The Gold Standard MCAT has more practice questions than any other MCAT course in our rankings. This ensures you probably won...

Adapt Prep Mcat Prep Course

1. 1. Flexible Pricing: Students can save some money on registration costs by reducing the amount of access time or limiting their study material t...

Best Mcat Tutoring Services Online

1. Monday Back Guarantee: All students get a FREE Introductory Hour, so you get to meet your tutor and develop a customized study plan before begin...

What is the purpose of MCAT prep?

MCAT prep courses are a great way to learn new material and refresh yourself on old material. Some factors to consider might be your budget, learning style, and self-discipline. MCAT prep courses will help identify strengths and weaknesses, simulate the actual test, and provide a study plan.

Why is MCAT prep important?

The MCAT is challenging, and high scores are critical. MCAT prep courses are a great way for students to refresh their knowledge on multiple topics while also learning new material. MCAT prep courses will help students become more comfortable taking the MCAT by offering strategies and test taking tips.

How much does Magoosh cost?

Of all the courses we reviewed, Magoosh is the most affordable by far. Students can purchase the MCAT prep course for $399 and will have access to the course for 12 months. The course includes more than 380 video lessons to cover all sections of the MCAT.

How much does the Dr Flowers MCAT cost?

Dr. Flowers MCAT offers 3 different pricing options. The first one is an 8-week course available for $299. The second one is a 12-week course available for $419. The third one is a 16-week course available for $539 and the one we reviewed.

How long does it take to study for the MCAT?

It is recommended that students give themselves adequate time to prepare for the MCAT (6-12 months). MCAT prep courses are a great way to stay on track when studying for the MCAT.

How much does Princeton Review cost for MCAT?

The Princeton Review offers a very thorough MCAT prep course. The online, self-paced course retails for $1499 and is available to students for 12 months. The course features 1000’s of free-standing and passage-based questions – all of which have detailed answer explanations.

Is MCAT prep expensive?

Budget MCAT prep courses can get expensive. If money is tight, consider our best value recommendation, or self-study with MCAT prep books. Learning style – if you have a history of successfully studying with books, a self-study approach with a good MCAT prep book may be your best plan.

How much does Kaplan cost for MCAT?

Pricing: Kaplan offers a top notch MCAT prep course, but it comes at a price. They have the most expensive on-demand option in our list, starting at $1,799. Their live online and in-person options are even more. If prices is a consideration you can get a better deal with Blueprint.

How long is the MCAT?

Especially when considering you may be balancing work, school and a host of other responsibilities. The MCAT testing period of 7.5 hours can be brutal without the best MCAT prep course.

How does MCAT help you stay on task?

The best MCAT courses will also help you stay on task while providing clear explanations, interactive study tools, and practice exams that are similar to the real MCAT experience .

What is self paced MCAT?

A self-paced course provides the most versatile learning options. Flexibility is key here and it often gives you the ability to study around your schedule as opposed to making your schedule around your classes. Having this option gives you ultimate control of your MCAT exam prep. However, with this comes the responsibility of sitting down and sticking to a schedule on your own. You also won’t have open access to instructors, although many of the self-paced options do provide forums, email and phone support.

What happens if my MCAT score doesn't go up?

If your score doesn’t go up, you can do the same program again at no extra charge, or (the best part) you can ask for your money back. You can study up until the very day of your exam with Kaplan’s course materials, which do not expire until you take the MCAT.

Is the Blueprint MCAT stressful?

Peace of Mind : As previously mentioned, there’s no excuse for a MCAT prep course to be stressful when the exam itself causes enough anxiety on its own . Therefore, some of the most helpful features Blueprint MCAT provides are the ones that reduce the amount of pressure on students’ shoulders.

Is the Blueprint MCAT affordable?

However, Blueprint MCAT Review manages to offer an affordable package with quality and quality.

What is Kaplan MCAT?

Kaplan is among the top commercial MCAT prep course options and provides a wide variety of course deliveries including Live Online, In Person, On Demand, Tutoring & Consulting, as well as Winter and Summer Intensives.

How long is the Princeton Review MCAT?

The Princeton Review MCAT Ultimate Course is the most comprehensive, intensive MCAT course offered both Live Online or In-Person. 123 hours of live instruction by a team of 4-6 subject-matter experts means you’ll be ready for the MCAT in as little as 12 weeks.

How long is Magoosh MCAT?

Magoosh MCAT sets itself apart as one of the only budget MCAT prep courses on the market today. This MCAT course includes 1-12 months of access to 380+ video lessons, 3 practice tests of over 700 practice questions, detailed text explanations, email assistance, and a 7-day money back guarantee.

How many hours does the Blueprint MCAT take?

Blueprint MCAT is a personalized online MCAT prep course that utilizes diagnostic test results to create a custom study plan. This MCAT course includes 240+ hours of live instruction over a 6-month period. In addition to the course, students can join 2-hour Live Online Office Hours with your instructor up to 5 times per week.

What is the gold standard for MCAT?

Gold Standard is one of the best resources for MCAT review materials that an aspiring medical student can utilize. They provide various prep courses and packages that are tailored to the needs of prospective test takers.

Is Altius a good MCAT prep?

With robust in-person and online course options, Altius is one of the leading providers of quality MCAT prep courses. Their strengths lie in how they structure their courses as well as their comprehensive practice tests and 90th percentile score guarantee for all students.

Does blueprint have MCAT?

It’s important to note that Blueprint is the only company who has fully updated all their practice exams and diagnostic to be fully aligned to the actual MCAT interface changes for this year. Once you enroll in a Blueprint MCAT course, you’ll also receive their set of 6 section-specific MCAT prep books.

What is the Gold Standard MCAT Prep Package?

The other major highlight of the Gold Standard MCAT Prep package is their bundle of high-quality eBooks. These digital prep books have been around for over 20 years and are extremely well-vetted by this point. Each chapter within the eBooks covers a MCAT subtopic in great detail, breaking down otherwise complex subject matter into understandable bites. They are well-articulated and content-rich. I would be shocked to see an official MCAT question where the underlying topic wasn’t covered somewhere in these eBooks. The books also contain some helpful illustrations and graphics that improve understanding and material retention. For students who prefer a prep book as their main source of instruction, you will find these eBooks and the course as a whole well suited to your needs.

What is the MCAT test?

The Medical College Admission Test, or MCAT, is the standardized exam utilized by almost every major school in the U.S. and Canada in its medical school admission process. The MCAT is administered by the Association of American Medical Colleges, or AAMC, and is designed to assess skills that are crucial to success in medical school, including problem solving, critical thinking, and knowledge of natural, behavioral, and social science concepts and principles. As a note, when applying to med school, your MCAT must be recent – most schools will not accept MCAT exam scores that are more than three years old.

How long should I study for the MCAT?

Preparing for the MCAT. We recommend studying for three to six months before actually sitting for the MCAT. Obviously, that study time frame will change depending on your commitments and schedule, but be prepared for a long haul. You cannot procrastinate in studying for the MCAT and expect to score well.

Is the MCAT a high score?

The MCAT is a difficult and high-stakes exam with little room for error. For many aspiring med school students, your MCAT score will make or break your application, which in turn makes the selection of the right prep course a pivotal decision at the start of your journey to becoming a doctor.

Does Altius have a 90th percentile?

In fact, Altius is so confident in their method that they even guarantee a 90th percentile score for the majority of their prep packages. These promises of 90 th percentile scores and intensive, small group sessions are awesome, but do come at a price, with Altius having some of the highest course prices in MCAT prep.
