what is basic leader course loke

by Cullen McLaughlin 10 min read

The Basic Officer Leader Course (BOLC) is a two-phased training course designed to commission officers and prepare them for service in the United States Army.

BLC is designed to build basic leader and trainer skills needed to lead a team size element; while providing the foundation for further development along the PME learning continuum. Instruction at the BLC is accomplished with the Army Experiential Learning Model (ELM) methodology.

Full Answer

What is the basic officer leader course?

BASIC LEADER COURSE OVERVIEW: The Basic Leader Course is a 22-academic-day, MOS immaterial course consisting of 169 academic hours. BLC is the first resident course of study in the Noncommissioned...

How many hours is Basic Leader Course?

BASIC LEADER COURSE . Congratulations on your selection to attend the Basic Leader Course at the 3rd BN, 166TH Regiment at Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania. ... My two basic responsibilities will always be uppermost in my mind, accomplishment of my mission and the welfare of my Soldiers. I will strive to remain tactically and technically ...

What are the basics of leadership training?

The Basic Officer Leader Course (BOLC) is a two-phased training course designed to commission officers and prepare them for service in the United States Army. Prospective officers complete Phase I (BOLC A) as either a cadet ( United States Military Academy or Reserve Officers' Training Corps) or an officer candidate ( Officer Candidate School (United States Army)) before …

What are the requirements to complete the basic Leaders Course (BLC)?

 · Basic Officer Leader Course Army Military Police School Initial Accreditation April 2018 The BOLC program is an advanced course to take college graduates from U. S. Military Academy, Reserve Officer Training Command or the Officer Candidate School and train and educate them for critical assignments as Military Police leaders.

What is Basic Leader Course?

Basic Leader Course (BLC) BLC is the first course of leadership training. A month-long intensive course, Soldiers learn the fundamental skills needed to lead small groups of Soldiers. This course is for you if you're a specialist or corporal who wants to advance to the rank of sergeant.

What goes on in BLC?

BLC trains Soldiers in basic leadership skills, Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) duties, responsibilities and authority, and how to conduct performance-oriented training. BLC focuses on leadership training.

How long is Army Basic leadership course?

169 academic hoursBASIC LEADER COURSE OVERVIEW: The Basic Leader Course is a 22-academic-day, MOS immaterial course consisting of 169 academic hours.

What happens if I fail BLC?

Soldiers dismissed from BLC for academic deficiency may apply to reenter and be re-scheduled for the course when both the unit commander and the learner or Soldier determine that they are prepared to complete the course. reasons beyond the student's control.

How much do you get paid for BLC?

Army Specialist Pay A Specialist is a enlisted soldier in the United States Army at DoD paygrade E-4. A Specialist receives a monthly basic pay salary starting at $2,393 per month, with raises up to $2,906 per month once they have served for over 6 years.

Can I do BLC online?

Shortly after meeting with Sellers, West said, the Army announced the stop movement and social distancing requirements for all components of the Army, active, National Guard and Reserve. West and his team were ready to launch BLC online. “I saw it coming as well as some of the staff at the Fort Bliss NCOA.

How do I prepare for BLC?

BLC Preparation TipsRefresh on Drill & Ceremony.Refresh on Physical Training.Refresh on basic grammar and writing skills.Understand that the Basic Leader Course is a professional education environment.Be ready to collaborate with your peers.

Do you get a ribbon for BLC?

The first award of the NCO Professional Development Ribbon is issued for completion of the Basic Leader Course (BLC [former titles of BLC include: the "Warrior Leader Course", "Primary NCO Course", "Combat Army Course", and the "Primary Leadership Development Course"]).

What comes after BLC?

BLC is no longer worth promotion points unless the soldier receives commandants or distinguished honor grad. The next level of education is Advanced Leader Course (ALC), formerly known as Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course (BNCOC).

How many points is BLC?

Promotion points are received for academic excellence in BLC, however. You can receive 20 promotion points for achieving commandant's list status and 40 promotion points for achieving Distinguished Honor Graduate of the Distinguished Leadership Graduate.

What happens if you fail height and weight at BLC?

Failure of initial height and weight screening will result in a counseling and removed from all academic honors.

Is Land NAV still in BLC?

The course will no longer include a situational training exercise or land navigation in the same capacity as before, Foster said. Regardless of the changes to course, the NCOA will not change the way they conduct physical training or the standards the students are held to, Garcia said.

What is BLC training?

The training in BLC focuses on Basic leadership training, instilling leader's skills, knowledge, and experience needed to lead team-squad size units. BLC provides the foundation for further training and development building functional leadership attributes and competence.

What is BLC in the Army?

BLC is designed to build basic leader and trainer skills needed to lead a team size element; while providing the foundation for further development along the PME learning continuum. Instruction at the BLC is accomplished through the use of the Army Experiential Learning Model (ELM) methodology.

What is the last day of the cycle?

Graduation is the last day of the cycle, or class, at 1000hrs. Students rehearse the day of graduation . The uniform for graduation is ACU's. Family, friends, and Unit members are encouraged to attend your graduation .

Do BLC soldiers get lunch?

10. As of 1 July 2015 Soldiers reporting to BLC will not receive a Lunch or Dinner meal on their travel day aka “In-Processing Day”. All soldiers will receive per diem for the In-Processing Day. There are restaurants in the local area and the students can pay at the DFAC on that day.

Do you have to pass the APFT to be dismissed from BLC?

Commandants will arrange for students to take the APFT and screen Height/Weight requirements while allowing for one retest. Students who fail to pass a final APFT or Height/Weight standards will be dismissed from BLC.

What is the second phase of the Basic Officer Leader Course?

The second phase of the Basic Officer Leader Course - previously referred to as the Officer Basic Course (OBC) and BOLC III - is designed to develop new combat-effective officers and train them to perform their wartime duties as commissioned officers.

Where is the BOLC II training?

BOLC II was a 7 week combat preparation course located at Fort Sill, OK and Fort Benning, GA. It was discontinued at the end of 2009, and as of 2010, any required training has now been merged into BOLC B (formerly BOLC III).

What is a BOLC?

The Basic Officer Leader Course (BOLC) is a two-phased training course designed to commission officers and prepare them for service in the United States Army.

What is the first phase of the Army?

The majority of Army officers start in Phase I of BOLC pre-commissioning training through the Reserve Officers' Training Corps, Officer Candidate School, or the United States Military Academy. At this stage officer candidates learn basic leadership skills and small unit tactics.

What is leadership training?

Leadership and management training courses are specialized programs designed to help you learn new leadership techniques and refine old skills to run your team, including assertive communication, motivation methods, and coaching.

What is the most important skill to learn as a leader?

Decision making is one of the most important skills you can learn as a leader. When a fork in the road appears, ideas will get batted around by your team, but when it comes to the crunch – it’s you who will have to make the final call. Just as we all have a personality type, we also have decision making types.

Why is it important to know your leadership style?

Knowing your leadership style is important when you are managing people and projects to give you a better understanding of your own strengths and weaknesses, and learning how to use your leadership style to your advantage. You might also check out our 14 most important management skills:

What are the different types of leadership styles?

There are three basic leadership styles. Autocratic leaders are clear in their expectations, tell employees exactly how they want a job done, and make decisions on their own. Delegative leaders are the opposite and instead of micromanaging they allow the group to make their own decisions.

What are core leadership practices?

These core leadership practices include: Being a role model. Making an impact. Focusing on following a vision. Encouraging collaboration. Being positive. A good leadership training will guide you through identifying your core leadership practice and mission.

What do you need to know before taking leadership classes?

Before you master anything else in your leadership classes, you will first need to tackle the basics. The basics to leadership training are about establishing what your purpose is as a leader and the mindset you need to be cultivating in yourself and your team.

Why is leadership training important?

Leadership training is crucial for any management role. Whether you have a large team or just got your first hire, leadership training can help you be the best possible leader. A strong foundation of leadership training will help you effectively direct your team towards success. This is a key part of reaching your goals.

What level is Bolc II?

They are certified as level 1 in the combatives program, a designation similar to a colored-belt system used in some martial arts, said Ernst, who has taught BOLC II for the past 18 months.

How long is the BOLC B?

The 18.5-week BOLC B is a consolidation of the seven-week BOLC Phase II and the 15-week BOLC Phase III, said Maj. Celester Thomas, executive officer of the 1-30th FA.

What is the goal of the FA BOLC B?

The goal of the FA BOLC B is to produce a competent, confident field artilleryman who can advise a maneuver commander , Thomas said. "Those are our three main outcomes."

How many days is the capstone exercise for BOLC B?

BOLC B will culminate with a five-day capstone exercise consisting of everything the students learned, Thomas said.

What are the seven core Soldiers skills?

Then for the next two weeks, the neophyte officers learn seven core Soldiers skills: land navigation; small arms marksmanship; small-unit tactics, techniques and procedures; convoy operations; sexual assault prevention; equal opportunity training; and lastly combatives, or hand-to-hand fighting.

What is the first administratively processed officer into the Army?

Lieutenants from OCS, ROTC, the U.S. Military Academy, as well as direct commission officers, are first administratively processed into the Army.

How many instructors are there in field artillery?

In a mix of academics and field exercises, 24 instructors will teach the students virtually everything about field artillery.