what is ap course audit

by Dr. Deonte Ullrich II 4 min read

The AP Course Auditis an authorization process that provides teachers and administrators with guidelines and requirements for offering AP courses. It also ensures that AP courses across high schools meet the same college-level criteria.

AP Course auditing is what allows a school to officially give a course the “AP” label. Having classes with the official AP label is important for your students' transcripts, especially if they are applying to prestigious schools and scholarships.Mar 21, 2020

Full Answer

How do administrators get access to AP Course Audit?

The AP Course Audit process means that admissions officers and college faculty can be assured of the rigor of the courses that carry the AP label on student transcripts. The Course Audit Process. All schools wishing to label a course “AP” must submit a subject-specific AP Course Audit form and the course syllabus for each teacher of that AP course. The course and exam …

What is AP audit?

The AP Course Audit is an authorization process that provides teachers and administrators with guidelines and requirements for offering AP courses. It also ensures that AP courses across high schools meet the same college-level criteria.

Should you take an AP course?

AP Course auditing is what allows a school to officially give a course the “AP” label. Having classes with the official AP label is important for your students' transcripts, especially if they are applying to prestigious schools and scholarships.

What are the requirements for AP course?

May 31, 2019 · The AP course audit is an evaluation of high school courses designed to determine if they meet certain AP standards. The AP course audit is a rigorous evaluation process. Courses are submitted to the College Board for approval. If the course is approved, it becomes part of the AP course ledger.

What does AP mean in courses?

Advanced PlacementToday's high school students have more options than ever to earn college credit prior to graduation and to take higher-level courses that can better prepare them for college. One popular option is the Advanced Placement (AP) program, which students can take starting in their junior year.

How do I complete an AP course audit?

0:216:07Pre-AP Course Audit Process for New Schools - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipThe first step in the course audit. Process will be to click to access of course audit link from theMoreThe first step in the course audit. Process will be to click to access of course audit link from the pre P website.

What is course audit form?

Use this form to request to audit an upcoming course. Policies: Students are not permitted to attend classes unless they are registered for credit or as an audit.

What is the AP course Ledger?

The course ledger lists secondary school courses offered worldwide that are authorized to include either AP® or Pre-AP® designation when listed on students' transcripts.

Do AP teachers need to be certified?

While there is no AP certification for teachers, you can undergo continuous training to hone your AP teaching skills. Depending on your preferences, you can sign up for private or public workshops, as well as subject-specific AP workshops.

How do I add a new teacher to an AP audit?

Find AP Course Audit and click Get Access. Choose your Job Function (Teacher, or School or District Administrator/Online Provider) and enter your school's name in the Professional Organization field. Click Add. Make sure your information is correct and click Finished.

How do I renew my AP audit?

After your school's AP courses are authorized, you simply have to renew them every year. You can sign into your AP Course Audit account to do this for each course your school offers that school year. Be sure to check the AP Course Audit calendar to see when you can begin renewing courses.

How do I become an AP biology teacher?

The College Board recommends that AP teachers hold a bachelor's degree or higher in the area they teach or in a related field. For example, in addition to a teaching degree, an AP biology teacher would also hold a bachelor's degree in biology or another scientific field.Mar 4, 2019

How do you ask for a class audit?

Checklist for Auditing a ClassResearch the school's and department's auditing policies.Contact the course instructor to ask about auditing — don't assume you'll get permission.More items...•Mar 31, 2021

How do I submit an AP syllabus?

How do teachers submit a new or revised course syllabus for...Sign in to your AP Course Audit account and click Add New Course.Choose your course from the drop-down menu and click Add Course.Click Add Course in the confirmation pop-up, and OK in the “Course Added” pop-up.Click Complete Course Audit Form.More items...

How do you buy an AP exam?

You'll need to join your class section online in order to register for the exam. Your school's AP coordinator will order your exam materials and collect all fees. The deadline to register for exams is in the fall, but specific deadlines may vary by school—be sure to check with your teacher or AP coordinator.

How do you get AP Capstone?

The AP Capstone Diploma is granted to students who earn scores of 3 or higher in AP Seminar and AP Research and on 4 additional AP Exams of their choosing. The AP Seminar and Research Certificate is granted to students who earn scores of 3 or higher in both AP Seminar and AP Research.

What is AP course audit?

Any course that a school labels “AP” must receive authorization through a process called the AP Course Audit , which confirms teacher awareness of course scope and occasional exam changes , and ensures that confidential practice exams and other resources are only accessible to real AP teachers verified by a school administrator.

How long does it take to hear from AP program review?

Teachers will hear from the program within eight weeks.

What is AP course audit?

The AP Course Audit process means that admissions officers and college faculty can be assured of the rigor of the courses that carry the AP label on student transcripts.

What is the AP program?

Maintaining quality and excellence has been the cornerstone of the AP Program since its inception and remains paramount to its continued success. The initiative, participation, and guidance of colleges and universities ensure that the program continues to raise the bar for educational excellence.

Advanced Placement Courses

Advanced Placement is a high school program developed by the College Board to give high school students both the college experience and possibly college credit while still in high school.

AP Course Audit

While the term audit has a specific meaning for the process of taking high school courses without credit, it has another meaning when it comes to AP courses. The AP course audit is an evaluation of high school courses designed to determine if they meet certain AP standards. In this case, the term audit means to inspect or to examine.

Why Is It Important?

Why have the AP course audit? This is actually a very important question because it has to do with standards and requirements for both high schools and colleges.

AP Course Audit Process

In order for a course to be certified as an AP course, it must go through the strict evaluation process of the AP audit. First, the high school needs to designate someone on staff as the AP Administrator. This may be the Principal or a designee. The AP Administrator then completes the following steps for the AP audit:

What is AP course audit?

Like we mentioned above, the AP Course Audit is just the submission of a form and your syllabus, so the syllabus is the main piece of work you have to complete.

What does AP mean in college?

The AP label shows colleges and scholarship committees that your school’s courses have a high level of rigor. That said, a course does not have to carry the official “AP” label for your school to order the corresponding AP exams. For example, you could teach a course titled just “United States History” and still order the AP United States Exam ...

When is the deadline for a course taught in 2016-17?

The deadline for your first submission to authorize a course taught in 2016-17 is January 31, 2017 . Make sure to start working on your syllabus well before that deadline!

Do you have to re-audit after AP?

Technically, even after your course is approved, you still have to re-audit every year if you want your class to keep the “AP” title. Fortunately, you don’t have to do much work for re-authorization.

How to Begin

Your AP Course Audit tasks are completed online. You’ll have to sign in to, or create, your AP Course Audit account and follow the steps below.

Using the Secure Practice Exams

Once your administrator approves your AP Course Audit form, you’ll be able to access free, downloadable AP practice exams (for all courses except AP 2D Art and Design, AP 3D Art and Design, and AP Drawing). These complete AP Exams are only available to teachers; students can’t access them.
