what is an upper division course uc berkeley

by Kevon Dooley I 10 min read

Upper division courses are numbered 100-199 and ordinarily open only to students who have completed at least one lower division course in the given subject, or six terms of college work. Special study courses for undergraduates are numbered 199.

How do I know if my course is upper division Berkeley?

Upper-Division Undergraduate Courses (X100–X199)

Extension course titles that include X100 through X199 signify upper-division instruction, which corresponds to third- and fourth-year college-level instruction.

What does upper division coursework mean?

Business education you can afford

In contrast, 300- and 400-level classes are considered upper division. These courses are primarily for juniors and seniors. Courses numbered 500 or higher typically represent graduate-level classes.
Oct 25, 2021

Can I take an upper division class as a freshman UC Berkeley?

Freshmen are not advised to take upper division courses (#100-199) or graduate level courses (#200+) in their first year. We also discourage students from taking more than 2 technical courses in a semester (such as Chem 1A, Math 16A, and Bio 1A).

Are upper division courses harder?

'” While many upper division courses may indeed be more difficult, they often have smaller class sizes, creating a more interactive learning environment for students.Apr 10, 2017

What is the difference between upper and lower division?

Lower-division courses are offered for freshman and sophomore level credit. All courses offered at a community college are lower-division courses. Upper-division courses are offered for junior and senior level credit. These courses are not offered by community colleges.

What does upper division undergraduate GPA mean?

A typical GPA for an upper division course will fall in the range 3.0 - 3.5, depending on the course and the students who enroll. For example, a GPA of 3.2 would result from 45% A's, 40% B's, 10% C's, and 5% D's and F's. Courses with selective enrollment may fall outside of this range.

Is UC Berkeley Extension the same as UC Berkeley?

The University of California, Berkeley, Extension (UC Berkeley Extension) is the continuing education division of the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) campus. Founded in 1891, UC Berkeley Extension provides continuing education through self-supporting academic programs.

How many classes do you take at UC Berkeley?

Undergraduates: A course load of 15 units per semester is considered a normal undergraduate course load, and you are expected to enroll in at least 15 units. Graduate Students: A course load of 12 units per semester is considered a normal, full-time graduate course load.

What is the acceptance rate at Berkeley?

Area of Concentration (20-22 units)

A minimum of six classes (20-22 units) of upper-division course work, drawn from the College of Letters and Science and the Professional Schools and Colleges, are required in the student’s individually articulated area of concentration.

Senior Thesis (4 units)

Because American Studies at UC Berkeley is an interdisciplinary program based on the major’s own offerings and supplemented by individualized programs of study drawing on the resources of the whole campus, students in this major complete their work in the major with an interdisciplinary senior thesis.

There are four ways to satisfy the thesis requirement

1. American Studies 191#N#Students in this course will work together and independently to achieve individual interdisciplinary research papers which draw on their preparatory work in American Studies.

What is applied cluster?

The applied cluster is a chance to learn about areas in which Statistics can be applied, and to learn specialized techniques not taught in the Statistics Department. Students need to design your own Cluster. The courses should have a unifying theme. Picking your own Cluster is a valuable exercise that gives you a chance to explore ...

Why do we study statistics?

Two of the best reasons to study statistics are the immense variety of important and exciting real-world questions we can answer through careful data analysis, as well as the broad range of technical fields with close connections to statistics . No major is complete without encountering the fields that interface closely with statistics.

Can CS majors take another four years?

The Department allows CS majors to satisfy at most three upper division course requirement at another four-year institution . CS minors may satisfy at most one upper division course requirement elsewhere. We suggest making prior arrangements and consulting with CS Advisors to ensure the course (s) you select is transferrable.

What is the minimum GPA required for CS?

All upper division courses applied toward the major must be completed with an overall GPA of 2.0 or above.

Social Welfare Core Courses

Social Welfare majors must complete four required, upper-division Social Welfare courses, known as "core courses." All of the following core courses must be taken for a letter grade. In order to graduate, you must earn a minimum GPA of 2.0 overall in all of the core courses.

Social Science Electives Requirement

Social Welfare majors must complete a minimum of FIVE approved social science electives, totaling at least 18 upper-division units. At least three of the five must be selected from a Primary Social Science department. The remaining two electives may come from either a Primary or Secondary Social Science department.

Supplemental Elective Units

Students who choose five Social Science Electives that do not total 18 units will need additional coursework to supplement the required five elective courses.

Upper Division EECS Requirements

Students must complete a minimum of 20 units of upper division EECS courses. One course must provide a major design experience, and be selected from the following list:

Ethics Requirement

Students must complete one course about engineering ethics or the social implications of technology. Unlike the other EECS major requirements, the ethics requirement may be completed with a "P" grade:

Technical Engineering Units

Students must complete a minimum of 40 units of technical engineering coursework. This includes the required lower and upper division required courses in EE, CS, and EECS.

College Requirements

Students in the College of Engineering must complete no fewer than 120 semester units and meet other College, Campus, and University Requirements.
