what is an interactive course

by Faye Mann 4 min read

An interactive course typically describes material of an educational nature delivered in a format which allows the user to directly impact the materials' content, pace, and outcome. Interactive, as defined by the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, is "involving the actions or input of a user".

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What is interactive training and how does it work?

An interactive course typically describes material of an educational nature delivered in a format which allows the user to directly impact the materials' content, pace, and outcome. Interactive, as defined by the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, is "involving the actions or input of a user". An example of such material would be a computer -based presentation requiring a user to …

What makes an interactive lecture interactive?

Nov 23, 2021 · Interactive learning is a hands-on, real-world approach to education. According to Stanford University School of Medicine, 'Interactive learning actively engages the students in wrestling with the ...

What is the difference between an interactive course and unsourced material?

Mar 07, 2021 · What Is Interactive eLearning? Interactive eLearning means that a learner doesn’t interact with an instructor directly; it’s more of a “dialogue” between a learner and tools through which they become engaged and involved in the learning process. In fact, it’s a key element of self-paced e-course design.

What is interactive learning in social studies?

Jul 28, 2020 · As the name suggests, interactive training is a form of training, in which learners learn by doing and are, therefore, active participants in the knowledge gaining process rather than passive absorbers of information. Interactive training is not just about sitting back, watching videos or presentations, and clicking the next button.

What makes a course interactive?

Social functions such as sharing and commenting on content are part of the way most of us are used to communicating. Combined with gamification, this makes any course more interactive. It's a lot of fun for the learners, too.

How do you make an interactive course?

Here are a few ways you can make online courses more interactive:Incorporate an interactive element on each slide.Add digital storytelling to your courses.Include interactive 360° images and videos.Create simulated environments where learners can freely practice.Devise branching scenarios.May 19, 2020

What is interactive online learning?

Interactive online learning entails going beyond the passive one-way nodes of reading, listening, and watching static content. It includes pulling out the exact content you want and manipulating it rather than just waiting for information and digesting it.Oct 15, 2020

What is interactive education content?

In elearning, interactive content is learning material that involves the active participation of the learners as opposed to just listening, reading, or watching. It involves the integration of elements such as quizzes, assessments, graphs, infographics, and interactive white papers.Jan 24, 2021

How do you make an online interactive course?

8 Tips for creating more interactive online learningIncorporate Active Learning. ... Combine different media types into engaging learning scenarios. ... Try running a cohort-based course. ... Incorporate live lessons. ... Microlearning. ... Use storytelling methods of teaching. ... Use Gamification. ... Pause for questions and answer live chats.Sep 8, 2021

Which online platform is best?

What Are the Best Online Learning Platforms?Udemy. Udemy is one of the best online course platform marketplaces with over 24 million students, 35,000 instructors, and unbelievable 80,000+ courses. ... Shaw Academy. ... Skillshare. ... LinkedIn Learning. ... Treehouse.Feb 5, 2022

Why should online learning be interactive?

This type of content can help learners to make sense of text-based e-learning content and will help maintain levels of concentration. Interactive learning content is also valuable as it can provide opportunities that students wouldn't otherwise have had.

What is engaging learning?

"Engaged learning is the process in which students actively participate in their learning. Students are involved, beginning on the first day, in the decision making of the course of their study. Students vigorously research, discuss, create projects, and use technology to make discoveries based on their choices.

Is interactive learning more effective?

Summary: Engaging students through interactive activities, discussions, feedback and AI-enhanced technologies resulted in improved academic performance compared to traditional lectures, lessons or readings, faculty concluded after collecting research into active learning.Sep 30, 2021

What are examples of learning activities?

15 active learning activities to energize your next college classThink-pair-repair. In this twist on think-pair-share, pose an open-ended question to your class and ask students to come up with their best answer. ... Improv games. ... Brainwriting. ... Jigsaw. ... Concept mapping. ... The one-minute paper. ... Real-time reactions. ... Chain notes.More items...•Apr 2, 2020

What is interactive learning?

Interactive learning is a hands-on approach to helping students become more engaged and retain more material. With or without a form of technology, interactive learning helps students strengthen problem-solving and critical thinking skills. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member.

What is the purpose of an interactive notebook?

The purpose of the interactive notebook is to enable students to be creative, independent thinkers and writers. Students use them for class notes, to express ideas, or process different information or ideas they come up with inspired by the class.

What is smartboard in a classroom?

A smartboard is a large interactive board attached to the classroom wall similar to a whiteboard. The main difference is that the smartboard uses touch detection to create a much more interactive lesson. Technology has brought the world into the classroom.

What is manipulatives in math?

Manipulatives are another way to engage students in a subject like math or science. Manipulatives are hands-on, physical objects used to help students understand difficult concepts. They can be used to introduce, practice, or cement a particular concept. Some additional interactive learning tools include:

Do teachers have computers?

But teachers do not always have computers available in the classroom. This is no problem, as interactive learning can happen across the curriculum without a computer. The whole point of interactive learning is to involve the student, engage critical thinking, and avoid passive learning.

What is interactive elearning?

Interactive eLearning means that a learner doesn’t interact with an instructor directly; it’s more of a “dialogue” between a learner and tools through which they become engaged and involved in the learning process. In fact, it’s a key element of self-paced e-course design.

What is the best thing about dialogue simulations?

The great thing about dialogue simulations is that they’re a safe yet realistic environment to practice communication skills, apply knowledge in a certain context, and get meaningful feedback not only as a score but as a reaction from a virtual person.

How to use branching?

The most obvious way to use branching is to send learners who give wrong answers to explore some additional information on the topic, and those who manage to do well on to the advanced content. Thus, the degree of a challenge will vary depending on the success of a certain learner.

Who invented flow theory?

Flow theory was originally invented by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the Hungarian-American psychologist. His flow model represents the emotional state of a person while undertaking a task or activity. When we’re “in the flow,” our concentration is at maximum, and we’re so involved in an activity that nothing else around seems to matter. Imagine the outstanding results your learners could reach if they studied like this!

What are the elements of interest curve?

There are four elements of an interest curve to pay close attention to while creating an interactive learning experience: Initial interest (A): It’s better when your learners are initially interested in the subject of a course, even if the training is obligatory.

Can quizzes be used at the end of a course?

Quizzes. Though quizzes and tests are traditionally put somewhere at the end of a course, we’d recommend using them not only like a final boss fight — they’re also great as recurrent checkpoints. For instance, you can make small true-or-false questions pop up from time to time to keep learners awake.

What is interactive training?

As the name suggests, interactive training is a form of training, in which learners learn by doing and are, therefore, active participants in the knowledge gaining process rather than passive absorbers of information. Interactive training is not just about sitting back, watching videos or presentations, and clicking the next button.

What are the benefits of interactive learning?

Benefits of interactive training modules 1 Self-learning: The learners get an opportunity to explore the learning environment, which in turn, draws them into the module, prompting them to proceed and learn at their own pace. So, it may be that they take up a particular course, and the online environment, for instance, a learning experience platform (LXP), based on their viewing choice. Interactive online learning provides them more such options to make learning a continuous experience. 2 Gain Real-life Perspectives: One of the greatest benefits of interactive training modules is that course developers can replicate and enhance real-life scenarios by using simulations, virtual reality and artificial intelligence. Learners, therefore, not only gain real-life perspectives, but also hone their skills in solving real-time problems, albeit in a safe virtual environment in which they can put their skills to test, learn by trial and error, and avoid mistakes that could cost the company dear in terms of loss of client, revenue and reputation. 3 Benefit from Non-intrusive Assessment: With interactive training modules, instructors can gauge learner performance spontaneously and non-intrusively. For instance, assessments come in the form of branching scenarios, which allow learners to trace and retrace their paths to reach a successful outcome. This form of assessment is less invasive and judgemental, rather, it acts as a motivational factor that pushes the learners towards their goals.

What is branching scenario?

Branching scenarios add a sense of challenge and adventure to the learning, motivating learners to explore and at the same time, build on their decision-making, critical thinking, and analytical skills.

Can you create an interactive training module?

Now that you know how to create interactive training modules, you may still wonder, is it as easy as it sounds? The answer is yes. With accessible technology, you can easily create immersive, engaging and highly interactive training modules that pass control of the learning to the learners. You need a right combination of hardware and software, and of course, a whole lot of creativity to create such courses. However, if you are short on time and wish to focus on your core areas, you may outsource your requirements to eLearning course development companies to create bespoke interactive training modules which can be delivered using a learning management system or a learning experience platform.
