what is an example of redundancy in your automobile? having a battery and starter course hero

by Prof. Toby Beahan V 3 min read

What is an example of redundancy?

This is an example of redundancy, and it is found in various forms of writing and speeches. When something is redundant it means that it is excessive, unnecessary, or superfluous.

What are some redundant sentences that can be fixed?

Below are some redundant sentences and examples of ways that you can fix them. Redundant: There were three teachers that taught each and every hour at school today. Fixed: There were three teachers that taught every hour at school today.

Is it bad to be a redundant person?

In most occasions though, especially when a person is being redundant without realizing it, it’s bad. Develop Blockbuster Story Ideas that Sell! (Writing Mastery)

Can redundancy be used for emphasis?

As mentioned before, redundancy can be used for emphasis. You’ve probably seen a lot of redundant phrases in advertisements. People will write words such as “Free gift” and “Added Bonuses” to emphasize how good something may be. This is only in specific situations though.

What is redundant in a sentence?

Redundancy is when we use two or more words together that mean the same thing, for example, ‘adequate enough’. We also say something is redundant when a modifier’s meaning is contained in the word it modifies, for example, ‘merge together’.

Why should you not use redundant phrases?

Why You Should Not Use Redundant Phrases. Every word you use should add something new to your piece of writing. When you use a redundant phrase you are using two or more words that mean the same thing. They add nothing new.

What does redundancy mean in a sentence?

As stated before, redundancy doesn’t just mean that the words repeat, but that they add unnecessary length to the sentence or phrase. Empower your team. Lead the industry. Get a subscription to a library of online courses and digital learning tools for your organization with Udemy for Business. Request a demo.

What does it mean when something is redundant?

When something is redundant it means that it is excessive, unnecessary, or superfluous. Redundancy usually involves repeating something or adding in information that is completely unnecessary. A good way to test whether or not something is redundant is to see if the phrase in question could have something removed from it.

Why is redundancy important in writing?

Redundancy is often use to help pad out writing and make it seem longer than it really is, but instead of helping it just makes the writing difficult to read. Good writing is concise and informative. If you want to learn more about writing properly and how to avoid redundancy, then check out the Udemy course Quality Paragraph and Essay Writing.

How to spot redundancy in editing?

Spotting redundancy is a big part of editing and it can help you turn your writing into something that is much more concise and easy to read. One of the first things you want to do is read through your entire paper. If something doesn’t sound or look right, then read over it again and see if you can spot any problems.

Is "so she still remains" redundant?

There is no need for you to add the word down to it. Still remains – “Yet she still remains” this phrase is redundant because remains means that something is still there. Still doesn’t add anything to the sentence. These are just a few samples of redundancy, but there are many more out there.

Is redundancy bad?

In fact, there are many instances where redundancy is considered to be okay, such as when a person is using it for emphasis. In most occasions though, especially when a person is being redundant without realizing it, it’s bad.

Is redundancy a good thing?

Sometimes redundancy can be a good thing. As mentioned before, redundancy can be used for emphasis. You’ve probably seen a lot of redundant phrases in advertisements. People will write words such as “Free gift” and “Added Bonuses” to emphasize how good something may be.

How long do car batteries last?

Car batteries frequently last about 5 years but can last a shorter amount of time in more extreme weather conditions (i.e. extreme cold weather, or a location with high heat and humidity). In cold weather, it is especially common to find that your battery has died.

What does it mean when your car battery is dead?

A dead car battery can be one of the first indicators of a problem with the alternator. If you’ve confirmed the battery is working properly after reading the section above, then the safest conclusion to make is the issue is related to the alternator . There are a few ways to test this to verify a problem:

How to check if alternator is working?

Next, Test the Alternator 1 Turn your car on and let it run. While it is running, unplug the positive connection from the battery. If the car stops, then the alternator is not working properly. The positive connection is red, while the negative connection is black. 2 Monitor the dashboard lights and note if they fade in and out or flicker. This is another clear indicator of alternator issues.

What happens if the alternator stops working?

While it is running, unplug the positive connection from the battery. If the car stops, then the alternator is not working properly. The positive connection is red, while the negative connection is black. Monitor the dashboard lights and note if they fade in and out or flicker.

Why does my car start with a click?

Your car starter has a really important job to perform – frequently. The battery sends a burst of energy to the start which uses this energy to turn the engine over and get it car started. If you put the key in the ignition, but only hear a click when you turn the key, you’ve got a problem with your starter. This sound is very similar to the sound the car will make when the battery is dead, so if you’ve already confirmed your battery is not faulty, you can safely assume this sound is related to the starter.

What does it mean when your starter is not engaging?

Other symptoms could include a whining noise which would indicate that the starter motor is spinning but not engaging the engine.

How long does a car battery last?

If it cannot hold a charge, or cannot get charged up, then it is going bad. The average car battery lasts for 4 years. It depends on the type of battery and the type of driving.

How does an alternator work?

The engine turns the alternator coil through a belt, and that spinning coil generates electricity that is then pumped into the battery, charging it up. When your car is off, and you go to start it, obviously the alternator is not charging the battery. So in order to turn the starter motor to get the engine running, ...

How long does an alternator last?

It could just be that it is not being charged up properly. The average lifetime of an alternator is 10 years.

Why does my car battery drain so low?

A car battery, like any other battery, when being used will drain down over time if it is not charged up. If the car is not running , the battery is not being charged , and the battery can drain low enough that it does not have the amperage to start the car .

How many volts should a car battery hold?

A fully charged car battery should hold a charge of 12.6 volts. When the vehicle is running, it should be between 13.5 and 15 volts. If your car will not start even after the battery has been charged or through a jump start, you may have a bad battery.

What is the function of a battery?

Other functions of the battery are to power anything else electrical in your car , for example the radio, or the cigarette lighter. The alternator is a device that charges the battery. The alternator is powered by the engine.

Dash Lights

The dashboard warning lights come on when you try to turn on your car, but the engine does not crank or spin over. This is a classic sign of a bad starter.


If you experience the dreaded “clicking” noise when you try to turn the key, this is a good sign of starter failure. Keep in mind though that even if you do not get the clicking noise and nothing happens when you try to start the car, the issue may still be with the starter.

Slow Cranking

Another symptom of a failing starter is an engine that cranks over very slowly, the starter seems to drag or struggle to spin the engine over.


Since there are so many electrical components connected to the starter system, if you try to turn on the car and the only result of this is a ton of smoke, you definitely need to put the key down and call a mechanic. This could be a sign of the starter causing the electrical system to overheat.

Oil-Soaked Starter

You may also want to take the time to pop open the hood and see if you can locate the starter. Sometimes, the oil system can spring a leak which soaks the starter, leading the starter to malfunction. If this is the case, you may be in for some very expensive repairs.

Starter Parts

Select the parts you need, and enter your vehicle’s year, make, model, and engine to find the part that fits.