what is an easy course at ucapetown

by Prof. Malinda Ondricka 9 min read

What are the easiest courses at Carleton University?

Carleton University has a variety of bird courses that may be of your interests. Easy courses are mostly introduction courses. Here are what 10 of the easiest introduction courses, related to different programs and faculties, are all about. 1. ARCH 1000 - Introduction to Architecture

What is the easiest span course to take?

SPAN 1001 – Elementary Spanish I This course is super easy for those that have never taken Spanish before in high school. However, if you do know some Spanish, be sure to take this course! This course may not be available for everyone. 7. ANTH 1000 – Other People’s Worlds

What are the easiest courses at Athabasca University?

Here is a list of the 10 easiest courses offered by Athabasca University that can be GPA boosters: Unbelievable right? A computer course considered easy? But COMP 210 is a course that gives you a chance to get a CS course on your transcript without any programming throughout the course.

What are the easiest courses to get into?

9 Easiest College Classes For SuccessCreative Writing. ... Physical Education. ... Psychology. ... Public Speaking. ... Anthropology. ... Art History. ... Acting. ... Photography. If you're not in art school or trying to become a professional photographer, taking a photography class can still provide you with valuable lessons.More items...

What are the best short courses to do?

Best Short-term Job-Oriented CoursesCertificate Course in Finance Accounting and Taxation. ... Advanced Certificate Program in Data Science. ... Advanced Certificate in Machine Learning and NLP. ... Advanced Certificate in Blockchain Technology. ... Advanced Certificate in Digital Marketing and Communication. ... PHP Certification.More items...•

What are the best short courses to do in South Africa?

Short Courses That are in Demand in South Africa 2022Project Management.SEO.Occupational Health and Safety.Marketing.Computer Courses.Sales Management.

Which course is best for job in South Africa?

These courses are in demand, especially in South Africa.Civil Engineering. ... Engineering. ... Marketing Management. ... Project Management. ... Supply Chain Management. ... Development Management. ... Business Administration. ... Business Management.More items...•

What is the easiest degree to study in South Africa?

Those interested in completing undergraduate degrees typically choose Business Administration, Psychology, or Education, but general studies, english, and communications can also be considered some of the easiest.

What can I study in Cape Town?

The MBA Tour - Africa. ... Courses in University Of Cape Town - Cape Town. ... International Bartender Course. ... Education for All: Disability, Diversity and Inclusion Course - University of Cape Town. ... Course in - Entrepreneurship. ... Course in - COMMUNITY ORAL HEALTH. ... Course in - MODERN MUSIC PRODUCTION. ... Course in - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING.More items...

Can short courses get you a job?

Short courses give you the opportunity to learn a new skill that you can apply to your work or use to find a better job. You will of course need to consider the cost of doing any course and if it is worth it for you. A short course could help you land your dream job or advance in your current career.

What short courses are in demand?

Short Courses That are in DemandProject Management. These project management courses are set up of three parts. ... Digital Marketing. If you would like to give the marketing industry a try then our marketing management courses are for you. ... Business Accounting. ... Customer Relationship Building.

Which course are in demand in South Africa?

“The IT, business & management and finance sectors are undoubtedly the most sought-after sectors, followed by the sales, admin, office & support and architecture & engineering sectors, among others listed,” CareerJunction said.

What are the short courses?

Short CoursesBeauty courses.Bookkeeping.Business Studies.Child Day Care courses.Computer courses.Creative Studies.Event Management.Hospitality and Tourism courses.More items...•

What course is the best to take?

The 9 Best University Courses to StudyNursing. Deciding to become a nurse is one of the safest career choices there is; wherever you go in the world, nursing skills are in demand. ... Mathematics. ... Computer Science. ... Mechanical Engineering. ... Marketing / Business Studies. ... Law. ... Accounting. ... Architecture.More items...•

What is the best course 2021?

Top Trending Online CoursesData Science. ... Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. ... Big Data. ... Business Intelligence. ... Cloud Computing. ... Project Management. ... Software Development. ... Full-stack development.More items...•

What is an anthropology course?

Anthropology courses are based on human diversity, cultures and analyze life in different perspectives (gender, culture, age...). The course will require you to write in a group and make a presentation. The university is close to the national museum so you'll have access to many historic resources for your essays and presentations in addition to the library books so you can easily and calmly complete your assignment.

What is the Sprott School of Business?

The Sprott School of Business at Carleton provides programs in Business concentrated around 8 categories, such as commerce and international business. In every case, you will develop your critical skills, business communications, presentation, writing cover letters and resumes. this particular course is known to be easy for its short answer and nonbusiness multiple choice tests.

What is a psych 1002?

Psych 1002, along with its prerequisite psych 1001, is a gateway for good grades. The tests are all multiple choice questions and all you have to do is memorize the course's material taught in lectures. 8.

What is architectural program?

The Architectural program is about knowledge, experience, creativity and imagination. These courses will help you evaluate ideas through human experiences and exercise through writing, drawing, model making and digital media presentation. This course, which according to students, is an easy A with just writing an essay depending on the professor.

Is online school easy?

This is an online course. Online courses are considered easy since you don't have to go to class on campus and you can submit assignments: essays and presentations and write tests online. The online exams for child development are said to be easy because they are usually multiple choice questions.

1. PROG1781 – Programming Concepts I

Especially if you already have a background in coding, PROG1781 should pose no problem for you. The course focuses on understanding the logic behind arrays, strings, and loops.

2. LIBS1990 – Restless Planet: Understanding Natural Disasters

While we all live on this planet, very few of us understand what truly goes on in a geological sense. LIBS1990 gives a sense of the processes which cause natural disasters in a qualitative and quantitative sense.

3. CHIN71000 – Introduction to Chinese Language and Culture

For those who pride themselves on their ability to learn languages, this course is certainly for you. And even if not, it’s still worth consideration. Introduction of Chinese Language and Culture is simply that – an introduction.

4. SOC71500 – Group Dynamics

If there was ever a course to encapsulate the “group project” experience and put it into words, this would be it. This course falls within the Sociology Department, which has a reputation of requiring long strung essays.

5. LIBS1650 – Quest for Wisdom

This course is heavier on the deliverable requirements, but what makes it easy is the content. There are no ‘right’ answers in anthropology, as every person’s understanding of the human experience is different.

6. COMP1006 – Software Applications I

Another computer-focused course, Software Applications I is an introductory level course for using programs many of us have become proficient in over our time in high school. Virtually, if you have a solid understanding of Microsoft Office, this course should be relatively easy for you. Emphasis is placed on Excel, Word and PowerPoint.

7. PHOT71100 – Photography I

This course is one of the few in the Bachelor of Design program which can be called an easy course. Using a camera is becoming a much more frequent skill and those with a basic understanding should be able to comprehend the image composition component of this course with ease.

1. GEOG 1300E – Climate, Weather, and the Environment

Interactions between weather and climate and the human and natural environment. Emphasis on understanding the linkages between natural processes and societal/environmental issues.

2. ANTH 2000 – Social Anthropology

A comparative study of social structure including an analysis of kinship, marriage, community organization, political and economic institutions, and the role of the individual in these institutions.

3. HDFS 2001 – Diversity Issues in Human Development and Family Studies

Critical issues in diversity and multiculturalism in human development, family relations, and professional practice.

4. HDFS 2100 – Human Development: Infancy Through Adolescence

Individual development and behavior from prenatal period through adolescence; impact of peers, school, other social agencies, and especially the family.

5. CAMS 1103 – Classical Mythology

Origin, nature, and function of myth in the literature and art of Greece and Rome and the re-interpretation of classical myth in modern art forms. This class is taught in English.

6. SPAN 1001 – Elementary Spanish I

This course is super easy for those that have never taken Spanish before in high school. However, if you do know some Spanish, be sure to take this course! This course may not be available for everyone.

8. GEOG 1700 – World Regional Geography

Study of geographic relationships among natural and cultural environments that help to distinguish one part of the world from another. Analysis of selected countries as well as larger regions, with specific reference to the non-western world.

What is COMP 210?

But COMP 210 is a course that gives you a chance to get a CS course on your transcript without any programming throughout the course. It is an introductory computer course with a considerably low work load- just 8 quizzes and a final exam which is super easy.

What is ENGL 155?

Looking for some super easy English course? ENGL 155 might be your call. This course is only meant to improve academic writing and reading skills. If you are already a pro in writing, this course could get monotonous for you, however, it could help you get credits for no effort at all. This course has a few assignments and a final exam, but if you already have writing skills, the course load is not going to be too much for you.

Is Phil 152 a good credit?

Critical thinking might be your thing and you might be intrigued by the philosophies of life... PHIL 152 will be an easy credit for you! It gets you an interesting course credit with no final exams and only a few assignments. You can learn about critical thinking, reading and writing, without stressing about your GPA.

Is Athabasca University easy to get through?

Athbasca University is not like a traditional university, it offers online and distant learning programs. However, university is never easy to get through and if you desire a super high average, all you need is a wise choice of the courses for the required credits.

1. ENGL 270 - Disability Studies

This interesting class focuses on the definition of disability while also looking the depiction of disability in media such as “Glee” and in “House”. A super straightforward class that requires weekly reading about an intriguing topic!

2. THEO 001 - Problem of God

This class is a toss-up. If you get one of the easier Problem of God (POG) teachers, then you’ll find yourself loving the class. However, the “harder” POG teachers are just as good just more reading and you might even switch your major/minor because of those teachers!

3. PSYC 001 - Intro to Psychology

If you take Merritt for this class, then you are in luck! While the other professors are not as bad, Merritt is known to make his class very enjoyable and allows you to drop the lowest test grade!

4. SOCI 001 - Intro to Sociology

Can’t go wrong with any of the professors, but there’s a rumor on campus that Stiles is one of the best professors for this class. Very clear instructions and the reading isn’t half bad either, which is always a win.

5. WRIT 015 - Writing and Culture

For those who didn’t test out of this class using credit, don’t worry these professors are great. Especially Niles! He has a 5.0 on ratemyprofessors.com. Yes, a 5 out of 5! People have nothing but good things to say about him and the class and about the little work that comes with the class.

6. HESY 010 - Healthcare in America

While this class is two and a half hours long, it is only once a week. But you will learn so much and the professor is a very charismatic guy and takes time after class to speak to everybody (one time he stayed behind an hour after class ended to talk to people)! Just three papers and mandatory attendance (remember once a week though).

7. HSCI 100 - Language of Health and Disease

Much easier than Human Bio (the course Pre-Med students have to take), this class just involves listening to lectures and an easy presentation that will boost up your grade. The only effort one needs to expend is when studying for those tests, which is pure memorization.

1. CIS 1000 – Introduction to Computer Applications

This course provides a survey of computer systems and software, including an introduction to computer programming, data organization and the social impact of computing.

2. MUSC 2150 – Music and Popular Culture

This course traces the history of twentieth-century North American popular music from the intersection of early twentieth-century mainstream pop, blues, and country-western to the urban styles of the early 2000s.

3. PHIL 2100 – Critical Thinking

This course is designed to develop clarity of thought and method in the analysis and construction of arguments.

4. MUSC 1130 – Introduction to Musicianship

Fundamentals of ear training, sight-singing, keyboard, and written skills (rudiments such as scales, intervals and basic chord identification) are introduced. This class could be taken as an online class and it is recommended as well. This is one of the top bird course at Guelph.

5. GEOG 1220 – Human Impact on the Environment

A global overview of the changing relationships among society, technology and the environment. This course emphasizes the major stages of human use of resources and the environmental consequences of global changes in production systems.

6. FOOD 2010 – Principles of Food Science

The principles involved in the processing, handling and storage of foods are introduced in this course. The relationship of science and technology to food processing is discussed. This course is recommended to take it as an online class.

7. ANTH 1150 – Introduction to Anthropology

This course deals with humankind from a broad historical and cross-cultural perspective. Theoretical models, case studies and specific methods will be presented.


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