how to create your own course on moodle

by Ms. Treva Miller DVM 8 min read

Create a new empty course
  1. Log in with your administrator account.
  2. From the left panel (the Navigation drawer) click Site administration.
  3. Click the Courses tab.
  4. Click Add a new course.
  5. Add your course details, using the icon for extra help.
  6. Click Save and display.
  7. Click Proceed to course content to add your teaching materials.
Mar 8, 2020

How do I create an online course in Moodle?

How To Create Your Own Course In Moodle™Ensure that you are a Course Creator within Moodle™. ... Navigate to the category you would like your course to appear in, and click on the “Add a new course” button.Name your course and give it a short name as well.More items...•

How do I create a free course on Moodle?

According to the logic of Moodle, you can't create a lesson without creating a course first. To create a new online course, go to Site Administration → Courses → Add a New Course. Enter full and short course names (“Workplace Safety”) and click Save and Display.

Can anyone create Moodle course?

By default a regular teacher can't add a new course. To add a new course to Moodle, you need to have either Administrator, Course Creator or Manager rights.To add a course: From the Site administration link, click Courses>Manage courses and categories.

Can I create my own Moodle site?

From the upper right of the Moodle course, click Turn editing on. In the section from where you would like to link your file, from the Add a resource drop-down menu, choose Compose a web page. The Adding a new Resource screen will open. Give your webpage a name (this will be visible to students).

How do I create my own course?

In this article, you'll find an overview of the 10 major stages of online course creation:Pick the perfect course topic.Ensure your course idea has high market demand.Create Magnetic and Compelling Learning Outcomes.Select and Gather your Course Content.Structure Your Modules and Course Plan.More items...•

How do I create an online education course?

How to create an online courseChoose the right subject matter.Test your idea.Research the topic extensively.Write a course outline.Create the course content.Bring your course online.Sell your online course.Market your content.More items...•

How do I create a module in Moodle?

Select the course on the left in the Navigation. Click the Add an activity or resource link, for the course section, to access the module list. Select the Lesson module and click Add. Next, the Adding a New Lesson page should load.

How do I make a good Moodle course?

Course Building TipsDuplicate Activities or Resources. It can be very time-consuming to add Resources and Activities to a course.Update Resources & Activities.Rearrange Items on Your Moodle Course Page. ... Work with Groups. ... Set Up the Gradebook. ... Communicate with your students.

How do I create a course template in Moodle?

1:524:40How to use the COURSE TEMPLATE PLUGIN in MOODLE - RicoshaeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipLet's go to site administration. And courses select add a category. We're going to create a categoryMoreLet's go to site administration. And courses select add a category. We're going to create a category called course templates.

How do I add a course to LMS?

LMS Course CreationIn order to create a course, log in to your learning management system and select the Courses menu which you can find on the left-hand side of your screen.Select Courses list and a new window will open. ... Click on + New Course to create a new course.More items...

Is Moodle LMS free?

Moodle is a free online learning management system, or LMS (also known as VLE.)

How do I create an LMS website?

How to start building your LMS? Сreate LMS from scratch!Validate Your Idea. ... Create LMS project plan. ... Select the Best LMS Design & Web Development Partner. ... Start from MVP of your LMS idea. ... Create your own LMS design with the right UX. ... User testing. ... Starting your LMS development. ... Test and Launch your LMS solution.More items...•

How to create a course

There are several ways you as admin can create a course. The two most common are:

Upload an existing course

Make sure the course you want to upload (known as a "course backup") has the file ending . mbz.

How do teachers build their course?

The initial course homepageis broken down into Course sections. Teachers build their course by adding resources, activitiesand Blocksto the course.

Why subscribe to forums in your course?

Subscribe yourself to all of the forumsin your course so that you can keep in touch with your class activity.

What is course administration menu?

The Course administration menu allows teachers to edit Course settings, manage course participants (for example enrollstudents, create and manage groupsof teachers and students), view the course Gradesmenu, and access the Teacher_forum. Some teachers will find the backup, Restore, Import (course data)and Reset courselinks are handy tools when creating similar courses. Naturally a teacher will want to look at Gradesand the question bankdatabase, used in quizzes/tests or in the Lesson module.

How to remember where you are on a website?

Use the navigation barat the top of each page - this should help remind you where you are and prevent getting lost

Can you reprint a book in Moodle?

Using Moodle book- A real book you can reprint!

Can you add contributed modules to Moodle?

If all of that isn't enough for you then you can also add contributed modules that are not part of the official Moodle release!

Can teachers see your course logs?

Students will receive their own version of the Settings block which if enabled will display a link to their own gradebook and their own course logs. As a teacher, you can change the way students (and other teachers) access and view your course by exploring the Edit settingsoption in the Course administration menu.

How to make a course look professional in Moodle?

Text styles available in Moodle’s Atto text editor allow you to easily organise information using headings and subheadings, which also makes your content more accessible. Choose images and icons with a similar style to make your course look more professional and clean.

What is Moodle for learning?

All in all, Moodle enables you to create great online courses that meet your learners’ needs, as well as increase their engagement in a remote learning environment.

How to engage students in video?

Use video content to engage students. Organise your videos in Books or in a Glossary, or embed them in Activities like a Quiz or a Questionnaire. Create interactive video activities with H5P, for example, with self-marking questions for learners to follow up with.

How to encourage students to learn from each other?

Encourage learners to collaborate sharing images, uploading files to showcase their work and posting video messages in Forums to learn from each other. In times of Covid-19 and school closures, fostering relationships and camaraderie between learners like they used to experience in the classroom can help students feel less isolated too!

When will Moodle be available for remote learning?

Tips to create even better Moodle courses Moodle September 24, 2020 November 21, 2020. It goes without saying that remote learning is not easy despite popular belief. Many students around the world have expressed the view that, despite the use of technology in education, they’re still finding it harder and harder to keep up with their lessons ...

Do teachers have a hard time leading classes?

Much like them, teachers are also having a hard time leading classes and delivering lessons and assessments and, with so many factors subtracted from the usual equation in the classroom, we’re all now seeking ways to better run classes online.

Can you record audio in Moodle?

Give personalised feedback to your learners with a short video or audio, which you can easily record from within each text editor spot in Moodle. You can also record video or audio instructions to support activities and assessments.

3.4 Provide a Predictable Class Structure

In this article, we will take a second more practical look at Moodle Resources and Activities in order to provide an example of how they can be combined into a predictable section or class structure. As a teacher, one of your greatest challenges is designing the curriculum for your course.

3.3 Add Moodle Learning Blocks

In addition to Moodle Resources and Activities, Moodle also offers 30 different kinds of learning blocks. Moodle blocks are boxes of content which can be added to the side of any page in Moodle. Some blocks can also be added to the main or middle content area of a Moodle course page. Click on Add Block in the Side Menu to display this list.

3.1 Organize your Course Content into Moodle Sections

In this article, we will explain how to structure your course into as many sections and sub-sections as you need and in a manner that will help students understand your course organization without being overwhelmed by having all content sections visible on the student's course Home page.

3.2 Add Activities and Resources to a Moodle Section

In our previous article, we created a new course called Better Word Processing. We then divided the course into three parts. We then divided each part into four chapters. Each chapter can be thought of as one week of course content. We then divided each chapter into four sections. Each section can be thought of as a single class session.

How to manage a course in Moodle?

Managing a Moodle course 1 Courses - how to set up your courses. 2 Editing text - how to use the text editor and what the icons mean. 3 Activities - how to involve students actively in their learning. 4 Resources - how to add static materials to your course. 5 Blocks - how to add extra items and information to the sides of your course page. 6 Questions - how to create questions for use in quizzes and Moodle's lesson module 7 Course enrolment - how to give students access to your course. 8 Grouping users - how to put students into groups and why this is useful. 9 Grades - how to use the gradebook, scales and advanced grading methods. 10 Tracking progress - how to control and display progress through a course. 11 Reusing activities - how to copy or recycle elements of your course.

How can progress be tracked?

Progress can be tracked in a number of ways. Students can be enrolled manually by the teacher, automatically by the administrator, or they can be allowed to enrol themselves. Students can also be added to groups if they need to be separated from classes sharing the same course or if tasks need to be differentiated.

How Can I Become A Course Creator

How can I become a course creator. I have looked for a way to contact admin to become a course creator but cannot find a way. Can someone please help! Thanks

Re: How Can I Become A Course Creator

You can't become a course creator on this Moodle because it is not your own school/university/establishment. You need to find who is the admin of your Moodle and ask them to let you have a course. Does your establishment have a Moodle site? If not then have a look at the About Moodle FAQ

Re: How Can I Become A Course Creator

Ok I am a driver's education school looking to create an online course. How would I get my own Moodle?

Re: How Can I Become A Course Creator

Although it's been runing for a couple of weeks, it's still not too late to join the Moodle MOOC (that's an open access and free-of-charge course for lots of people! a Massive Open Online Course)

What is a Moodle cloud?

MoodleCloud: MoodleCloud is the hosted version of Moodle that can be setup and functional in a matter of minutes. MoodleCloud has plans with varying users and data space available. MoodleCloud is a great place to start exploring and experimenting with Moodle. It is also suitable for small courses or groups.

What is a Moodle partner?

Moodle Partners: The Moodle Partner Network provide a range of Moodle services to support users with their specific needs, including, installation, configuration, integration and hosting of your Moodle site.

Is Moodle open source?

Open Source Download: Moodle is open source and free to download from Please note that this free download option will require both hardware and technical expertise in order to make it work securely online.


Settings New/Edit

  • As a teacher with editing privileges, you can always change your course's settings in the administration block.Give your course a title.Give your course a short name. This will be the name that appears on the button to bring students back to your course main page. It will also appear i…
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Other Settings

  • There are a number of other options you can choose. You can hide sections from students, this option defines how they appear. You can choose to show or hide grades from students. There is also the option of showing reports of all Activity in the course. You can define the words you use in the course for teachers and students When you have set the options, clicking 'Save changes' …
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Your Course & Default Blocks

  • This is a new blank course as seen by a teacher with editing on. This course has 4 empty topics. You get a Latest News block. These are items from the News forumof your course You also get Upcoming Events block, with a link to the Calendar The '[[Recent Activity] block]' is a list of changes and additions to the course Clicking on 'Paricipants' will show a list of participants. Re…
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See Also

  • Course settingsfor adding/editing a course. External links: 1. Video Tutorial : How to create a course in Moodle 2. Create courses on a spreadsheet: Moodle Course Creator (offered under Creative Common license)which uses EditGrid templates to create a zipped xml file.
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Adding A Course

  • By default a regular teacher can't add a new course. To add a new course to Moodle, you need to have either Administrator, Course Creator or Managerrights.To add a course: 1. From the Site administration link, click Courses>Manage courses and categories 1. Click on the category where you want your course to be. For more information see Course categ...
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Deleting A Course

  • Teachers cannot delete courses. Managers (i.e. users with a role for which the capability moodle/course:delete is allowed) can delete courses and course creatorscan delete courses they have created themselves, but only within 24 hours of creating the course. This is so that courses created by mistake may be deleted without needing to ask an administrator. Administrators can …
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Sorting Courses

  • Courses may be sorted by an admin or manager from Administration>Site administration>Courses>Manage courses and categories. Courses may be sorted by ascending/descending and by time created.
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Course Requests

  • The course request feature can be enabled by an administrator in Administration > Site administration > Courses > Course request. An admin can set the default category for course requests, whether users can select a category when requesting a course, and who can receive notification of course requests (from a list of users with the capability moodle/site:approvecour…
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Bulk Course Creation

  • For full details on how to bulk create courses and use course templates, see Upload courses. 1. Go to Administration > Site Administration > Courses > Upload courses. 2. Upload a CSV file either by dragging and dropping or using the button to select from the File picker. 3. Select your import options and click Preview. If the settings are acceptable, click Upload.
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Course Templates

  • It is possible, from Administration>Site Administration>Courses>Upload coursesto specify a course and settings to use as template for future courses. Default blocks for new courses can also be configured in config.php.
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See Also

  • Screencasts
    1. Bulk course creation
  • Forum discussions
    1. Using Moodle Hide Courses from some users or studentsforum discussion
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