what is an average of online course completion rates

by Nasir Yost 10 min read

Completion rates in online courses are generally low, averaging around 13%.

Full Answer

How to increase online course completion rates from 5 to 85?

Here are seven practices for moving completion rates for online courses from 5 to 85 percent: 1. Make students put skin in the game. If your goal is having more students finish a learning experience, require students to demonstrate upfront commitment.

What is the success rate of online business school courses?

Harvard Business School’s online programs claim similar success, with completion rates of 85 percent. At Acumen, where I design online courses, we’ve also been offering selective cohort-based programs for the past year that achieve completion rates of 85 percent.

What is the average completion rate for MOOCs?

The average completion rate for MOOCs is 15% while the completion rates approach 40% in a few cases. The convenience, speed, and ease of mobile learning are acknowledged by the corporate world, with 71% of US companies offering learning opportunities via smartphones.

How much does it cost to create an online course?

As per our estimation study, it can cost individual creators anywhere between $140 and $10,770 to create an online course. The actual cost depends on the quality of your course videos, the length of your course and how much of the tasks you outsource.

What is a good course completion rate?

On average, only 5-15% of students complete a course. There are lots of reasons why students may not complete your course. For example: The course may be too long, challenging, or even too easy. Students are too busy and forget about it.

What is the success rate of online classes?

Success rates tend to be higher in face-to-face classes. In Fall 15, face-to-face classes had a success rate of 69% versus only 60% in online classes, a gap of 9%. However, this gap has been decreasing, with only a 3% gap in success rates in Fall 19 (70% in face-to-face versus 67% online).

How do online courses increase completion rate?

Below are a few ways to improve your course completion rates.Make your learners understand the purpose of the training. ... Give recognition on completion by rewarding their efforts. ... Make your course short and precise. ... Give continuous assessment using quizzes and surveys. ... Use email reminders. ... Put mobile-friendly design in place.More items...

What is the completion rate of udemy courses?

Udemy reports that the average student enrolled in a Udemy course completes just 30% of the content. And an average of 70% of students never even start the course! The big, accredited universities aren't doing any better at online classes.

What is the failure rate for online classes?

Divide papers you must write into “pages-per-day” to make them less formidable. The success rate for online classes is only 50 percent as opposed to 75 percent for face-to-face courses. Students who are struggling in a course are more likely to become discouraged and drop out.

What is the likelihood of graduating from an online college?

The average rate that has been reported with the top 10 largest online colleges is only 20%, but this is an average that has a very large range. Some of the better graduation rates are 66%, but some schools have a disappointing 5% that are bringing the average down.

How can I improve my completion rate?

7 Ways to Improve Completion RatesHelp learners understand the purpose of the training. Do you like to commit your time to something you don't care about? ... Recognize and reward learners who complete courses. ... Keep courses short and focused. ... Quiz regularly, not only at the end. ... Create buzz! ... Use email reminders. ... Good design.

How do you encourage course completion?

Set A Clear Deadline For Completion It can be too easy to deprioritize without a deadline. Set and clearly communicate a deadline to complete the training. Send reminders of the deadline to keep learners focused on the completion date and motivate them.

How can I improve my course completion?

9 Ways to Improve Your Course Completion RateWrite a comprehensive course description. ... Post reminders and tips to social media. ... Use accountability to your advantage. ... Break away from passive learning. ... Establish incentives for finishing. ... Make it easy on mobile. ... Provide support. ... Offer rewards such as points and badges.More items...•

Do people complete online courses?

That nagging statistic that you keep seeing: 90% of the people who sign up for online classes don't complete them! (In fact, the real stats, from higher education researchers, technically show that 93% of students won't finish.)

How many people actually finish Coursera courses?

And among the "verified" students, 46 percent completed in 2017-18, compared to 56 percent in 2016-17 and about 50 percent the two previous years. The fact that course completion rates "barely budged" despite "six years of investment in course development and learning research" is problematic, the researchers argue.

Why are there so many online courses?

The cost structure of online learning is another factor for the rapid growth of the market. Online courses prove a more affordable option than traditional ones and there are no commuting costs, and sometimes required course materials, such as textbooks, are available online at no cost.

How to get more students to finish a learning experience?

The most obvious way to do this is to simply charge a fee.

Do online courses require motivation?

Online courses generally require a great deal of intrinsic motivation to complete . We’ve found that if you can offer an extrinsic reward—like the promise of seed funding for the best final submissions—students are much more likely to finish a learning experience.

Do all online courses need to be completed?

Not all online courses necessarily need to be designed to be completed. Some courses should remain free and open for sampling so that learners can pick and choose the parts that are directly relevant to them, or so they have the freedom to learn just for the sake of learning.

What is online learning?

Online courses are mostly designed for students to study at their own pace. This grants them total control of how, where and when they study. It is one of the most advantages of technology in education but has a deadly weakness in a strong reliance on students’ attitude towards learning.

Why should online classes be designed?

Online courses should be designed to keep students’ focus also . Concentration, whether it is an online or face-to-face class, is key to student’s completion and success. Fortunately, attitude is not something beyond our control.

Does e-learning slow down learning?

It not only slows them down but also makes it harder to follow the virtual class. 2. Peer and instructors’ support. E-learning has a much larger barrier to communication than traditional face-to-face learning. Online learners often have that fear of isolation. Yes.

Do online learners have isolation?

Online learners often have that fear of isolation. Yes. They are on their own with a lack of peers collaboration and limited support from instructors. Unless it’s a virtual classroom with live-session where teacher and students communicate with each other through a screen, most stuck with studying alone.

How low is the completion rate for online courses?

Industry studies suggest that online course completion rates are as low as 5 – 15%.

What is the completion rate of online training?

Completion rates of online training can be as low as 5%. Despite this, there are clear actions that can increase completion rates to as high as 80% – 100%. These are proven tips that have improved course completion rates for online training.

How to increase completion rate?

Here are 7 of the most common factors that we’ve seen grow completion rates. 1. Set A Clear Deadline For Completion. A clear deadline is vital to driving the completion of online training. It can be too easy to deprioritize without a deadline. Set and clearly communicate a deadline to complete the training.

Why is online learning so popular?

Online learning is growing in popularity as technology improves and organizations are looking for easy ways to scale training globally. One of the biggest challenges with online learning is driving completion rates. Since the training can be accessed any time and completed at any pace, many learners fail to complete their online training.

Is it easy to forget about online learning?

Prioritizing online learning can be a challenge. It is easy to completely forget about it among competing priorities. Having learners block time on their calendars is a great way to make sure it gets done.

How many companies use online learning?

According to a 2018 study, around 90% of companies used online learning for talent development. Several studies have demonstrated that eLearning leads to overall better business outcomes compared to traditional classroom training. So, the high adoption of eLearning by businesses should hardly come as a surprise.

How much is eLearning worth?

The US Federal Government is a major consumer of online learning programs, and in 2019, it purchased self-paced eLearning programs worth nearly $2.2 billion.

How much will the global corporate learning market grow in 2026?

Global corporate online learning market is projected to grow to $50 billion by 2026, with an annual growth rate of 15% from 2020 to 2026. Greater adoption of eLearning in the corporate world has come on the back of proven learning outcomes, business results, and employee satisfaction.

How does digital technology impact students?

Digital technology seems to have a positive impact on nearly all aspects of learning experience, with 43% of students stating that digital technology was excellent for supporting their homework assignments. Online learning has also, reportedly, had a direct positive impact on student grades.

How many faculty members teach online courses?

In 2019, 46% of faculty members reported they had taught an online course for credit compared to 39% in 2016. Industry acceptance of online degrees is still an open question, with 21% of students being concerned about their online degrees’ perception by prospective employers in a 2019 survey.

How many minutes does Zoom have?

During COVID-19 outbreak, Zoom saw an exponential increase in usage by educators and the company lifted the 40-minute time limit for free meetings for teachers. At the start of April 2020, Zoom usage for online classes increased to 90,000+ schools in 20 countries.

How much will LMS be in 2025?

The LMS market is projected to reach $29.9 billion by 2025, with a projected annual growth rate of 21.1%. Online classes are resulting in nearly 87% less energy consumption and an 85% reduction in CO2 emissions when compared to traditional classroom courses.

Global Online Learning Industry Facts & Statistics

Online learning is relatively the newest form of distance education (Stern, n.d.), although it has been practiced for decades (OnlineSchools.org, n.d.). Often referred to as elearning, it takes place on the internet. Online education has since paved the way for a pedagogical shift in the way teachers teach and how students learn.

Online Learning Technology and Trends

The potential of technology to drive transformation and evolution in the education sector has always been apparent. Here are some of the facts and figures most relevant to online education.

Online Learning for Higher Education

Global higher education is one of the sectors affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the challenges of today also present opportunities for leveraging online learning for higher education even further. It could potentially even help encourage post-secondary students to continue their undergraduate studies.

Corporate Online Learning Statistics

It is believed that companies that leverage training and development programs to support their business strategies can establish a competitive advantage that can lead to increased profitability (Oster, n.d.). The investment in corporate learning is particularly appreciated by employees.

Online Courses and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) Statistics

When one begins to venture into online learning, they will likely encounter traditional online courses and MOOCs. Although they may seem similar, these online learning modes are actually different.

Online Learning Trends: How These Statistics Shape the Future of E-Learning

Innovative online and offline technologies bring changes and education is not immune to these. There is now a paradigm shift in the teaching and learning processes, and it is everyone in this generation’s responsibility to understand it in order to shape a better future for the upcoming generations (Bozkurt & Hilbelink, 2019).

The Bottom Line: Online Education Is Here to Stay

With facts and figures favoring online education, it can be safe to say that it is here to stay. The combination of the growing interest in elearning and how it is essentially a necessity nowadays due to the pandemic, speaks volumes about its inevitable continuous growth.

What percentage of high school students are interested in learning programming?

46% of females and 62% of male high school students say that they are interested in learning programming. The most common online learning materials used in K-12 classrooms are online educational videos, apps, and software. 61% of K-12 students are interested in using mobile apps for learning.

How much is the e-learning market worth in 2026?

The global corporate e-learning market size will be worth $50 billion by 2026. With an annual growth rate of 15% from 2020 to 2026, the corporate market will be one of the biggest drivers of the e-learning industry. 90% of corporations now use e-learning compared to just 4% in 1995.

How much does Shell save in e-learning?

Shell, one of the largest oil companies in the world, has used e-learning to reduce the cost of their priciest training programs by 90%, deliver more than 12,000 virtual lessons, and save over $200 million. 82% of organizations conduct some of their compliance training online.

How much time does an employee have to spend on learning?

On average, employees only have 24 minutes per week to spend on learning. E-learning takes 40% to 60% less employee time than traditional learning. Only 1% of the average workweek is dedicated to training and development. 42% of companies saw increased revenue after implementing e-learning.

What is the fastest growing market in e-learning?

Mobile learning (m-learning) is one of the fastest growing markets in e-learning, with an annual growth of 23%. Digital learning is the quickest growing market in the education industry, with a whopping 900% growth since 2000.

Is online education declining?

Online student enrollment in the U.S has increased for 14 years in a row, while overall college enrollment in the U.S has been declining over the last 10 years.

Is e-learning growing?

Not all types of e-learning are showing growth, and some are even de clining. Statistics on the self-paced e-learning market, for example, reveal a steep decline of 6.4% or more per year. That is despite both employees and students reporting self-paced instruction as one of the key motivators to use e-learning.
