what is an appropriate outcome competency for a beginning medical-surgical nursing course?

by Miss Karli Mann 10 min read

The course focuses on concepts relating to care of the adult in the acute care setting with commonly occurring medical-surgical problems. Emphasis of this course is on the use of the nursing process and in developing competence in providing and coordinating nursing care. Concurrent enrollment in NSG 205A is required. Learning Outcomes

Full Answer

What are the skills of a surgical nurse?

Medical – Surgical Nursing Skills List. 2. Restraints. -. identify. need, assess, and. provide. comfort. measures, renew. order, document. 3. Fall. safe. device. -. initiate, maintain, and. monitor. j. Identify. Patient. Precautions. (suicidal. and. non-suicidal) -. Initiate, Maintain, ... 2. ...

What is a nursing competency?

Nursing competency is a holistic and integrated concept, which is constructed from complex activities. It is defined as a performance competency, which meets the standards expected from potential competencies.

When was the surgical unit competency based orientation developed?

SURGICAL UNIT COMPETENCY BASED ORIENTATION Developed: 2014 Revised: 2018 Welcome to B5 Surgical –Planned Care Value Stream Competency Based Orientation

How do you develop a learning plan for a surgical nurse?

Developing a Learning Plan Reviewing your orientation tool is a starting point for developing a learning plan. In the orientation tool are all the competencies that the surgical Nurse must demonstrate. It is expected that all surgical RN/RPNs will meet the minimum standards as demonstrated by the core competencies.

What are the 5 core competencies of nursing?

A strategy for successful care coordination includes an understanding and implementation of the core competencies for all healthcare professionals as described by the Institute of Medicine (IOM, 2003) to include: 1) patient-centered care, 2) teamwork and collaboration, 3) evidence-based practice, 4) quality improvement ...

How do you assess nursing competency?

Methods to assess competencies include competency fairs, Performance Based Development System and online programs. Certain key people should be involved in the development of competencies. The department managers can give input related to department-specific competencies.

What do you learn in medical-surgical nursing?

Ah, medical-surgical nursing. Most nursing students refer to this course as “med-surg.” It is typically offered in two semesters, depending on your program, and focuses on the different body systems and disease processes, signs and symptoms testing, treatments, and nursing interventions.

What are some goals for nursing students?

10 goals for nurses and preceptorsEnhance communication with other personnel. ... Strengthen organizational skills. ... Increase psychomotor ability. ... Increase medical knowledge. ... Strengthen critical thinking skills. ... Develop leadership skills. ... Enhance assertiveness skills. ... Provide quality patient education.More items...•

What are examples of competencies?

List of key competenciesBusiness awareness. Knows what we do and how we do it. ... Customer orientation. Identifies and prioritises customer needs and recognises constraints. ... Analysis/problem solving. ... Quick thinking/learning. ... Team work. ... Communication. ... Self confidence/resilience. ... Judgement/decision making.More items...

What are nursing competencies?

A core competency of nursing is “the ability to practice nursing that meets the needs of clients cared for using logical thinking and accurate nursing skills.” The nursing competency structure consists of four abilities: the ability to understand needs, the ability to provide care, the ability to collaborate and the ...

Why should nurses start in Med Surg?

In addition to the strong demand for med-surg nurses, that particular segment of nurses is so valuable because med-surg nurses are trained to fill many roles in diverse settings…from inpatient care centers, clinics and home health care, to urgent care, surgical centers and universities and more.

Why did you choose medical/surgical nursing?

Med-surg nurses, according to Hertel, also excel at coordinating care for multiple patients at a time, while keeping the entire healthcare team working towards the same goals. They have high-level critical thinking skills and a wide range of clinical knowledge.

Why is Medical-Surgical Nursing Important?

Medical–surgical nurses are registered nurses (RNs) who specialize in the care of patients admitted with nonsurgical (medical) and surgical conditions. These nurses work to promote health, prevent disease, and help patients cope with illness.

What are the 5 smart goals in nursing?

This is the only way an action plan can work. “SMART” stands for “Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.” Here's what each segment means in practice. Being specific is crucial for achieving both short- and long-term goals.

What are the 3 learning objectives?

Learning objectives can include 3 components: performance, conditions, and criteria. Performance All SMART learning objectives contain a performance component. The performance statement describes what the learner will know or be able to do in specific, measurable terms. The statement should contain an action verb.

How will you enhance your skills and achieve your goals as a nursing student?

Practicing patient-centered and person-focused care. Finding your professional interest. Learning and practicing safe therapeutic interventions. Building your nursing resume with experience, internships, clinicals, volunteering, and research projects.

What is nursing competency?

As described above, nursing competency is a complex integration of knowledge including professional judgment, skills, values and attitude. It is an intelligent practical skill set that integrates or combines different factors and issues in complex ways, specific to each circumstance.

What is core competency in nursing?

The Association defines core nursing competency as “the ability to perform clinical nursing care that is based on the nurse’s ethical thinking and accurate nursing skills and that is provided to meet the needs of the cared.”.

What is competency in psychology?

On the other hand, competency is a behavioral characteristic that is based on one’s interests and experiences influenced by his/her motivation and attitude. It is an optimal behavioral trait that likely leads to achievements. Competence (ability) is a premise for developing competency (behavioral characteristics).

What is reflection in nursing?

In other words, effective reflection is closely related to nursing competency improvement. Professional nursing practice includes making judgments, both as a care provider and learner, and reflecting upon one’s actions as the care is being delivered, and after the care is completed.

Why is nursing practice important?

Nursing practice, by itself, is crucial for competency improvement. Needless to say, nursing practice is situation-dependent. To reflect on a particular clinical situation, it is important to understand the background of that situation.

Why is it important to define nursing competency?

Therefore, it is important to clearly define nursing competency in order to establish a foundation for nursing education curriculum.

What is competence in education?

Competence is an ability acquired through experience and learning. The concept of competence is two-fold: 1) potential abilities that may work effectively under certain circumstances and 2) motivation to show one’s usefulness using those abilities.


Beyond licensure and professional certification, neither the health care industry sector nor individual nurses possess sufficient validated guidance necessary to assess and then improve competency in a standardized, evidence-based manner.


Standardizing the definition of evidence-based competencies in medical-surgical nursing affords both nurses and employers robust assessment of well-defined practice characteristics and the capacity to map further acquisition of skills and experiences intended to improve care delivery for patients’ benefit.


Competency represents the behavioral characteristics supporting competence, an ability acquired through experience and learning.


Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses. (2018). Scope and standards of medical-surgical nursing practice (6th ed.). Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses.

Amsn Position Statement

  • Definition of Nursing Competency "The ability of a nurse to effectively demonstrate a set of attributes, such as personal characteristics, values, attitudes, knowledge and skills, which are required to fulfill his/her professional responsibility." Takase & Teroka, (2011, p. 398) Medical-su…
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    1. Medical-surgical nursing is the largest specialty of professional nursing, with its own skill sets in several domains definable from novice to expert. 2. A wide range of complex patients and multiple diagnoses demand advanced critical thinking and skill on multiple levels from the medi…
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  • Beyond licensure and professional certification, neither the health care industry sector nor individual nurses possess sufficient validated guidance necessary to assess and then improve competency in a standardized, evidence-based manner. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has driven a sustained period of accelerated practice and practice development, requiring rapid and …
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