how many calories would you burn walking a course

by Freddy Kovacek 3 min read

Most people will burn 1000 calories in 2-5 hours of walking. A 200-pound (90.7kg) person walking at 4mph (a brisk walk) will burn 1,000 calories in 2 hours. A 140-pound (63.5kg) person walking at 2.5mph will take 5 hours to burn 1,000 calories.

Effectively, walking a round of golf is like taking a 4-5 mile hike while backpacking. It's a lot of work! Depending on how much an adult golfer weighs, they can typically burn anywhere from 300-600 calories per hour while playing golf as a walker.Jul 16, 2020

Full Answer

What burns more calories walking or biking?

When it comes to burning calories, cycling is a much faster way to lose weight than walking. On flat ground, a 150-pound person would burn roughly 600 calories cycling for an hour (depending on speed) compared to only about 300 calories per hour walking. In addition, cyclists are likely to further the gap even more since covering a greater distance on a bike in that hour of exercise means they are more likely to encounter hills, which would increase the number of calories burned.

How many calories will walking four miles per day burn?

Can I lose weight by walking 4 miles a day? person = 8.6 calories. If you plan to lose 20 pounds by walking alone, try to burn at least 250 extra calories during your walk per day . For example, if you weigh 160 pounds you’d have to walk at least 40 minutes per day at a pace of 4 miles per hour to lose ½ pound per week.

How many calories burned in fifty minutes brisk walking?

The amount of calories burned during a 50 minute walk varies depending largely on how fast you walk. A 180 lb. person would expend only around 190 calories when strolling at a pace of around 2 mph, but if he were to increase his speed to 4 mph he would burn around 350 calories.

How much weight do you lose when walking 2 miles?

To lose weight the average person needs to take about 2,000 steps in the average mile. One mile burns about 100 calories. This means your pedometer will help you keep track of your steps, how many miles you reach each day and how many calories you burn. It will also help you if you don’t have time to exercise.

Is walking 18 holes good exercise?

Walking golf is a great exercise for children and adults who love playing this invigorating sport. People who forgo the golf carts and hoof it on foot can find themselves burning off between 1,000 to 1,500 calories when playing all 18-holes. You can burn off more calories by carrying your clubs.

How many calories does a 1 walk burn?

An hour walk burns between 210 and 360 calories for most people. At a casual pace you will cover 3 miles in an hour walk. Doing an hour walk 5 days of the week will burn an extra 1,050 to 1,800 calories. If your diet remains the same, this increased exercise could lead to ⅓ to ½ a pound of fat loss a week.

Is walking 9 holes good exercise?

By walking six days per week and play 9 holes while carrying clubs one day a week, it's possible to burn as much as a 3500 extra calories every week.

How many calories does a 1 minute walk burn?

For example, a 140-pound person burns about four calories per minute walking at a speed of three miles per hour. So, in about 30 minutes she would burn roughly 112 calories. But a 200-pound person burns about 5 calories per minute or about 159 calories per thirty-minute interval.

What exercise burns the most calories?

RunningRunning is the winner for most calories burned per hour. Stationary bicycling, jogging, and swimming are excellent options as well. HIIT exercises are also great for burning calories. After a HIIT workout, your body will continue to burn calories for up to 24 hours.

How can I burn 500 calories a day?

12 Best Exercises To Burn 500 Calories In 30 MinutesHIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) ... Zumba/Dancing. ... Kickboxing. ... Swimming. ... Running/Sand Running. ... Weight Training. ... Rope Jumping. ... Body Weight Workouts.More items...•

How many miles does the average golfer walk in 18 holes?

The World Golf Foundation estimates that golfers who walk an 18-hole course clock about 5 miles and burn up to 2,000 calories. But here's the rub: About two-thirds of golf in the U.S. is played in motorized carts.

How many calories does walking 18 holes burn?

1,200-3,000 caloriesFor an 18-hole round of golf, which can run from 4-5.5 hours, a walking golfer can burn anywhere from 1,200-3,000 calories. A golfer won't burn quite as many calories if they're walking the course but using a push cart, but the energy expended to push or pull a walking cart will come close to making up the difference.

How many calories do you burn walking a golf course carrying a bag?

Walking 18 holes equals about four undulating miles, and doing that while swinging and carrying your bag probably pegs your total calories-burned number to around ~1,400, according to an experiment conducted by the Director of the Center for Health and Sport Science and reported on by the New York Times, and sometimes ...

Does slow walking burn calories?

Walking slowly for a longer period of time slightly increases the number of calories burned, they add. They suggest that walking 2 miles an hour may be more beneficial for obese people than a more normal pace of 3 miles an hour.

How many calories do you burn in a day doing nothing?

The average person burns around 1800 calories a day doing absolutely nothing. According to the Healthy Eating Guide, sitting burns an estimated 75 calories per hour. A sedentary woman aged 19 to 30 burns 1,800 to 2,000 calories daily, while a sedentary woman aged 31 to 51 burns about 1,800 calories per day.

How can I burn 1000 calories a day?

7 Ways to Burn 1,000 CaloriesRunning. You can burn anywhere from 11 to 17 calories per minute from running, but the exact numbers vary based on how much you weigh and how fast you run. ... CrossFit. ... High-Intensity Interval Training. ... Cycling. ... Rowing. ... Elliptical Machine. ... Daily Step Count.

How many calories do you burn in a 30 minute walk?

In 30 minutes, a 140 pound (63.5kg) person will burn 100 calories walking 2.5mph (4kph) and 167 calories walking 4mph (6.4kph). In 30 minutes, a 20...

How many calories are burned walking 10,000 steps?

Assuming: 1) 10,000 steps is 5 miles, and 2) an average pace of 2.5mph (total of 2 hours walking), a 140 pound (63.5kg) person will burn 401 calori...

How long do I have to walk to burn 1,000 calories?

A 140 pound (63.5kg) person will burn 1,000 calories in 5 hours walking on level, firm surface at 2.5mph (4kph). On the same surface at 4mph (6.4kp...

Do you burn more calories running a mile or walking?

Running burns almost twice as many calories as walking because you’re engaging more muscle groups and using more energy. However, running does incr...

Can you lose belly fat by walking?

You can lose belly fat by walking, but only when walking at a brisk pace for at least 45 minutes each day. Slower walking paces aren’t enough to bu...

Is walking every day enough exercise?

Walking is a great daily exercise as long as you walk for at least 30 minutes. Depending on your fitness goals, you may also want to incorporate ot...

Why is walking better than running?

In some ways, walking is healthier than running. To start, walking is a low-impact exercise, meaning it doesn’t wear down the joints as much as run...

What muscles are toned by walking?

Walking engages your legs muscles, including calves, quads, glutes, and thighs. Walking also works other muscles, like your hip flexors, abs, even...

How to burn calories walking?

Beyond your weight and pace, other factors can increase your calorie burn while walking. Here are ways to make walking more vigorous: 1 Try incorporating rolling hills into your walking route or walking on an incline on a treadmill. 2 If you can’t maintain a brisk pace for your entire workout, consider walking intervals where you have hard effort mixed with recovery periods. For example, warm up at a 2.0 mph pace. Then for the rest of your walk, alternate a minute at a pace of 3.5 to 4.0 mph with one or two minutes at 2.0 mph. 3 More time on your feet will increase your calorie burn. Still, you may find it hard to get in longer walking sessions during the workweek. Try getting in some longer walks on the weekend, such as an hour or more. 4 Wearing a backpack or hiking can also turn up your burn. For example, a 155-pound person burns approximately 267 calories walking at a moderate (3.5 mph) pace on a flat surface for one hour. That same person could burn up to 439 calories an hour hiking a more mountainous trail while wearing a weighted backpack. 5 Once you’re a walking pro, you may even want to add some jogging to your routine. Try a walk/jog approach, where you warm up with walking and alternate bursts of jogging with walking to recover.

How many calories do you burn walking at 155 lbs?

Wearing a backpack or hiking can also turn up your burn. For example, a 155-pound person burns approximately 232 calories walking at a moderate (3.5 mph) pace on a flat surface for one hour.

How to increase calorie burn while walking?

Here are ways to make walking more vigorous: Try incorporating rolling hills into your walking route or walking on an incline on a treadmill.

Is there a one size fits all burn?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, as your burn has to do with a number of different factors, including your weight, pace, terrain, and more.

Is walking good for weight loss?

Walking is an excellent, inexpensive exercise choice that can help you both lose weight and improve your cardiovascular health. If you’re looking to trim down, you may be wondering how many calories you can burn doing this activity.

How long does it take to burn 1,000 calories walking?

How long do I have to walk to burn 1,000 calories? A 140 pound (63.5kg) person will burn 1,000 calories in 5 hours walking on level, firm surface at 2.5mph (4kph). On the same surface at 4mph (6.4kph), they will burn 1,000 calories in 3 hours.

How many calories do you burn walking 10,000 steps?

How many calories are burned walking 10,000 steps? Assuming: 1) 10,000 steps is 5 miles, and 2) an average pace of 2.5mph (total of 2 hours walking), a 140 pound (63.5kg) person will burn 401 calories and a 200 pound (90.7kg) person will burn 573 calories in this time.

How many calories does a 140 pound person burn?

A 140 pound person burns 200 calories in the same scenario. For more styles of walking see our pages on calories burned while running, jogging, on a treadmill, nordic walking, and water walking.

How to calculate how many calories you burn walking a mile?

Calories Burned Based on Weight. One way to calculate how many calories you burn walking per mile is based on body weight. Multiply your body weight by 0.53. For example, a person who weighs 140 pounds would follow this equation:

How many calories do you burn walking on an incline?

Walking on an uphill course or incline is an excellent way to improve your weight loss goal. The body can burn 35 to 40 calories more when you walk at an incline because there’s more stimulation in the leg muscles at an incline than walking on a flat surface.

How to calculate walking speed?

To calculate walking speed, divide the distance by the time you walked. If you walked 3 miles in 2 hours, you would divide 3 by 2, giving you 1.5. Therefore you walked 1.5 miles per hour. The following charts show the number of calories you can burn at specific speeds walking on a level surface. Walking on an uphill course or incline is an ...

How many calories does it take to walk a mile?

Therefore, a 140 pound person burns 74.2 calories walking one mile. For the metric system, you’d convert body weight into kilograms instead of pounds (140lbs = 63.5 kg) and multiply by 1.17.

Does walking help to lose belly fat?

Slower walking paces aren’t enough to burn belly fat. Instead, the body loses water weight, which doesn’t affect overall body weight. To increase weight loss, try to walk faster or walk for a longer period of time.

Is walking better than running?

In some ways, walking is healthier than running. To start, walking is a low-impact exercise, meaning it doesn’t wear down the joints as much as running, and you’re less likely to injure yourself. Walking is also easier to do than other workouts, like elliptical training, and still burns calories.

Is walking good for weight loss?

For those with weight loss goals in mind, walking is an excellent calorie-burning exercise. You can calculate total calories burned through body weight or speed, but if you’re looking for a more accurate formula, we recommend the Harrison-Benedict Equation.

Is walking good for your joints?

Many traditional forms of cardio tend to be higher impact and can place undue stress on the joints, ligaments, and connective tissue. If you’re someone who has a history of injuries and cannot perform higher intensity cardio modalities, walking offers a great way to burn calories while also being kind to your joints.

Does walking help with recovery?

Walking increases circulation and blood flow throughout the body, which supports recovery. Performing too much high intensity cardio can actually impair muscle recovery and hinder performance in your resistance training workouts.

What is The Calories Burned Walking Calculator and How Does It Work?

This calculator approximates the number of calories that someone burns from walking.

How To Use The Calories Burned Walking Calculator

The calories burned walking calculator is rather simple and straightforward.

How Many Calories Can I Burn Walking?

The number of calories that you can burn from activity depends on a few different factors such as your weight, exercise intensity, and duration, or how long you perform the activity. Therefore, this can highly vary.

Can Walking Help Me To Lose A Lot of Weight?

Walking is an easy-to-do, low-impact activity that can certainly contribute to the weight loss process.

How Many Calories Does Walking Burn Compared To Other Forms of Cardio?

There are many different variables that determine the number of calories burned between the different forms of cardio activity. Weight, intensity/pace, and duration are the biggest factors. Although, environment, hormones, and genetics also play a role too. But there are no simple ways to measure these.

Why You Should Walk, Not Run For Weight Loss

Many health experts would agree that, especially for overweight people, walking is better than running for weight loss. Although, running will undoubtedly burn more calories in less time. That’s not the point though and it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Walk Off The Fat Pounds and Get Fitter!

Walking is essential to maintaining good health, and, when paired with proper eating habits, a trim figure. Not to mention, the health benefits are reason alone to take more steps on a daily basis.

How many calories do you burn walking 1 hour?

The exact amount of calories burned walking 1 hour depends on your body weight and walking pace. In general, you can expect to burn between 240 and 723 calories per hour walking at a brisk pace. Take a look at the table below for more specific estimates based on your body size and walking speed.

How to track calories burned walking?

Another way to track your calories burned walking is by wearing a fitness watch or using a calorie-tracking app. For either option, you'll input your age, gender, weight and activity level. Usually, the wearable trackers use heart rate, time and distance to find your caloric burn.

How to lose weight and burn calories?

Do Speed Intervals. Interval training — alternating between bouts of faster and slower walking — can help you burn more calories and lose weight. Beginners should start with 30 seconds of quick walking followed by 2 minutes and 30 seconds at an intermediate pace. Try to complete 5 intervals each time you work out.

How to build muscle while walking?

You can also add some body-weight strength exercises to your walking routine. Try squats, lunges or push-ups to increase your caloric output and build muscle. For every 5 minutes of walking, try to stop and do 1 minute of strength exercises.

How many calories does a golf game burn?

A game of 18 holes requires a significant amount of calories. Intense games can even burn almost 2,000 calories for professional players and lean people. Golf involves walking the course and swinging clubs to hit the ball. It isn't easy to separate the calories from walking on the golf course from swinging a golf club.

How many calories do you burn riding a golf cart?

You can burn 412 calories when riding a cart playing nine holes. Therefore, you can burn a total of 824 calories when playing 18 holes. You burn calories when using a golf cart, but you will still burn significant calories when playing 18 holes.

How to burn more calories playing golf?

1. Carry Your Golf Clubs. Carrying golf clubs when playing 18 holes golf has been compared to hiking with a heavy backpack. Golf clubs weigh 20-30 lbs, which can be heavy after 3hrs of trotting around the golf course with a bag.

How many calories do you burn playing 18 holes?

The has an article that estimates that you can burn 800-900 calories when playing an 18-hole golf game. The calories can increase from 900 to 1400, depending on the complexity of the golf course. The intensity of the game also matters.

How does a golf course with steep climbs affect the game?

A golf course with steep climbs will require you to use more energy to move from one point to the next. Finally, the number of players in the 18 holes game determines the duration that the game takes. You are bound to take more steps when you spend more time on the golf course.

Does golf burn calories?

Golf burns a lot of calories, but you cannot play golf every single day. Therefore, you need to look for new ways to complement the calories that you burn in golf.

Is golf a leisure activity?

Most people consider golf to be a leisure activity unless Tiger Woods is competing. A lot of energy goes into playing an 18-hole golf round because it requires walking around and swinging. There aren't many studies that prove the number of calories that you can burn from playing golf. It is a good idea to know the number ...

Calorie Burned by Distance Calculator

Use this calculator to estimate the calories to be burned by walking, running, or bicycling for a distance.

Factors affecting calories burned

The number of calories a person burns by performing a given activity is dependent on many different factors. Most estimates (including the ones provided by our calculator) involve the use of three key factors: body mass, duration of the activity, and the metabolic equivalent of a task (MET).

Calculating calories burned

This calculator estimates calories burned using the following equation.

How many calories does walking burn?

The simple act of walking and swinging, while employing a caddie to carry your sticks, is still a great form of exercise. A short blurb on Harvard’s website pegs that calories-burned figure at between 800 and 900 calories, but that article isn’t an official study itself and only quickly references unnamed “studies,” so it’s unclear what the exact number is, and could be closer to 1200 calories.

How many calories do you burn playing golf with a cart?

And last but not least, because you’re still walking to and from (often elevated) tee boxes, and swinging your clubs, you still burn lots of calories playing golf with a cart — anywhere from between ~800 to 1,300, according to a WGF study. It’s safe to say golf is a fantastic form of exercise, so whatever you choose, play lots of it!

How many miles does it take to walk 18 holes?

Walking 18 holes equals about four undul ating miles, and doing that while swinging and carrying your bag probably pegs your total calories-burned number to around ~1,400, according to an experiment conducted by the Director of the Center for Health and Sport Science and reported on by the New York Times, and sometimes up to 2,000.

Does walking with a push cart burn calories?

Walking while pushing a cart. Interestingly, walking with a push cart, according to the same New York Times article, actually burns a similar amount of calories as carrying, albeit a fraction less. Maybe that’s why our social media editor Tim Reilly likes his push cart a little too much…. We get it.
