what is a workbook course in traffic school

by Mrs. Celine Bruen 3 min read

Workbook Courses
Course material and final exams are the same as our Internet traffic school course, but it is in the form of a short workbook. The price of the course includes the cost of shipping and the workbook comes with easy to follow instructions on returning your exam for grading.

What is a home study course for traffic school?

To answer the problems of classroom courses, home-study workbooks were created. Many students love these workbooks because they contain all of the relevant content taught in classroom courses with the convenience of working in your own home whenever you have free time. The workbooks, however, lack interactivity.

Which is the easiest traffic school?

#1: iDriveSafely iDriveSafely is my top recommended easiest online traffic school for 2022. They've been around since before online traffic school even existed. They used to have a “home study traffic school” program where they'd mail VHS tapes (remember those?!) and workbooks to complete and send back.

What is the easiest traffic school Online California?

#1: iDriveSafely Fastest online traffic school allowed by California law. Very easy quizzes and tests.May 11, 2019

What is the fastest drivers ed course?

The iDriveSafely online traffic school program has been around for literally decades and they have it down to a science. This is the fastest online traffic school you can take and it has made this list every year including now in 2019.

How many questions are on the final exam traffic school?

25 multiple choiceThe final exam has 25 multiple choice questions, in which you need to get at least 70% correct to pass. There are NO timers as you take either the quizzes or the final exam.May 14, 2020

Which online defensive driving course is best?

#1 Defensive Driving Course ProviderIDriveSafely is one of the oldest defensive driving brands in the business. ... IDriveSafely.com has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). ... Take an IDriveSafely Course.Take a DriversEd.com Course.Take a MyImprov Course.Take ApprovedCourse Defensive Driving.More items...•Dec 21, 2021

Is it worth going to traffic school in California?

Going to traffic school means that your insurance company will not find out about your traffic ticket and your rates will be unaffected. Because of this you'll save yourself from paying hundreds or thousands of extra dollars, keep your California Good Driver discount, and more.Jun 12, 2020

How much does traffic school cost in CA?

$20 - $45TRAFFIC SCHOOL FEES To register for traffic school, you must pay: The bail (fine); and. A state-mandated, non-refundable administrative fee of $52. A traffic school fee ranging from $20 - $45.

How many hours is online traffic school in California?

In California, traffic school is 8 hours. However, if you take it online there are no timers, so actual course time will depend on the individual. It could take one to two hours or the entire eight. There is a mandatory 25 question multiple choice quiz at the end in which you need to get 70% correct to pass.

How many questions is the permit test?

In order to get your learner's permit, you'll need to take the California DMV written test, which will have 46 questions and you'll be required to answer 38 correctly to pass.

How many hours is traffic school California?

8 hourThe California traffic school course is approved as an 8 hour course. Your course material is broken down into single-subject units, which you can complete at your own pace. Therefore, how long the course takes is up to you!

What does the E in Spide stand for?


Classroom-Based Traffic School

Your traffic school requirement can be fulfilled by attending a course at a local school. Many state departments of transportation create and implement driver improvement courses, which you can take at a variety of locations throughout the state. The details of these classroom-based options vary, of course, based on your state.

Online Traffic School

Online traffic school is available exclusively through the web for several providers. These courses are designed with web users in mind, allowing you to interactively learn driving safety tips and techniques while clicking through a web-based course. Internet access and a computer are the only real requirements for these courses.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Assessing both the advantages and disadvantages of classroom-based and online traffic school will help you identify the right school for you. Classroom-based school offers some advantages that might suit your learning style.


Now that you understand the difference between classroom and online traffic school, you can decide which style is best for you. Several key elements can help you make your decision:

What is traffic school?

If you are self-motivated and able to do work without being told by someone else to do it, you’ll likely love taking an online traffic school course. A traditional course requires your attendance and presses you on important deadlines, whereas an online course leaves it up to you to get the work done.

What does it mean to take traffic school?

It means that you got pulled over for some kind of traffic offense, got a ticket, and are facing potential fines, court fees, and damage to your driving record. This doesn’t even include any damage that may have happened to your car or the fact that a ticket can increase your insurance costs.

Can I attend traffic school online?

But the best you can do is to attend an online traffic school where you pay just a third of a classroom course’s price, be able to stay at home, and learn at your own pace.

What is the best online traffic school?

Improv Traffic School is one of the best-known online traffic schools. You may find passing traffic school easier with Improv Traffic School than some other schools because its courses are humorous as well as educational. It approaches its mission of teaching principles of safe driving by hiring improv comedy performers to teach the coursework. You’ve probably already seen an improv show, but if you haven’t, they feature comedians that take a subject and spontaneously turn it in to comedy gold (the show Whose Line Is It Anyway is a good example). Many find this approach to traffic school the easiest because they feel it’s easier to remember information when it’s presented in a humorous format, making it faster and easier to pass the quizzes and exams.

What is the easiest traffic school?

The easiest traffic school is the one that best suits your personality and learning style. Different schools have radically different methods of instruction. Some offer humorous instruction, while others offer a more traditional, straightforward course of instruction.

What is iDriveSafely online?

It specializes in providing traffic school instruction that really does teach you to drive more safely. Its course was designed by professional driving educators to be engaging and teach you driving skills more rapidly than competing courses. It utilizes both short, simple written lessons as well as computer animated videos. The course focuses on driving fundamentals, defensive driving techniques, traffic signs, and California driving laws.

Why do people go to traffic school in California?

California traffic schools often offer those caught violating its moving traffic laws the opportunity to attend traffic school in lieu of paying a ticket in full. Traffic school allows students to avoid paying the full price of the ticket. It also allows them to keep their traffic violation confidential, so that their insurers don’t raise their ...

What is online course?

Online courses are more visual. Most schools provide interactive features to keep students engaged. Your quizzes will be open notes, you can check the course content to easily pass. Even if you don’t pass the final exam for the first time, you’ll get another attempt.

Is Aceable a mobile app?

The content at Aceable is all freshly developed and created to be as fast and easy as possible. Aceable offers their course through a mobile-app, so if you plan on taking your traffic school from an iPhone or other smartphone, this is probably the best option to go with.

Does Improv Traffic School have a money back guarantee?

They also offer a money back guarantee. Improv Traffic School has been the subject of independent testing, which has shown that the school is effective at teaching its students – one study showed that its graduates were 64% less likely to be in a crash or cited for violating traffic laws.

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Desoto Florida traffic school, sometimes referred to as Desoto Florida defensive driving, is taken to dismiss Desoto Florida traffic tickets or lower points on your Desoto Florida driver record.


Is it true that I can take the GoToTrafficSchool.com Desoto Florida traffic school course without paying right away?

Online defensive driving and online traffic school courses also offered in these courts

GoToTrafficSchool.com offers the most popular online traffic school, online driver improvement, online defensive driving, online insurance reduction, online point reduction, online point removal, video traffic school, workbook traffic school and internet driver safety training courses in the United States.

How long is traffic school?

Normally, you’d be required to complete a mind-numbing 8-hours of classroom traffic school. But with online traffic schools, there are no course-timers! This means that you can finish ...

How long does it take to finish a driver's course?

This means that you can finish the course in as little time as you’d like, just as long as you get a good grasp of course topics and pass the exam. Busy drivers skip through basic topics and focus on concepts that they need help with. In that way, you can finish the course in as little as 2 hours without any problems.

How long does it take for points to be removed from your record?

If you accumulate enough points, your license may be suspended. While points are not permanent, it may take three to ten years for them to be removed from your driving record.

What happens if you drive faster than the speed limit?

If you drive slightly faster than the speed limit, don’t come to a complete stop at a stop sign, make an illegal U-turn, or commit similar traffic law violations, you will get a single point on your license.

Does driving lessons affect insurance?

That’s the bad news. The good news is that driving lessons can reduce your insurance costs. If you have a violation masked by taking a driving course, that violation will not affect your insurance rates. Even better, if you are a safe driver with no violations, you can get additional discounts by taking a defensive driving course. Some companies, such as iDriveSafely.com, offer courses specifically geared to young drivers or drivers older than 55, which can result in substantial savings.

Is driving school for teens?

Driving school is no longer just for teens learning how to drive, and it doesn’t always require long hours in classrooms. Although driving schools such as DriversEd.com offer traditional new-driver training, they also offer convenient online courses that can help you lower your insurance rates or get a ticket masked, ...

Can you get discounts for defensive driving?

Even better, if you are a safe driver with no violations, you can get additional discounts by taking a defensive driving course. Some companies, such as iDriveSafely.com, offer courses specifically geared to young drivers or drivers older than 55, which can result in substantial savings.


Classroom-Based Traffic School

Online Traffic School

  • Online traffic school is available exclusively through the web for several providers. These courses are designed with web users in mind, allowing you to interactively learn driving safety tips and techniques while clicking through a web-based course. Internet access and a computer are the only real requirements for these courses. Some courses might...
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Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Assessing both the advantages and disadvantages of classroom-based and online traffic school will help you identify the right school for you. Classroom-based school offers some advantages that might suit your learning style. First, you can complete the course in one sitting — dedicating just a few hours of your time will fulfill your requirement and remove this obligation from your to …
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  • Now that you understand the difference between classroom and online traffic school, you can decide which style is best for you. Several key elements can help you make your decision: Time:Check your local classroom-based traffic school schedules to see if there’s a class time that fits into your schedule. If one doesn’t, a web-based course might be your best bet. Convenience:…
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