what is a traffic safety course

by Nicholas Koepp 7 min read

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How to promote traffic safety?

traffic safety for people

  • 1.1 TRAFFIC SAFETY ACROSS SELECTED WORLD CITIES. How many traffic fatalities are occurring in the world’s major cities? ...

What is the safer drivers course?

These courses include those suitable for individuals or professionals, such as the 3-demerit reduction Defensive Driving Course, Winter Driving Online, Fatigue Management and Professional Driver Improvement Course.

What is the safest position in traffic?

move to the side of the lane that best lets you and other drivers see each other when:The safest position in traffic is the place: Approaching an intersection with a view blocked by buildings, trees, or shrubs Driving in adverse weather conditions Driving near another car's blind spots

How much is a defensive driving/driving safety course?

While it can vary by course, most defensive driving classes cost between $25 and $100, with the average coming in around $50. Once you have completed the course, you should receive a discount between 5% and 15%, which lasts for three years with most insurers.

How long is traffic safety course Wisconsin?

twelve-hourThe Wisconsin Department of Transportation's traffic safety school is a twelve-hour classroom course, which offers an opportunity to reduce your demerit point total on your driver's record.

How much is traffic safety school in Illinois?

Classroom Course QuestionsAge GroupFirst TicketSecond TicketUnder 18Online or classroom Alive at 25Classroom Alive at 2518-24Online or classroom Alive at 25Classroom Alive at 2525 and olderOnline or classroom DDC4Classroom ADD8

Can I take defensive driving for a speeding ticket in Illinois?

If you are charged with a traffic violation in Illinois, you may be eligible to participate in the Driver Safety Program by taking a defensive driving course.

Does Wisconsin offer traffic school?

in Person. Wisconsin traffic school is offered as an online course or can be attended in-person. Most drivers opt to complete their defensive driving course online because it is an easy and quick way to finish this advanced driver education.

How long do I have to complete traffic school in Illinois?

A driver 21 years of age or older is eligible for the four-hour Traffic Safety School Defensive Driving Course if that person is not currently enrolled in the course and was not enrolled in the course within the previous 12 months.

Can you take traffic school online Illinois?

Adheres to Illinois DSD and State Court Standards! Our traffic school online course is available for students who have received an eligible citation in Illinois and wish to complete their required defensive driving course from the comfort of their own home.

How long does a speeding ticket stay on your record in Illinois?

four to five yearsMoving violations such as speeding, disregarding a traffic control light, improper lane usage, etc. remain on a driver's record for four to five years from the date of conviction.

Do speeding tickets go on your record in Illinois?

According to the Illinois Secretary of State, traffic tickets for moving violations will stay on your Illinois driving record for four to five years from the date of conviction. Moving violations include offenses such as speeding, disobeying a stop sign, disobeying a traffic control light, and improper lane usage.

How do I get a speeding ticket off my record in Illinois?

Under Illinois law, only criminal charges may be eligible for expungement, not traffic tickets. As a result, the only way to clear a traffic ticket conviction from your driving record, is to bring the case back in front of a judge.

How long do speeding tickets stay on your record Wisconsin?

five yearsWhen can a ticket be removed from my driving record? Most convictions on a driving record are eligible to be removed five years after the conviction date.

What is a driver safety plan in WI?

Driver safety plans for OWI convictions are education and/or rehabilitation programs based on the findings from the IDP assessment. For example, when an IDP assessor identifies a driver as: Irresponsible User. driver may be sent to a Group Dynamics-Traffic Safety program taken at a local technical college.

How much is a ticket for speeding in Wisconsin?

$200 to $800A speeding ticket in Wisconsin may be subject to both a charge for the speeding ticket itself plus a number of extra fees. The cost of a speeding ticket ranges from $200 to $800, depending on how far over the speed limit you were driving.

What is the Richland Community College Traffic Safety Program?

The Richland Community College Traffic Safety Program is a court-approved course intended to improve your driving skills , decrease the possibility of future traffic law violations, and reduce the chance of you or someone else being killed or injured in a traffic accident. The Traffic Safety Program allows you to request Court Supervision to avoid having minor traffic offenses appear as a conviction on your driving record.

What is the phone number for the traffic safety course in Richland, Illinois?

If you have any questions, call 217-875-7211, ext. 6500 or email [email protected].

How long does it take to get defensive driving instruction in Texas?

If you choose the Traffic Safety Program option, you will receive four hours of defensive driving instruction, and you will agree to obey all traffic laws during six months of Court Supervision.


Traffic Safety School: This course reviews basic safe defensive driving concepts and may be attended by anyone.

Convictions that require successful completion of a Traffic Safety course

Assessment agencies refer convicted drivers of an OWI who are ordered to take Group Dynamics or Multiple Offender Program to the providing school or agency in their area.

Warning letters

If you accumulate six or more demerit points within a 12-month period, you will receive a warning letter from the DMV.

Technical college locations

Call the technical college in your area using the phone number provided below for more information or view a map of all Wisconsin technical colleges including branch campuses.

Traffic Ticket Dismissal

If you received a moving violation in Texas, the county or court where you received it may allow you to take a defensive driving course approved by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) to dismiss the ticket. In Texas, there are a few other requirements before you can take the ticket dismissal defensive driving course. You must:

Insurance Discount

You can also take a defensive driving course to reduce your insurance rates. The course is available completely online, if that’s your preference, and covers Texas driving laws, defensive driving techniques, hazardous conditions, and strategies for avoiding common driving problem areas.

Seat Belt Safety

If you have been cited for a seat belt violation, just like a moving violation, it could negatively impact your insurance rates. In many cases, a judge will order you to take the seat belt safety course. The seat belt course emphasizes the importance of wearing a safety belt and the risks and consequences of not doing so.

Take Your Defensive Driving Course Online

Want to get your drivers license the easy way? Take our I Drive Safely’s Texas adult driver education course today!

What is the Traffic Safety Program?

The Traffic Safety Program, enacted by the Illinois Supreme Court and guided by the conference of Chief Judges, has been adopted by the Sixth Judicial Circuit Court.

What is the benefit of choosing the Traffic Safety Program?

The program allows eligible drivers to receive court supervision for minor traffic offenses. If you successfully complete the Traffic Safety Program, your traffic offense will not be entered as a conviction on your driving record.

Defensive Driving Classes

The Traffic Safety Program offers Defensive Driving courses for either:

What is a traffic safety officer?

As a traffic safety and control officer, you will be responsible for ensuring the smooth and safe movement of traffic around road incidents, planned roadworks, large events or construction projects. The job role of a traffic safety and control officer may involve the following duties: Making important decisions on how best to design ...

What are the skills required to be a traffic control officer?

Additional skills which may benefit anyone considering a job as a traffic safety and control officer include: Knowledge of transport methods, costs and benefits. Ability to think analytically and problem solve. Excellent verbal communication skills. Good attention to detail.

What is a TSCO?

Traffic safety and control officer. A traffic safety and control officer (TSCO) is involved with making important decisions on how best to control traffic management. This could include situations such as traffic incidents, planned roadworks, big events or new developments.

Why Take a Defensive Driving Course Online?

The cost of a traffic ticket doesn't end with the court fees. If the citation shows up on your driver record, you will almost certainly have to face higher insurance premiums, which can wind up costing you thousands of dollars over a few years.

Defensive Driving Class

At I Drive Safely we believe traffic school should be easy, fast, and stress-free - that's why we provide an online driving safety course that fits your needs and your schedule.

Dismiss Tickets Online

Dreading spending an entire weekend sitting in a boring classroom lecture just to dismiss that one pesky ticket? Our online safety driving course is the better option.

Educational resources for drivers

AAA's Digest of Motor Laws summarizes laws and regulations governing the registration and operation of passenger vehicles in all 50 United States, the District of Columbia, U.S. possessions, and Canadian provinces.

Online courses available in select areas

If you’ve received a traffic ticket for a moving violation and have not attended a traffic school course in the past 18 months, AAA offers an online course that satisfies the court requirement for ticket dismissal in many areas.

Classroom courses available in select areas

Even the most experienced drivers can improve their habits behind the wheel. The AAA Driver Improvement Program, designed for all drivers, presents the techniques, skills, and information necessary to navigate the road today. 3

Is defensive driving a good way to spend your spare time?

Traffic school—also known in some states as defensive driving courses—isn't the most popular way to spend your spare time. But there are valuable perks to taking this type of course. From reducing ticket fines to offsetting points from your driving record, it's important to know how traffic school can benefit you as a driver .

Can you take a traffic school class and reduce your fines?

In some states, however, your traffic court may be willing to reduce your fines if you agree to take a traffic school class.
