what is a limitation of the use of psychological assessment? course hero

by Eliezer Satterfield 10 min read

When should psychological assessment be used in the evaluation of addiction?

When treatment has stalled and psychological assessment can be used to identify the factors limiting progress, and; Questions of fitness where decisions are being made about patients based on their psychological functioning (i.e., return to work).

What is a psychological assessment?

A Psychological Assessment involves the planned use of interviews (generally semi-structured) and specific psychometric assessments (tests) to answer questions highlighted in a referral.

What is your professional experience of using therapeutic psychological assessments?

My professional experience of using therapeutic psychological assessments is extremely positive. I find they bring an insight, clarity of focus and opportunity to engage with patients in an open and powerful way that I have not found in any other way or method of working.

What are the APA guidelines for test user qualifications?

The guidelines apply to standardized tests of ability, aptitude, achievement, atti-tudes, interests, personality, cognitive functioning, mental health, and other construct domains. APA’s (2001) “Guidelines for Test User Qualifications” were responsive to the identified problem of misuse of tests within the United States and internationally.

What is a limitation of the use of psychological assessment?

What is a limitation of the use of psychological assessment? Psychological reactivity and stability vary from person to person. all distinctions among members of different categories are qualitative.

What are the limitations of psychological?

Psychological limitations means specific limitations in mental and/or behavioral ability established by the physician.

How do psychological tests differ?

Psychological tests can differ in terms of how they are scored and interpreted. Some tests are com- pleted on scannable sheets and are computer scored. Some are hand-scored by the person administering the test. Others are scored by the test takers themselves.

What are some challenges to psychological assessment?

There are three major issues in psychological testing: reliability, validity and bias.

Which of the following is a limitation of psychological testing?

There are however certain limitation of psychological testing, viz., uncritical use, unfair rejection of applicants, faking of test responses, conformity and poor test administration.

What is psychological assessment used for?

The first purpose is to identify, operationally define, and measure a client's adaptive and maladaptive behaviors and treatment goals. A second purpose is to identify, operationally define, and measure factors that influence a client's adaptive and maladaptive behaviors and attainment of treatment goals.

What does psychological assessment mean?

“A psychological assessment is gathering information to evaluate a person's behavior, character, strengths, and needs for the purpose of diagnosing, setting goals, and recommending treatment,” explains Wendy Pitts, LCSW-C, a clinical social worker in Maryland.

What are the benefits of psychological assessment?

Psychological Testing provides:Developmental abilities of clients.Increased accuracy of diagnoses.Rich information about current levels of functioning.An understanding of the problematic behaviors.Highlights areas in need of additional support.Client strengths to be incorporated into treatment.More items...•