what is a legitimate online course for calculus

by Miss Myrtie Wolf 10 min read

Become a Calculus 1 Master (Udemy) Top Calculus Courses (Udemy) College Courses & Certificates in Calculus (Coursera) Introduction to Calculus by The University of Sydney (Coursera) Become a Calculus 3 Master (Udemy)Feb 16, 2022

Is calculus free to learn online?

online calculus bc course provides a comprehensive and comprehensive pathway for students to see progress after the end of each module. With a team of extremely dedicated and quality lecturers, online calculus bc course will not only be a place to share knowledge but also to help students get inspired to explore and discover many creative ideas from themselves.

How do I get started learning calculus?

This online math course covers topics typical for a Calculus I college course. The main topics covered are limits, differentiation, using derivates to solve problems and an introduction to integration. Calculus I Online Course Lessons You have 3 to 9 months from your enrollment date to complete 24 lessons and 3 proctored exams.

Where can I take precalculus courses?

Apr 25, 2017 · Just an additional note, the algebra-based course I took came with two lab kits. They weren't cheap, but they were good. Each lab required exactly what you mentioned, mechanically handling hardware items, arranging them, preparing what you will arrange, test measure and observe, with the additional step of writing detailed lab reports about with all …

What is calculus in math?

Check out these free courses on coursera: Calculus One by Jim Fowler. Single Variable Calculus by Robert Ghrist. You can find more courses here. ... also see our lists of recommended books and free online resources. level 1 · 4 yr. ago. Khanacademy is alright to teach you everything in BC calculus, this provides a good foundation.

Can I take a calculus course online?

Online Calculus Courses and Programs Edx offers basic calculus courses and advanced programs designed to help you learn calculus in an engaging and effective online learning environment complete with video tutorials, calculus problems, quizzes and more.

What is the best website to learn calculus?

Open Web ResourcesarXiv.org - Mathematics. The arXiv preprint server is a leading resource of physics information. ... Calculus.org. ... Khan Academy - Calculus. ... Math.com - Calculus. ... Mathway - Calculus. ... NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions. ... Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. ... WolframAlpha.More items...•Jan 14, 2022

How can I learn calculus at home?

How to Learn Calculus in 7 StepsStep 1) Start with other part of basic mathematics.Step 2) Understand the part of calculus.Step 3) Learn calculus formulas.Step 4) Learn about the limits.Step 5) Learn Fundamental theorem of calculus.Step 6) Practice calculus problems.Step 7) Double check your Concepts.Important Tips:

Can you learn calculus on your own?

You can teach yourself calculus. It won't be easy and requires self-discipline and knowledge in algebra, geometry, and trig. However, the resources are out there, but the motivation must come from within.

Is udemy a legit site?

Are Udemy courses legitimate? Udemy is a legitimate company. Courses are designed to help you learn or enhance a particular skill. Every student who completes a course receives a certification of completion, though it cannot be used to receive formal accreditation for continuing education units or coursework.

Is there any website to solve math problems?

Welcome to Webmath! Webmath is a math-help web site that generates answers to specific math questions and problems, as entered by a user, at any particular moment.

What is the easiest way to learn calculus?

Best Way to Learn Calculus!Step 1 Begin with Other Basic Parts of Mathematics. ... Step 2 Know the Parts of Calculus. ... Step 3 Learn Calculus Formulae. ... Step 4 Know the Concept of Limits. ... Step 5 Understand the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. ... Step 6 Practice More and More Calculus Problems. ... Step 7 Ask your Doubts.More items...

What is the hardest math problem?

53 + 47 = 100 : simples? But those itching for their Good Will Hunting moment, the Guinness Book of Records puts Goldbach's Conjecture as the current longest-standing maths problem, which has been around for 257 years. It states that every even number is the sum of two prime numbers: for example, 53 + 47 = 100.Aug 13, 2014

Why is calculus so hard?

Calculus is so hard because it requires a lot of hard work, mastery over algebra, is more conceptual than basic math courses, and has several highly abstract ideas. Students find calculus difficult because it is not always intuitive and requires tremendous background information. People are used to thinking concretely.Sep 22, 2021

Where can I learn calculus for free?

1. Paul's online math notes--an interactive website (free). This online site from Paul Dawkins, math professor at Lamar University, is arguably the best (free) online site for learning calculus.Jul 18, 2014

What are the prerequisites for calculus?

Precalculus. The standard prerequisite for freshman-level calculus is three years of high school mathematics, including trigonometry and logarithms. Students who need to take calculus but are lacking the necessary prerequisites should start with a precalculus course.

What jobs actually use calculus?

12 jobs that use calculusAnimator.Chemical engineer.Environmental engineer.Mathematician.Electrical engineer.Operations research engineer.Aerospace engineer.Software developer.More items...•May 21, 2021

Outlier Calculus Review

I recently completed Outlier’s Calculus course. This is a personal review of the program’s strengths, weaknesses, and my overall impression.

Why Did I Choose Outlier?

It’s been more than a decade (ouch) since I participated in any formal math course. Over the past year, I’ve become quite interested in Machine Learning, and the more I explore, the more I discover that Calculus plays an integral role in the discipline. This was the primary driving factor behind me tackling Calculus.

First Impressions

After some initial onboarding, I gained access to the interface, which I thought was quite modern. I installed Slack, which was the preferred means of communication between students and TA’s within the cohort. I downloaded the syllabus and took a look at the curriculum:

Course Structure

Each chapter is broken down further into sections (shown above), with each section having the following components:

Time Commitment

There are two options: the 14-week regular offering, and a 7-week intensive. I chose the former, for which Outlier suggests committing 10 hours per week to study. That might be true for more recent graduates; I spent closer to 15–20 hours a week.

Getting Help When Stuck

There were a few different ways to get help when you get stuck with problems.


There were three total exams — 2 midterms covering chapters 1–2 and 3–4 respectively, and one final covering everything. Most exams were approximately 20 questions; all were multiple choice, which greatly reduced the difficulty.

What is calculus in science?

Calculus is fundamentally a way of dealing with functional relationships that occur in scientific and mathematical contexts. The techniques of calculus must be subordinate to an overall view of the questions that give rise to these relationships. 1. level 1. ben1996123.

What is quantum state?

Broadly, a "quantum state" should be thought of as a distribution of classical states "smeared out.". One way to make this rigorous is to view a quantum state as some kind of function or distribution on the symplectic manifold of classical states.

What is the symplectic manifold?

Using classical mechanics terminology, the symplectic manifold should be thought of as the space of classical states of the system, where each point represents a particular state, and the symplectic form should be thought of as somehow encoding the laws of physics that govern the evolution of those states.

What is quantization in physics?

Quantization. In physics, quantization is a process of taking a classical system, and turning into a quantum system. To a geometer, a classical physical system is synonymous with a symplectic manifold.

Is state space dimensional?

To a physicist, state space is always even dimensional , because it has both position and momentum coordinates, but the quantum states should be either a function of position or momentum coordinates, but not both. Therefore you need a rule for how to cut down the number of coordinates your functions depend on by half.

Is K stability hard to check?

In practice it turns out that K-stability is also very hard to check, not because it is equally as hard as solving the PDE, but because it turns out algebra is also very hard! Just to explain the term "uniform" in the title of Zhang's article, K-stability takes the form.

How to handle the feeling that your thesis is utterly trivial and just yet another useless crappy version of what other people have already done better then you?

I'm writing my master thesis and intentionally chose something "hard". But now it all feels little I'm just copying stuff from different books and the way I present the theory feels like a messier and shittier version of what's already in textbooks.

Which millennium problem do you think will be solved next?

After Grigori gave us proof of Poincerè’s conjecture over 18 years ago,which of the 6 remaining problems do you think will be resolved next?

LaTeX Thesis Template

I recently updated my comprehensive LaTeX thesis template; it might be useful for you too.

What's your favourite number ?

Redditors what's your fav number ? And why is it your favourite number ?

What are some interesting Non-Real named constants

pretty much any well known named constant is a real number. pi, e, phi, etc. what are some constants that are complex, quaternions, p-adic, vectors, or something else.

What is credit laundering?

Credit laundering is an attempt to earn college credit from one source (example: CLEP, Sophia, Study.com) and strategize a method of getting it onto a transcript at a college that otherwise doesn’t accept that kind of credit. In general, this is almost impossible to accomplish. Outlier credit is an exception.

What is an outlier?

Outlier (Legitimate Credit Laundering ) Outlier (from the makers of MasterClass) has developed high-quality, university-level courses, taught online by some of the most celebrated educators in their respective fields. Outlier is not a college. Normally, when a business (non-college) offers classes for college credit, ...

How many hours per week does Outlier offer?

One student remarked that Outlier recommends 25 hours per week per course, but he had to put in closer to 30 each week to earn an A (in Calculus). Discounts: Outlier may offer a discount when you register for more than 1 course at a time.

How long is a typical college class?

Parents should note that a “typical” college class is 16 weeks, so even the longer option will be a bit fast for some students. Extra Fees: None.

What happens after withdraw deadline?

After the withdraw deadline, students will receive a letter grade for their course on their University of Pittsburgh transcript. Note: If you receive a letter grade on a college transcript, you must disclose your transcript on all future college applications or admissions.

Where do outliers get recorded?

Outlier course credit will be recorded with a grade on an official college transcript at The University of Pittsburgh. The credit will appear as original credit . In other words, your teen’s transcript will be identical to that of a student that has taken the courses directly through The University of Pittsburg.

When a student decides to withdraw from a course, is it considered a withdrawal?

If a student decides to exit from a course AFTER the drop deadline but BEFORE the withdraw deadline, it is defined as a withdrawal.


Why Did I Choose Outlier?

  • Calculus is an area of mathematics that studies rates of change (differential calculus) and areas around curves (integral calculus). Calculus has broad applications in physics and other disciplines.
See more on edx.org

First Impressions

Course Structure

Time Commitment

  • It’s been more than a decade (ouch) since I participated in any formal math course. Over the past year, I’ve become quite interested in Machine Learning, and the more I explore, the more I discover that Calculus plays an integral role in the discipline. This was the primary driving factor behind me tackling Calculus. Now, I couldself-study using Khan Academy (which helped quite a bit — more …
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Getting Help When Stuck

  • After some initial onboarding, I gained access to the interface, which I thought was quite modern. I installed Slack, which was the preferred means of communication between students and TA’s within the cohort. I downloaded the syllabus and took a look at the curriculum:
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  • Each chapter is broken down further into sections (shown above), with each section having the following components: 1. Guesswork— Questions are asked that are meant to be an intuitive preview of the topic. I didn’t find a lot of value here. 2. Lecture — Video lectures ranging between 8–30 minutes. Each section has three, pre-recorded lectures, one ...
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End Result

  • There are two options: the 14-week regular offering, and a 7-week intensive. I chose the former, for which Outlier suggests committing 10 hours per week to study. That might be true for more recent graduates; I spent closer to 15–20 hours a week. I’d go out on a limb and recommend steering clear of the 7-week intensive unless Calculus is your sole purpose in life for that time pe…
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Final Thoughts

  • There were a few different ways to get help when you get stuck with problems. 1. Slack Channel — This rarely worked for me. Most of my fellow students were either deep in study, or absent from the platform. Most of the time it was eerily quiet. 2. Email Outlier Tutors— This worked well, if you didn’t mind a quality answer arriving 24–48 hours later. 3. Brainfuse— Each student was allotted …
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