Humanities courses provide instruction in the key themes, principles and terminology of a humanities discipline. Your courses focus on the history, theory and methodologies used within that discipline, enabling you to identify and to analyze the key elements, biases and influences that shape thought.
The humanities refer to courses in two major categories, arts and culture, that are designed to enrich a student's knowledge of the world beyond their own life. Even for degrees in engineering and physical sciences, at least a few humanities courses are typically required.
More Info General Education Program Requirements All undergraduate students (except those transferring to UF with an A.A. degree from a Florida public college or an A.A. certificate from a Florida public state university) are required to complete UF's general education requirement to graduate. More Info
UF Quest 2 Requirement UF Quest 2 courses fulfill the UF Quest 2 requirement and three credits of the general education requirement in the social & behavioral sciences, the biological sciences, or the physical sciences. Some may also fulfill three credits of the diversity or international requirement and/or count toward the writing requirement.
This applies to the following UF courses: ENC 1102, ENC 1145, ENC 2210, ENC 2305, ENC 3246, ENC 3254, ENC 3459. Students will confirm the ability to think critically through demonstrating interpretive ability and cultural literacy.
COURSE DESCRIPTION This course examines the enduring question, “What is the Good Life?” from a broad range of humanistic perspectives. Topics include the cost of the good life, how people have chosen to live as members of local and global communities, and conceptions and expressions of beauty, power, love and health.
UF Quest Courses UF Quest is part of the general education curriculum. Quest courses examine questions about the human condition that are difficult to answer and hard to ignore.
The Digital Arts and Sciences (DAS) degree is a core computer science degree with special emphasis on human-centered computing, which includes art, design and computing courses that are related to digital media, interaction and communication.
Credits: All CLAS students must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 120 acceptable credits for the degree....University / State of Florida requirements: To earn a degree, all students must complete:A general education program,The writing requirement, and.The summer term enrollment requirement.
The UF Quest Requirement All undergraduate students are required to take Quest courses to complete the general education requirement except if they have an A.A. from a Florida public college/state university or are in the Innovation Academy program.
No. Quest 2 courses satisfy the UF Quest 2 requirement. Only Quest 1 courses (including IDS 1161) satisfy the UF Quest 1 requirement. The Quest and General Education requirements which the course satisfies will be listed in the “Additional Details” section of the Schedule of Courses.
31.1% (2020)University of Florida / Acceptance rateUniversity of Florida admissions is most selective with an acceptance rate of 31%. Half the applicants admitted to University of Florida have an SAT score between 1290 and 1460 or an ACT score of 29 and 33.
Digital artists can work in a variety of functions. One of the most common careers in digital art is working in the field of entertainment. Animated motion pictures, video games, and even mobile apps all require the skills of digital artists to make stories come alive.
The Digital Sciences Bachelor's program provides a broad overview of digital technologies, often from multiple points of view. For example, a student may study the content and visual layout of a web page with a journalism professor and later study the programming aspects of a web page with a business professor.
With a GPA of 4.42, University of Florida requires you to be at the top of your class. You'll need nearly straight A's in all your classes to compete with other applicants. Furthermore, you should be taking hard classes - AP or IB courses - to show that college-level academics is a breeze.
Dual Degree Description At their discretion, UF colleges and schools can permit students to pursue dual undergraduate degrees. A student completing major and college requirements in two different colleges will receive two degrees. The transcript will list each degree and the appropriate major(s).
UF. The college/department offering the minor will certify whether you complete it in the term you graduate. The minor will be noted on your official transcript.
Humanities courses provide instruction in the key themes, principles and terminology of a humanities discipline. Your courses focus on the history, theory and methodologies used within that discipline, enabling you to identify and to analyze the key elements, biases and influences that shape thought.
certificate from a Florida public state university) are required to complete UF's general education requirement to graduate. General education requires 36 credits of courses in the following areas:
International (N) International courses provide instruction in the values, attitudes and norms that constitute the culture of countries outside the United States. These courses lead you to understand how geographic location, development level and geopolitical influences affect these cultures.
Humanities courses provide instruction in the history, key themes, principles, terminology, and theory or methodologies used within a humanities discipline or the humanities in general. Students will learn to identify and to analyze the key elements, biases and influences that shape thought.
UF Quest 1 courses, including IDS 1161, fulfill the UF Quest 1 requirement and three credits of the general education requirement in the humanities. Some may also fulfill three credits of the diversity or international requirement and/or count toward the writing requirement.
UF Quest 2 courses fulfill the UF Quest 2 requirement and three credits of the general education requirement in the social & behavioral sciences, the biological sciences, or the physical sciences. Some may also fulfill three credits of the diversity or international requirement and/or count toward the writing requirement.
If the prefix (first three letters) and the last three digits of the course number are the same, then the course is considered equivalent.
HUM X020 not offered at UF, but may be transferred in from a Florida public institution. UF Quest 1 courses, including IDS 1161, fulfill the UF Quest 1 requirement and three credits of the general education requirement in the humanities.
Equivalent courses at different institutions are identified by the same prefixes and the same last three digits of the course number and are guaranteed to be transferable between participating institutions that offer the course , with a few exceptions, as listed below in Exceptions to the General Rule for Equivalency.
The course prefix is a three-letter designator for a major division of an academic discipline, subject matter area or subcategory of knowledge. The prefix is not intended to identify the department in which a course is offered. Rather, the content of a course determines the assigned prefix to identify the course.
Due to myriad interests around current events—COVID-19, economic woes, social justice, antiracism—we've also created a page to cross-reference courses and resources related to these topics:
We also offer Honors Contract courses to supplement any upper-division (> 3000) level course. Apply using the IDH 4903 Honors Course Contract Form.