what is a graduate topics course

by Ivah Cronin 7 min read

A graduate level course examines ideas in a more in-depth way than an undergraduate course. First, it focuses on key issues and topics which would be important to the professional in the field.

What is a post graduate course?

The most prevalent graduate courses can be identified by the presence of the word ‘Masters in/of’ or ‘Post Graduation in (PG)’, completing which you are awarded a Master’s Certificate and are called a Post Graduate. This course offers an advanced level of education on a specific topic.

Are all graduate courses subject to the University assessment and grading practices policy?

All graduate courses are subject to the University Assessment and Grading Practices Policy. These guidelines provide a framework for recording seminar series courses on the graduate student academic record in a consistent way while facilitating the various practices within graduate units.

What is a graduate seminar series?

Seminars at the graduate level are generally defined in the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) Guidelines for Graduate Adminstrators: Graduate Courses and Other Academic Activities; this set of guidelines addresses seminar series courses in detail.

What is the difference between a graduate course and seminar?

Such graduate seminar courses are distinct from graduate seminar series courses which are the topic of these guidelines. All graduate courses are subject to the University Assessment and Grading Practices Policy.


View lectures online live, broadcast from the classroom, or on demand.


Earn academic credit and a Stanford University transcript. Transfer up to 18 credit units to an applicable Master's Degree.

What is the Internet of Things course?

The Introduction to the Internet of Things is a short course that lets you experience Stanford quality online education by combining expert teaching and real-world applications. It consists of 5 modules that can download videos for reviews on technology advancement. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of all devices connected to the internet, such as IoT sensors, Supply Chain Management, Barcode Readers, Smart Farming, and more. Online graduate students are encouraged to submit an evaluation upon completion of the course.

What is the Advanced Studio on the Production of Space online course?

Combining liberal arts studies with creative problem-solving skills, the Advanced Studio on the Production of Space online course discusses concepts and meanings of the relationship among models, diagrams, and object. Learners immerse themselves in helping shape the future environment, development, and facilities. You are expected to create models of spatial production while understanding the needs of the community or environment. Assignments and readings are required to complete the online course. There are two modeling experiments, a midterm presentation, a final project proposal, and a final presentation.

What is digital transformation strategy?

Digital Transformation Strategy is one of the courses available in BU’s 8-month MicroMasters® Program in Digital Leadership. Today’s leaders and entrepreneurs are driven to create or reinvent their businesses using technology. This will teach you how to change business operations and how to create value for their clients/customers. In this course, you will gain outstanding knowledge, skills, and tools to use data for innovative ways to build business opportunities. It includes three phases of transformation essential to business success. Online Digital Transformation Strategy course will guide you through developing effective ways for changes required in your company.

What is the Principles and Practice of Drug Development online course?

The Principles and Practice of Drug Development online course provides modules that will give you a grasp of why drugs are developed in a certain way, how they are developed, and who is responsible for the whole process. Reading materials in the form of articles are provided for this online course. You will be part of a team to work on a project concerning drug discovery and drug development for a specific illness. Your team should be able to present your progress report on week 11 and the final paper on the last session. Lecture notes are provided.

Is online graduate school cheaper than online?

They are mostly cheaper than online graduate degrees and can be taken anytime, anywhere. What’s even better is that there are free online graduate courses that are often taught by an impressive faculty, using the most effective learning materials.

Do I need to go to college to take online graduate classes?

Most of these online graduate courses do not need admission to college, and they don’t offer credit towards a degree.


Statistical inference when the functional form of the distribution is not specified. Nonparametric function estimation, density estimation, survival analysis, contingency tables, association, and efficiency.


This course will cover the design and analysis of sample surveys. Topics include simple random sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, graphics, regression analysis using complex surveys and methods for handling nonresponse bias.


This course will cover statistical methods for the design and analysis of observational studies.


This is a course that prepares PhD students in statistics for research in multivariate statistics and high dimensional statistical inference.


This is a course that prepares PhD students in statistics for research in multivariate statistics and data visualization.


This graduate course will cover the modeling and computation required to perform advanced data analysis from the Bayesian perspective. We will cover fundamental topics in Bayesian probability modeling and implementation, including recent advances in both optimization and simulation-based estimation strategies.

STAT928 - STAT LEARNING THEORY (Course Syllabus)

Statistical learning theory studies the statistical aspects of machine learning and automated reasoning, through the use of (sampled) data. In particular, the focus is on characterizing the generalization ability of learning algorithms in terms of how well they perform on "new" data when trained on some given data set.

What is the FD&C course?

This course provides an overview of regulations that guide the drug industry. Primary focus is on the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and its associated regulations, in particular the Good Manufacturing Practices. The course covers the FD&C Act, including definitions, prohibited acts, penalties and general authority.

How long is forensics class?

The class will generally take up one topic per week, although at least one topic covers two weeks. Some videos will be used to see forensic techniques in action in the laboratory and in the field.


Attendance at a seminar series is regularly part of requirements in graduate degree programs as well as in collaborative programs. The requirement varies from required attendance to attendance plus other activities or attendance plus evaluated activities.

Background & Rationale

These guidelines provide a framework for recording seminar series courses on the graduate student academic record in a consistent way while facilitating the various practices within graduate units.

Graduate Seminar Series Course Types

Note: Graduate unit administrators enrol students in this type of course following instructions in the Student Services and ROSI manual.​​


Note: Student enrolment in seminar series courses that are continuous is automatic after the first session; in master’s programs in which students may “stop out,” administrators delete enrolments during “stop-out” sessions.
