what is a general quantantative course

by Duane Emard Sr. 6 min read

Courses designated as fulfilling the quantitative reasoning (Q) competency requirement encourage: understanding quantitative concepts, representational formats and methodologies of a particular discipline; learning through problem-solving, laboratory experiments and projects. Students must achieve Q certification by the end of their junior year.

Full Answer

How often is the course list for general education quantification updated?

Draw inferences based on a set of data or quantitative information; and; Justify conclusions derived from quantitative information; Fundamental academic skills, consisting of Quantitative Literacy, English & Writing, and Public Speaking coursework, comprise 15 hours of the general education requirements. Students must complete three credit hours of Quantitative Literacy …

What is a Q3 course in Quantitative thinking?

About QUAN Courses. QUAN courses broaden students’ understanding of and appreciation for mathematical reasoning while at the same time giving them a skill set that will be of value to everyday life. These courses advance the fundamentals of quantitative reasoning; develop skills for interpreting and evaluating quantitative representations (charts, graphs, algorithms, etc.); …

How many quantitative-reasoning courses do I need to take?

Quantification Courses. These courses have been approved as General Education Quantification courses. This course list is updated periodically. Descriptions and learning criteria for General Education Quantification courses can be found in the …

What is quantitative research?

About this Free Certificate Course. Quantitative Aptitude is used to measure the numerical and problem-solving abilities of a person. This is a standard section that is found in most competitive exams. This free course on Quantitative Aptitude is curated so that learners can get started with topics such as basic algebra, quadratic equations, inequalities, and percentages.

What are quantification classes?

In machine learning and data mining, quantification (variously called learning to quantify, or supervised prevalence estimation, or class prior estimation) is the task of using supervised learning in order to train models (quantifiers) that estimate the relative frequencies (also known as prevalence values) of the ...

What Gen Eds Do I need Penn State?

The General Education requirements for students who enrolled at Penn State prior to Summer 2018 can be found in the Archive....Knowledge Domains.RequirementCreditsArts (GA) §6Humanities (GH) §6Social and Behavioral Sciences (GS) §6Integrative Studies (either Inter-domain or Linked) courses(6)2 more rows

What are the three main components of General Education Penn State?

The baccalaureate degree General Education program consists of 45 credits that are distributed among two General Education components: (1) Foundations Skills (15 credits) and (2) Knowledge Domains (30 credits) in the Natural Sciences, Arts, Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Health and Wellness Physical ...

What are the three main components of General Education?

The three main components of UNOs General Education curriculum include (a) fundamental academic skills in quantitative literacy, oral communication, and composition, (b) distribution requirements in humanities/fine arts, social science, and natural science, and (c) diversity requirements for U.S. and global cultures.

What is quantitative research?

Quantitative research is a way to learn about a particular group of people, known as a sample population. Using scientific inquiry, quantitative research relies on data that are observed or measured to examine questions about the sample population. Allen, M. (2017).

What is quantitative methodology?

Quantitative methodology is the dominant research framework in the social sciences. It refers to a set of strategies, techniques and assumptions used to study psychological, social and economic processes through the exploration of numeric patterns. Quantitative research gathers a range of numeric data. Some of the numeric data is intrinsically ...

What percentage of final grade must be based on evaluated quantitative exercises?

1. In such courses, at least 50% of the final grade must be based on evaluated quantitative exercises. 2. Such courses must require students to do a substantial amount of quantitative or mathematical work distributed over the course of the term.

What are the requirements for quantitative reasoning?

Quantitative Reasoning is one of three competence requirements (also included are expository writing and oral communication). Courses designated as fulfilling the quantitative reasoning (Q) competency requirement encourage: 1 understanding quantitative concepts, representational formats and methodologies of a particular discipline; 2 evaluating quantitative evidence and arguments; 3 making decisions based upon quantitative information; and 4 learning through problem-solving, laboratory experiments and projects.

What is the goal of the math and statistical reasoning course?

The goals of this course are (1) to understand mathematical and statistical reasoning and (2) to use appropriate mathematical and/or statistical tools in summarizing data, making predictions, and establishing cause-and-effect relationships.

What percentage of class time is quantitative reasoning?

In a Q2 course, at least 20 percent of class time involves quantitative reasoning. Students are expected to demonstrate their ability to apply mathematical ideas to the course content. Both mastery of disciplinary content and quantitative proficiency are used to evaluate student performance.

How many credits are required for Q?

Q-designated courses that carry fewer than 4 credits or transfer courses that carry fewer than 3 credits do not count toward meeting the quantitative reasoning requirement. This requirement specifies the minimum number of quantitative-reasoning-designated courses needed for graduation.

How many QREs are required for a student?

Students are required to have three "Quantitative Reasoning Encounters" (QRE). The goal of the requirement is to increase students' appreciation for the power of QR and to enhance their ability to evaluate, construct, and communicate arguments using quantitative information.

What is the QR component at Wellesley College?

At Wellesley College, students must satisfy a QR "basic skills" component (by passing a QR assessment given upon entering the College or by passing the QR basic skills course). In addition, students must pass a "QR overlay course" to satisfy the second part of the QR requirement.

Approved Fundamental Quantitative Reasoning (FQR) Courses

All FQR courses have a prerequisite of placement at the FQR or AQR level, or completion of MA 100. Individual courses may have additional prerequisites.

Approved Applied Quantitative Reasoning (AQR) Courses

All AQR courses have a prerequisite of placement at the AQR level or FQR course completion. Individual courses may have additional prerequisites.

General Studies Program at MSU Denver

Learn about the General Studies program, a series of courses designed to accompany the coursework done in the major to create broadly skilled graduates who learn, experience, and grow.

Register Today!

Some majors recommend specific General Studies courses to launch you in the right direction to efficiently complete your major. You can see these in the catalog for your program. Once you’ve found some General Studies courses you’d like to take, see what will fit into your schedule and then register at the Student Hub.

What is General Studies?

MSU Denver values that you are an individual coming from a community or family who are also invested in your education. That means that your educational experiences, personal backgrounds, and reasons for choosing MSU Denver are not all alike, but we want to provide you all with an equal chance of success.

General Studies Program Mission

The General Studies program provides the foundation for the Bachelor’s degree. Students develop thinking, reasoning, and communication skills while discovering new ideas and expanding their views.

Develop Foundational Skills– Build your future from the ground up

Written Communication (6 credits), Oral Communication (3 credits), Quantitative Literacy (3 credits)

What courses should I take?

For lists of General Studies or Multicultural courses, use the buttons at the top of this page. Look through the courses in each category before you make a decision. You might not know you are interested in a course or a subject until you see it.

Faculty Resources

Learn about Assessment, GT Pathways, SLOs, and Proposing a Course here.
