what is canvas course settings

by Miss Jane Senger I 5 min read

As an instructor, you can manage the details in a Canvas course. The Course Settings page may allow you to manage the course identification details, course Dashboard image, Blueprint information (if any), file storage data, course grading scheme, course license, course visibility, course format, and other options available for the course.

Full Answer

How do I manage the details in a canvas course?

As an instructor, you can manage the details in a Canvas course. The Course Settings page may allow you to manage the course identification details, course Dashboard image, Blueprint information (if any), file storage data, course grading scheme, course license, course visibility, course format, and other options available for the course.

How do I manage the course settings?

The Course Settings page may allow you to manage the course identification details, course Dashboard image, Blueprint information (if any), file storage data, course grading scheme, course license, course visibility, course format, and other options available for the course. In Course Navigation, click the Settings link.

Do copied canvas courses count against course file storage quota?

Copied Canvas courses and course items do not count against course file storage quotas. You can copy existing Canvas courses and course items from the original course into your new course without impacting your course file storage quota. You can enable the option to launch SpeedGrader filtered by student group in your course.

How do I set a license for my course?

When making your course public, you will most likely want to set a license for your course. You can view the file copyright setting for your course. If this option is enabled, usage right information must be selected for all course files before they can be published. This setting is disabled by default.

What is course setting in Canvas?

The Course Settings page may allow you to manage the course identification details, course Dashboard image, Blueprint information (if any), file storage data, course grading scheme, course license, course visibility, course format, and other options available for the course.

Where is settings in Canvas course?

What are course settings? Course settings are only available/visible to the instructor of the course. To access settings, click on "Settings" located on the bottom of the navigation tabs on the left of your course.

What is the course menu in Canvas?

The Course Navigation Menu is a series of links on the left side of your course that help you and your students access different course areas. The Course Navigation Menu is always visible on its respective pages. Depending on the structure of your course, you can choose to reorder and hide course navigation links.

How do I change my Canvas settings?

How do I change my personal Settings in Canvas?Click the Account link from the Canvas global left-hand navigation menu.Click the Settings link in the menu.Select the Edit Settings button on the right side of the page.Change your personal settings to match your preferences.More items...•

Can instructors see when you access Canvas?

Professors can see data about their students, like how much they interact with the class page, the last time individual students logged into Canvas and if they are viewing content like online readings and videos.

How do you make a course active in Canvas?

Unlock a course To unlock a Canvas course after the term has ended: Navigate to the course you want to unlock, and from the course navigation menu, select Settings. After the page automatically refreshes, your course will be unlocked, and the course end date will be set to one month from the current date.

How do I edit course menu in canvas?

To begin adjusting your course navigation menu, click on Settings in the course navigation menu, and choose the Navigation tab at the top. 2. You will see two lists of menu items. Items in the top list are enabled and visible to students; items in the bottom list are hidden and invisible to students.

What is course map?

A course map is a detailed plan that helps both students and instructors understand what to expect from a course, and how to meet those expectations.

What is course direction?

In navigation, the course of a watercraft or aircraft is the cardinal direction in which the craft is to be steered. The course is to be distinguished from the heading, which is the compass direction in which the craft's bow or nose is pointed.

How do I make people visible on Canvas?

To change the visibility, click the Visibility menu and select the visibility option you prefer [1]. If the Visibility option cannot be changed, you do not have permission to manage visibility settings [2]. Please contact your Canvas administrator or Canvas Support for assistance.

How do I make Canvas modules visible to students?

In the Course Navigation menu, click the Modules link. button at the top right to add a new module. In the pop-up window, give your new module a name (such as "Module 1" or "Week 1" or "Readings"). You may select the "Lock until" box to enter a date after which this module will become visible to students.

How do I make grades visible to students in Canvas?

To make grades visible to all students, click the Everyone option [1]. When the Everyone option is selected, the Visibility icon will be removed from the grades page for all students, including students with ungraded submissions. An assignment notification will also be sent to all students.

Course Details

Set options for announcements, discussions and more on the Course Details tab.


You can reorder items in the course menu. You can also hide menu items from students.

Features Options

The Feature Options tab has several components you may want to make use of.

Course Information

The automatically generated course name will be listed first, change it if you like ( Pro-Tip: Add the Section Number or note if the course is merged, etc..) Select your preferred Course Availability:

Additional Options

If you would like to receive an email notification when the course is ready, check the box on the far right of the screen.

Can students participate in a read only course?

Recommendation: Set the end date to be the last day you would like the course to be active. Students can only participate in the course between these dates: Instructors may opt to automatically set their course to a read-only state when students are accessing the course outside of the course start and end dates.

Can instructors enroll in Canvas?

Instructors can enable self-enrollment that allows students to enroll themselves in your Canvas course site. This does not affect registration in Rutgers student information systems such as Banner or REGIS. Instructors and academic programs may benefit by including a self-enrollable course in the Public Course Index.

What does the course details tab mean?

Your Course Details tab indicates whether the course has been enabled as a blueprint course and displays Yes or No [1] . If your course is associated with a blueprint course, your Course Details tab indicates the name of the blueprint course [2]. The course name also includes the course ID as a reference (e.g. courses/XXX).

Can you change your course name in the course details?

The first section of Course Details shows you an overview of your course, including the course name [1] and course code [2]. Depending on your institution, you may not be able to change your course name and code.

Can you view your license for your course?

By default all content is considered private and copyrighted, but you can also release your content to the public domain or choose a Creative Commons license. When making your course public, you will most likely want to set a license for your course.

Can you view copyright settings?

If this option is enabled, usage right information must be selected for all course files before they can be published. This setting is disabled by default.

Does Canvas count against course quotas?

Canvas course imports count against course quotas. If a course import fails, verify the size of the file against your course file storage quota. If necessary, contact your Canvas admin to request a larger course quota.

Can you lock a course in a blueprint?

Most commonly, your course will be associated with a blueprint course and you can only manage unlocked content in your course. If your course is a blueprint course, you can lock and sync course content to associated courses.

Canvas - Setting Up a New Course

This document explains how to configure the most important settings in Canvas when creating a new course, based on feedback from faculty, students, and Instructure. You will find this document most useful if you need to set up a new course relatively quickly.

Part 1: Set Up Course Navigation

The Course Navigation Menu controls what students see on the left side of the course screen. You can find out more background information on the Course Navigation menu by reading Canvas: Course Navigation Menu.

Part 2 (Optional): Add Redirect Links

The Redirect Tool is a very simple LTI application that allows instructors and designers to add links to external sites to Course Navigation. To add a redirect link:
