what is a first aid course

by Dr. Carson Rempel IV 8 min read

  • A first aid, CPR, and AED course teaches skills that can save lives in emergencies.
  • CPR and AED are emergency lifesaving procedures for people experiencing cardiac arrest.
  • Students learn about the first aid used in treating cuts, burns, poisoning, and shock.
  • OSHA recommends that every workplace has one employee certified in CPR and first aid.

Full Answer

What do you learn in a first aid course?

In a First Aid course, you will learn how to dress and treat wounds, bumps, bruises, and burns. Choking can be life-threatening, with many people in different age groups dying from not being able to breathe anymore due to a clogged windpipe. Knowing what to do in different cases of choking and difficulty in breathing is an integral part of ...

What will it take for you to learn first aid?

Why First Aid Training is Important

  1. Creates progressive safety. In terms of safety first, first aid training makes a man knowledgeable experienced. ...
  2. Helps to save the life. First aid and CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) are a life-saving way or method that works. ...
  3. Enables primary pain-relieving care. ...
  4. Leverages applying the accurate method. ...
  5. Helps to increase security. ...

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How can I learn first aid?

Know These First Aid Methods

  • Disinfect the area. Skin-to-skin contact with open wounds is a super spreader as far as infections are concerned. ...
  • Stop the bleeding. Apply consistent pressure on any open wound to prevent further blood loss. ...
  • Support the injured area. ...
  • Perform CPR. ...
  • Replenish your first aid kit. ...

How to get certified in first aid?

To arrange a class, call the non-emergency line at (248) 546-4086. Likewise, the Madison Heights Fire Department offers first aid programs to interested parties. These take place in the large training room at Fire Station No. 1, located at 31313 Brush St. Call the station at (248) 588-3605 to learn more.

What is taught in first aid?

Depending on the course you take, you'll learn CPR skills (which covers CPR for all ages, AED & choking), CPR for adults, and/or CPR for children. First Aid covers common scenarios including bleeding, burns, poisoning, shock, and respiratory emergencies.

What is first aid explain?

First aid refers to medical attention that is usually administered immediately after the injury occurs and at the location where it occurred. It often consists of a one-time, short-term treatment and requires little technology or training to administer.

What are the 4 purpose of first aid?

Preserve life. Prevent the escalation of illness or injury. Promote recovery. Provide pain relief.

Why is first aid important?

Without proper First Aid, a simple injury could become severe and in some cases fatalities can occur as a result of lack of immediate medical treatment. First Aid does not just promote faster recovery it helps save lives.

What is the 3 types of first aid?

Achieve First Aid also offers Advanced First Aid Courses (First Responder, Advanced First Aid, and Emergency Medical Responder).

What is the ABC rule in first aid?

The ABC's of first aid are the primary things that need to be checked when you approach the victim, Airway, Breathing, and Circulation. Prior to CPR, ensure that the airway is clear, check to see if the patient is breathing, and check for circulation (pulse or observation of color and temperature of hands/fingers).

What are the 10 basic first aid procedures?

DRABC is an acronym to describe the procedures used by first aiders when providing first aid:D for Danger – Assess the situation.R for Response – Check consciousness, check on vital signs.A for Airway – Open airway.B for Breathing – Check respiration rates.C for Circulation – Give chest compressions.

What are the 7 principles of first aid?

Principles of First AidPreserve Life. ... Prevent Deterioration. ... Promote Recovery. ... Taking immediate action. ... Calming down the situation. ... Calling for medical assistance. ... Apply the relevant treatment.

What is the purpose of first aid training?

American Red Cross first aid training classes give you the information and the skills you need to help adults and children during many emergency situations.

Can teachers get first aid training?

Teachers and administrators can not only receive first aid training from the American Red Cross, but when they become part of our school program, they can also train their students in first aid for free. Find out how to join our program. Why Train With the Red Cross. Red Cross CPR Training Saves Lives.

What is first aid course?

Most first aid courses will cover the topics identified above, but not every course will dive into the other more sudden medical emergencies. First Edition First Aid takes the time to educate you on what to do for other medical problems such as diabetic emergencies, seizures, mental health emergencies, and even childbirth! You will truly come out of your training feeling prepared to provide assistance for every crisis.

What is first aid training?

First Aid training is an opportunity to discover how to do some truly life-saving stuff – the every-day hero type stuff! The most common skill that people expect to gain from a First Aid course is how to perform CPR. But CPR isn’t the only thing we will teach you!

What is the most important thing a first aid course will teach you?

Responding to Emergencies. One of the most significant things that a first aid course will teach you is how to respond to an emergency. Before you use your first aid skills to bandage a cut, sling an arm, etc., you need to know how to respond to the situation first. In your course you will learn everything you need to begin helping in particular ...

What is an AED?

Using an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) will more than double the patient’s chance of survival. Knowing how to use these life-saving devices is easy, and when you get a chance to practice using them in a classroom setting, you will feel even more confident when/if you need to use one in an emergency.

What is first aid?

Definition of first aid. When you provide basic medical care to someone experiencing a sudden injury or illness, it’s known as first aid. In some cases, first aid consists of the initial support provided to someone in the middle of a medical emergency. This support might help them survive until professional help arrives.

Why is it important to learn basic first aid?

In the case of a serious medical emergency, you may even save a life. That’s why it’s so important to learn basic first aid skills. To build on the information you learn here, considering taking a first aid course.

How to apply a roller bandage to a wound?

To apply a roller bandage to a wound, follow these steps: Hold the injured area steady. Gently but firmly wrap the bandage around the injured limb or body part, covering the wound. Fasten the bandage with sticky tape or safety pins.

What is the best bandage for a burn?

First aid bandage. In many cases, you can use an adhesive bandage to cover minor cuts, scrapes, or burns. To cover and protect larger wounds, you might need to apply a clean gauze pad or roller bandage. To apply a roller bandage to a wound, follow these steps: Hold the injured area steady.

What should be in a first aid kit for a newborn?

For example, your kit should include an infant thermometer and infant acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

How to protect a sick person from danger?

Don’t move them unless you must do so to protect them from danger. 2. Call for medical help, if needed. If you suspect the sick or injured person needs emergency medical care, tell a nearby person to call 911 or the local number for emergency medical services. If you’re alone, make the call yourself.

What to do if you think someone has a heart attack?

If they’ve been prescribed nitroglycerin, help them locate and take this medication. Cover them with a blanket and comfort them until professional help arrives.

What is the first aid course at work?

What does the course involve? For the 1-day Emergency First Aid at Work Course, attendees are taught a mixture of both practical and theory. You’ll learn how to examine a casualty, use a defibrillator, familiarize yourself with basic life support and learn how to control bleeding and trauma.

Why is first aid training important?

First aid training could be most important course you’ve ever taken. In the event of an emergency, you’ll have the knowledge and confidence to deliver potentially life-saving assistance. Although many undertake training as part of a workplace requirement, these skills are invaluable in everyday situations and the course welcomes all individuals.

Do you need prior knowledge to learn first aid?

Don’t make this mistake. A great first aid training course won’t require any prior knowledge of first aid or emergency response. In fact, attempting to learn for yourself beforehand may cause confusion when practicing the techniques. As the course is designed for complete beginners, you won’t be expected to know anything.

Is there a free first aid course?

Free first aid courses may be given in your local area which offers the chance to familiarize yourself with some of the techniques. These are beneficial for those wanting an introduction to first aid but they can be limiting. They’re often not as in-depth as a certified course and assessment will be kept to a minimum.

What is a first aid refresher?

A first aid refresher course helps you handle an emergency confidently without getting overwhelmed by the situation. Accidents can occur in any setting, so you need to be prepared. Remote first aid is another great option for those planning on partaking in a first aid course.

Why is a first aid refresher important?

A first aid refresher course is essential to enhance the skills of individuals to handle a variety of emergencies and accidents. The basic life support skills such as CPR, choking response, bleeding control, burn treatment, fracture treatment, and many other first aid procedures and techniques are refreshed in a first aid refresher course.

How often do first aiders need to refresh their skills?

According to the law, professional and occupational first aiders must take refresher courses once every two years. This period can be reduced to one year, depending on the requirement. Every first aider is required by law to refresh their skills before the expiry of their three-year first-aid certificate.

Why is it important to refresh your first aid skills?

Unless you are a doctor, no one practices first aid skills every day. Therefore, refreshing your skills is essential to ensure your competency as a first-aid expert. Therefore, a first aid refresher course is the best way to revive your skills.

Why is life saving training important?

Life-saving training is vital for any community. Modern research and studies on the human body have given us a deep understanding of how the body works. With this discovered knowledge, techniques for dealing with the human body have also changed .
