It is a kind of wide toothed comb that looks like a garden rake. The comb fits well on the palm and is very using for removing knots and tangles from long hair. This wide toothed comb passes through the hair smoothing causing minimal pain and loss.
Comb is tool with a row of teeth on one side. The most important factor that helps in deciding the perfect comb for you is the length and spacing of the teeth. Some of the different types of comb are:
English Language Learners Definition of fine-tooth comb. : a comb with many small teeth. See the full definition for fine-tooth comb in the English Language Learners Dictionary.
This type of comb has wide gaps between every tooth. There are just four teeth per inch which does not forcefully pull hair and cause pain when you comb your hair. This comb should be used by those having curly, long, frizzy and thick hair.
A toothcomb (also tooth comb or dental comb) is a dental structure found in some mammals, comprising a group of front teeth arranged in a manner that facilitates grooming, similar to a hair comb.
A fine tooth comb is known for its close set of teeth, ideal for getting hair perfectly straight. If you have straight hair, a fine tooth comb is your best option as its close teeth allow it to settle hair in place. However, a fine tooth comb isn't always the best idea for those with thicker or tangled hair.
Wide tooth combs are designed for people with large amounts of hair, with the spacing between the teeth allowing that hair to easily flow through. If you have thick, curly, or tangled hair, this should be your main comb of choice.
A method of searching or investigating in minute detail, as in He examined the figures with a fine-tooth comb but found no errors. The practice of using a comb with close-set teeth to comb out head lice was transferred to various kinds of investigation in the late 1800s.
The wide-tooth design moves easily through curls without breaking or damaging them, and the long handle makes this an easy-to-grip option for those who need a firm hold when detangling.
The correct form is "fine-toothed comb," but Garner's Modern American Usage says the spelling "fine-tooth comb" is far more common. " 'Fine-toothed comb' better reflects the literal meaning - a comb with teeth set close together, rather than a comb with fine (very thin) teeth," according to Garner.
A wide-toothed comb It also reduces damage that can be caused by brushing too hard or too quickly, since the wide spaces between the teeth of the comb glide through your tresses smoother than the bristles of a brush would.
For anyone with thinning hair, a wide tooth comb is your best friend! The wide teeth ensure minimal damage to the hair shaft and root. Wide tooth combs are great options for detangling your hair when it is wet. If you are especially prone to knots, try using a wide-tooth comb in the shower while you're conditioning.
A wide toothed comb has prongs which are spaced farther apart. A wide toothed comb is a type of comb designed with the “teeth,” or the prongs that actually comb the hair, spaced far apart. Wide toothed combs are popular options for people with hair that tangles easily or is too thick for fine toothed combs.
Definition of go over/through (something) with a fine-tooth comb. : to examine something very closely The police are going over the evidence with a fine-tooth comb.
Combs consist of a shaft and teeth that are placed at a perpendicular angle to the shaft. Combs can be made out of a number of materials, most commonly plastic, metal, or wood.
A nit comb (Like this one) is a fine-toothed comb that helps to pull out both head lice and their eggs. It's a good product for head lice removal, but even better if you know how to use it most effectively. A metal comb can be more effective, but a plastic comb works well too.
The best combs for natural hair are wide-toothed combs. This kind of combs has enough space between the rows to allow for hair to glide through easily, without breaking off the ends. Wide-tooth combs do a great job of detangling knots, tangles, and separating hair while minimizing excess breakage.
Don't Brush Wet Hair with a Regular Brush The best time to brush your hair is when it is almost or completely dry. But if you have tangles after washing it or after a swim, you can use a wide-tooth comb on your wet hair to restore order but make sure it has smooth tooth ends so you don't irritate your scalp.
Other than for styling curly hair, wide-tooth combs can also be used for detangling your curls. Simply apply some conditioner to the comb's teeth and to your curls, and work through any knots or tangles formed.
The Wide-Tooth Comb Is a Must for Detangling Wet Hair Since Lots of Hair Can Slip Through the Teeth, That Means Less Breakage for Your Hair and Detangle Without Messing with the Shape of the Curls and Prevent Hair Poof-Age.
A toothcomb (also tooth comb or dental comb) is a dental structure found in some mammals, comprising a group of front teeth arranged in a manner that facilitates grooming, similar to a hair comb. The toothcomb occurs in lemuriform primates (which includes lemurs and lorisoids ), treeshrews, colugos, hyraxes, and some African antelopes.
Although stem lemuriforms like Djebelemur may have been contemporaneous with related toothcombed primates around 50 to 48 mya, the sparse African fossil record suggests toothcomb differentiation occurred around 52 to 40 mya according to the French paleoanthropologist Marc Godinot. This would conflict with the molecular clock estimates by evolutionary anthropologist Anne Yoder and others, which predict lemur–lorisoid divergence dating between 61 and 90.8 mya.
The toothcomb may provide pressure to stimulate glandular secretions which are then spread through the fur. Furthermore, the size reduction of the upper incisors may create a gap between the teeth (interincisal diastema) that connects the philtrum (a cleft in the middle of the wet nose, or rhinarium) to the vomeronasal organ in the roof of the mouth. This would allow pheromones to be more easily transferred to the vomeronasal organ.
The toothcomb is usually used for grooming. While licking the fur clean, the animal will run the toothcomb through the fur to comb it.
Fine grooves or striations are usually cut into the teeth during grooming by the hair and may be seen on the sides of the teeth when viewed through a scanning electron microscope. The toothcomb is kept clean by either the tongue or, in the case of lemuriforms, the sublingua, a specialized "under-tongue".
Normally the true canines in the lower jaw sit in front of the upper canines, and in toothcombed primates, the caniniform premolars rest behind it. The lemuriform toothcomb is kept clean by the sublingua or "under-tongue", a specialized muscular structure that acts like a toothbrush to remove hair and other debris.
Instead of individual incisors and canine teeth being finely spaced to act like the teeth of a comb, the biting edge of the four incisors have become serrated with as many as 15 tines each, while the canine acts more like a molar.
If you are looking out for a pocket comb to carry about in your purse, then I would definitely recommend this one and of course, I had to keep my favourite pick at the top!
The Hercules comb is one of the best combs that provide good surface area for longer and easier gliding through the hair.
I simply loved the Tearsheet Carbon comb because it has a superb titanium and carbon finish to it even though the material of the comb is plastic.
My curly hair often makes it hard for me to detangle, but after I bought the DOTING comb, I no longer have that hassle because it makes my detangling experience a smooth one.
If you are looking for the right comb to use on a daily basis this is it!
The Patelai comb is one that comes in the no-handle design and is made of high quality anti-static plastic.
The YEEPSYS wide tooth combs come in three different types of wide tooth combs to choose from, i.e. a comb with a hook, a rat tail comb and a regular wide tooth comb with a handle.
It is a kind of wide toothed comb that looks like a garden rake. The comb fits well on the palm and is very using for removing knots and tangles from long hair. This wide toothed comb passes through the hair smoothing causing minimal pain and loss. It is very handy on a bad hair day.
Teasing Comb: This type of comb is used for giving some extra texture and volume to hair. You can find a teasing comb having one or more rows with varying length of teeth. The handle of the comb is similar to a rat tail comb. It is perfect for those having very long, thin and wavy hair.
A comb is used to detangle hair so that it remains tangle free and make the hair look nice and smooth. In the market when you go to shop for a comb, there are different types of combs. Does all the combs are similar?
This type of comb is also known as rat tail comb. It is like a normal comb with the only difference of a long, pointed tail coming off from one end. A fine tooth tail comb is perfect for combing straight, short and fine hair. It must not be used for combing very thick, curly or frizzy hair as it can cause hair fall or hair loss. Men prefer to use this type of comb to keep their hair in place. The fine and narrow teeth of this comb can be used for both styling and parting hair.
There are just four teeth per inch which does not forcefully pull hair and cause pain when you comb your hair. This comb should be used by those having curly, long, frizzy and thick hair. A wide tooth comb is used to detangle hair.
Picks Comb: This type of comb is generally used for lifting the hair away from the head. People often used it as a hair clip also. This comb adds volume to hair and is perfectly shaped for styling and parting hair. It should be used by those having very thin hair and looking for ways to make their hair bouncy and look different.
Some of the common materials used to make a comb such as plastic, bones, metals, horns and wood. Plastic combs are very common in the market and are also less expensive. To make bone combs, bones of different animals are used ...
“ A fine tooth comb” is not so much a phrase as a noun (comb) followed by two adjectives (fine and tooth) … a fine tooth-comb is a comb with very closely made teeth between very small gaps dividing each tooth. Bone was the ancient matrix for such implements.
To go over something with a fine-tooth comb means to review something in a painstaking manner, to closely examine something in detail, to scrutinize something thoroughly. However, combs of various types were being made by the Vikings, who were fastidious about their hair ...
In fact, primitive versions of the comb have been found throughout history by archaeologists. As early as 5500 B.C. the ancient Egyptian. Continue Reading. The idiom go over with a fine-tooth comb came into use in the mid-1800s. ...
To go over something with a fine-tooth comb means to review something in a painstaking manner, to closely examine something in detail, to scrutinize something thoroughly. However, combs of various types were being made by the Vikings, who were fastidious about their hair and bathed, washing their hair weekly.
A toothcomb (also tooth comb or dental comb) is a dental structure found in some mammals, comprising a group of front teeth arranged in a manner that facilitates grooming, similar to a hair comb. The toothcomb occurs in lemuriform primates (which includes lemurs and lorisoids), treeshrews, colugos, hyraxes, and some African antelopes. The structures evolved independently in different type…
The toothcomb, a special morphological arrangement of teeth in the anterior lower jaw, is best known in extant strepsirrhine primates, which include lemurs and lorisoid primates (collectively known as lemuriforms ). This homologous structure is a diagnostic character that helps define this clade (related group) of primates. An analogous trait is found in the bald uakari (Cacajao calvus), a type of New …
The toothcomb of most lemuriforms includes six finely spaced teeth, four incisors and two canine teeth that are procumbent (tilt forward) in the front of the mouth. The procumbent lower canine teeth are the same shape as the incisors located between them, but they are more robust and curve upward and inward, more so than the incisors. In the permanent dentition, the canines erupt after t…
As a homologous structure in lemuriforms, the toothcomb serves variable biological roles, despite its superficially stereotypic shape and appearance. It is primarily used as a toiletry device or grooming comb. Additionally, some species use their toothcomb for food procurement or to gouge tree bark.
The primary function of the toothcomb, grooming, was first noted by the French
The origins of the lemuriform toothcomb and the clade it characterizes have been the center of considerable debate for more than a century. In 1920, British palaeoanthropologist Wilfrid Le Gros Clark proposed that the toothcomb found in treeshrews (which he believed were primates) was an early version of the dental structure found in lemuriforms. Because he viewed the fossil lorisoids from the Miocene as not having fully developed the modern lemuriform toothcomb, he implied th…