what is a course direcror alamy

by Americo Williamson 10 min read

Simon Burt

I've only uploaded photos up till now but I want to upload some video clips. Does this have to be done vi ftp. I see that Alamy asks for vectors to be uploaded this way but can't find anything about video on the site.

Joseph Clemson

Alamy now act as a distributor for Pond5 video, so there is a possibility that any video you contribute to Pond5 may become available through Alamy. However, there is no way of controlling which clips appear on Alamy.

What is Alamy Measures?

Alamy has a fantastic tool called Alamy Measures which is updated at around 10:00AM GMT every working day. I use it to see how many of my images were viewed and how many zooms each of my images had in the last 24 hours. A zoom is a good indication that a buyer is really interested and sometimes leads to sales.

Do microturds catch up to Alamy?

As an extreme example, even looking at one of the micro-turds return per image, they’re shockingly catching up to Alamy.

Do you need travel images for Alamy?

Of course some sectors are doing great, such as technology (just look at the NASDAQ Composite), but the bulk of buyers on Alamy which belong to the travel industry don’t need travel images anymore as that industry has largely been made redundant and will take years to recover.