how to access online course university of north dakota

by Kacie Champlin III 9 min read

Getting Started In Your Course.

  • 1. Access Your Online Course. You will access your online course through Blackboard. Once logged into Blackboard, you will see your course displayed ...
  • 2. Order Textbooks.

Access Your Online Course
You will access your online course through Blackboard. Once logged into Blackboard, you will see your course displayed under My Courses. Click on the Syllabus or Course Information button located on the menu to your left for information about getting started in your course.

Full Answer

How do I sign up for classes at UND?

Jul 17, 2021 · You can enroll whenever you want. You have 3 to 9 months to complete the course. All course material is accessed through Blackboard, an online learning management system used by all UND students. You may submit up to 3 items for grading per week. Lessons and exams should be completed in ...

How long does it take to enroll in und online courses?

All Online Degrees. Engineering. Compare UND’s 40+ Engineering-related certificates and degrees. Our online programs consistently rank among the best for affordability. Forensic Psychology …

How do I access und semester-based online courses?

Explore Enroll Anytime Courses. Enroll Anytime Course Registration Prerequisites. Prior to registering, ensure all required prerequisite courses are fulfilled. Work with your academic …

What are und's self-paced enroll anytime courses?

Getting Started In Your Course. 1. Access Your Online Course. You will access your online course through Blackboard. Once logged into Blackboard, you will see your course displayed ... 2. …

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Register for Online Courses. After you've claimed your NDUS account and have obtained your user ID and password, follow these steps to log in to Campus Connection: Go to Campus …

In Demand Online Degrees

Compare UND’s 40+ Engineering-related certificates and degrees. Our online programs consistently rank among the best for affordability.

Two Types of Online Courses

Take 3 to 9 months to complete Self-Paced Enroll Anytime courses or enroll in Semester-Based courses and follow the academic calendar. Both online courses appear the same on your transcript.

The UND Difference

All online students receive free access to our 24/7 online tutoring service.

Calculate Your Cost

The cost of attending UND varies by the type of online course or degree program you take.

A Future that Works

UND's loan default rate is much lower than the national average of 7.3% - evidence our graduates have successful careers.


Prior to registering, ensure all required prerequisite courses are fulfilled. Work with your academic advisor to verify that the course will apply to your degree program.

Register for Online Courses

Registration is done on a course-by-course basis. Find the course you want to register for by selecting it in the course listing .

How to start an online course?

1. Access Your Online Course. You will access your online course through Blackboard. Once logged into Blackboard, you will see your course displayed under My Courses. Click on the Syllabus or Course Information button located on ...

What is UND technical support?

UND provides computer, email and technical support for all online students. Although specific technical requirements may vary by online course or program, the following general technical requirements are required for all online courses.

How to access Blackboard online?

You will access your online course through Blackboard. Once logged into Blackboard, you will see your course displayed under My Courses. Click on the Syllabus or Course Information button located on the menu to your left for information about getting started in your course. Blackboard Login. 2.

1. Confirm Online Course Availability and Options

Before starting the UND enrollment process, explore a complete list of UND semester-based online course options by accessing Campus Connection as a guest (click blue "Guest Page" button under Trouble Logging In). In Campus Connection, you can view all course options including class times, enrollment deadlines and more.

2. Get Admitted to UND

If you are not already admitted to UND, you can apply for either non-degree or full admission. Once you have applied for admission (either full or non-degree) and have been notified of your admission decision, you will receive information about the registration process.

3. Check Your Email

Before you've registered for classes, please check the email you used on your admission application frequently for official communications from the University regarding financial aid, housing, confirming your enrollment, Orientation, course registration and more. After you've claimed your account (see below), please log in to your UND student email account. Follow the directions for accessing your UND student email account: • Review the login information under the Getting Started tab. • Get directions to set up your UND email on your smart phone under the Mobile Devices tab. If you have questions, contact UND Tech Support at 701.777.6305.

4. Claim Your Account

To gain access to many of the systems you'll need as a UND student, you must activate your student account within the ND University System (NDUS).

5. Register for Online Courses

After you've claimed your NDUS account and have obtained your user ID and password, follow these steps to log in to Campus Connection:

How long does it take to complete UND online courses?

UND's self-paced enroll anytime courses are 100% online and open for enrollment any day of the year. Complete online courses in 3 to 9 months and credits will appear on your transcript just like regular college courses.

Is UND accredited?

All enroll anytime credits earned at UND are accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). In general, credits from universities that are regionally accredited by the HLC transfer to other regionally accredited institutions.

Accredited Online University

All course credits earned at UND are accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) . In general, credits from universities that are regionally accredited by the HLC transfer to other regionally accredited institutions.

Affordable In-State Tuition Rates

Regardless of residency, UND online students receive North Dakota's affordable in-state tuition rates. The best way to figure out what UND will really cost you is to calculate your cost with financial aid. The price you actually pay is usually far less once your custom financial aid package is considered.

Online Student Scholarships

If you are enrolled in a UND degree program through online courses, and have successfully completed two consecutive semesters of coursework, you may apply for the Ben & Ruth Gustafson Continuing Education Endowment. This scholarship is for online-only students.

Online Student Resources

Free online student resources like tutoring, writing help, tech support and financial services are available to help you succeed in your online course.

Independent Study

Instruction is provided in a self-study, self-paced format where the instructor and student mutually establish method (s) of communication.

Off Campus Face to Face

Students and instructor will conduct class within an academic building/room at the same time at an off campus location (i.e., not in Grand Forks at UND).

On Campus Face to Face

Students and instructor will conduct class within an academic building/room at the same time (e.g., Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 8 - 8:50 a.m. in Gamble Room 1).

Online Asynchronous

Students can view instructional materials each week at any time they choose. This option does not include a live video lecture component at specific times throughout the week. Students should still be aware of deadlines and follow their blackboard syllabus accordingly.

Online Synchronous

Class meets online at particular times (e.g., Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 8 - 8:50 a.m.) and student is expected to log into class during those times.

Time Commitment

Generally, you can expect to spend 3-5 hours for each credit. This means that for a three-credit course, you may spend 10-15 hours a week working on the course material. You may require more hours based on your prerequisite math skills.

Technology Requirements

Students are expected to have a computer with a printer, scanner and audio/video recording capabilities. If you have a touchscreen computer or tablet with writing capability, you may use it instead of printing and scanning your assignments. Exams for online courses will be proctored and recorded using a webcam.

Technology Skills

An online student is expected to be comfortable using computers and must have some basic technology skills to successfully complete this course. UND Tech support and/or your instructor may be able to provide specific help if needed. However, it is expected that a student feels comfortable with certain basic skills, such as

Code of Conduct

UND Online students are expected to follow the academic honesty policies found in the University of North Dakota Student Code of Life. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to: cheating, plagiarism, and collusion.
