what is a christian leadership course

by Jorge Mohr 4 min read

This course enables students to answer these questions through the lens of Jesus Christ. The Christian Leadership course at ACCM is designed to help those involved in various areas of Christian leadership and ministry to be better equipped to take on the wide variety of challenges and opportunities leadership provides.

This course teaches leadership skills including motivating others in grace, cooperation with the other leaders in the church, and ministry planning. Students keep all work in a notebook which is turned in and graded at the end of the course.

Full Answer

Why take a Christian Leadership Course?

Christian Leaders Institute is a credible online college with genuine, thorough and intensive courses which equip students for effective ministry and professional practice.

What are the principles of Christian leadership?

Jan 06, 2022 · Christian Leadership Courses at CLI. I know I have potential that may benefit God’s kingdom. However, because I did not know how to use my potential, it was wasted. I think other …

What does it mean to be a Christian leader?

Christian leadership training that makes an impact. Leadership empowered by the Holy Spirit is the single most important factor impacting the acceleration of the spread of the Gospel. …

What programs does Christian Leaders Institute offer?

Jan 04, 2022 · The Christian leader is one who follows Christ and inspires others to follow Him as well. The Christian leader is also a feeder and a nourisher of the sheep, and the ultimate “sheep …

What is Christian leadership degree?

A Christian leadership degree provides skills in leadership, strategic thinking, and ethics. A master's in leadership can equip you to lead a church, a business, or a non-profit organization.Apr 19, 2017

What are Christian leadership skills?

Those leadership skills will define whether church leaders — or all Christian leaders, because they have the same values and focus — are successful.
Christian Leadership Principles
  • Love. ...
  • Modesty. ...
  • Self-development. ...
  • Motivation. ...
  • Correction. ...
  • Integrity. ...
  • Follower of God's Will.
Mar 2, 2018

What jobs can you get with a Christian leadership degree?

Christian education leaders are teachers, homeschooling parents, Christian school principals, Christian college administrators and more. They use their knowledge and skills to teach and supervise Christian education. In some cases, these careers require additional certification and licensing.

Why is it important to learn about Christian leadership?

A Christian leadership degree will broaden the way you think and approach strategies, but it will help you remain faithful to your values and your relationship with Christ. Your values are important to us, and important to Christ.May 5, 2017

What did Jesus say about leadership?

Leaders are servants first. Jesus taught his disciples not to emulate the rulers of the Gentiles who exercised authority over them. Instead, He taught that in order for us to be leaders, we must become servants first.

What skill should a leader have?

Have the ability to motivate and inspire others. Know how to connect and engage with employees. Have a clear vision and know-how to effectively communicate it in the workplace. Know how to coach employees so they can develop their skills and improve their performance.

Is leadership important in the church?

God's church is therefore dependent upon the fight kind of leadership, which fits the biblical pattern and develops healthy Christians within the congregation. Since church leadership is a stewardship having significant impact upon the lives of Christians, it is imperative that qualified leaders be chosen.

Is Christian leadership rooted in success?

Christian leadership is not rooted in worldly notions of success, such as the love of money or power. Jesus Himself spoke against this when expressing the importance of serving others.

What does Grunlan say about good leaders?

Instead of misleading or exploiting people , good leaders motivate others, Grunlan said. In Nehemiah 2:17, “Nehemiah fearlessly motivated the people to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem,” Grunlan wrote. “He laid out a vision, he shared a plan and he reassured God’s people that God was with them.

What are the lessons of Christian leadership?

Christian Leadership Training – Lessons. Lesson 1 – The model of a leader – General overview. Lesson 2 – The model of a leader – Unpacking the servant model. Lesson 3 – The model of a leader – Unpacking the shepherd model. Lesson 4 – The motive of a leader – Successful leadership begins on the inside. Lesson 5 – The motive of a leader – The ...

What is the motivation of a leader?

Motive – The motive of a leader is all about character and the personal / spiritual life of the leader. It includes being able to overcome the greatest threats / temptations for a leader.

What is the manner of a leader?

Manner – The manner of a leader is concerned with their perspective regarding people and those he / she is leading. This incorporates a leader’s personal relationship style, and his / her ability to resolve conflict in a healthy way. Method – A good leader knows how to use wise methods.


What is Christian leadership? Who is a leader? This course enables students to answer these questions through the lens of Jesus Christ.

Texts and Supporting Materials

A version of the Bible in modern English (we recommend you use NIV, NRV, or NKJ).


The components of assessment for this class are all listed below. You are encouraged to work through the class notes and readings before launching into the assessments. Assessments must be submitted before the due dates outlined in the course syllabus you received upon registration.


This web site contains course material that is for the use of the students of Ambassador College of Christian Ministry only. Re-publication and re-dissemination, including posting to news groups or web pages, is strictly prohibited without prior written consent of Ambassador College of Christian Ministry.

Class Notes - Conventions

As you work through the class notes, you'll have opportunities to complete exercises, reflect on particular points and take special note. These are clearly indicated, with relevant instructions alongside

What are the 4 Cs of Christian leadership?

This paper examines the role of calling (doing what God wants you to), competence (being good at what you do), confidence (knowing what you can accomplish in the context), and character (“good” traits) with the purpose of showing that character , while important, is the fourth in the sequence of the four.

How does James help us understand the character of a leader?

James helps us understand the character of a leader by admonishing us to listen well, react in a controlled manner, similar to what the beatitude “blessed are the meek” calls for, to be humble, which is akin to the beatitude “blessed are the poor in spirit,” to be active rather than passive, and controlled in his speech.

What is the Bible style of leadership?

The Bible teaches one style of Christian leadership. Christ himself modeled and summarized it in Matthew 20. Principles of service and suffering form the basis of the leader’s relationship with his subordinates. The leader also portrays equality and mutual respect toward his ministerial colleagues.

What is decision making in Christian leadership?

Decision making in Christian leadership is primarily a spiritual process, rather than intellectual. Often the evidence gathered for making the decision is a mixture of spiritual and material.

What is the purpose of the Quito course?

This course was written originally in Spanish for the preparation of leadership candidates in the Quito, Ecuador Presbytery of the Presbyterian Reformed Churches of Ecuador. The idea is a self-reproducing system in which the teacher uses a manual he reproduces as he teaches and gives to his students. At the end of the course, the student not only knows the material, but has the tool necessary to teach it to others.

How can a Christian leader tell how he started with next to nothing?

Every successful Christian leader can tell how he started with next to nothing and how God supplied bit by bit . The Lord will rarely put everything into your hands at once. He always starts small. Look on each small resource as God’s down payment on the vision.

What is at the end of each chapter of Sanders' book?

At the end of each chapter of Sanders’ book is a series of questions. If the book is accessible to each student, the teacher may assign some or all of these to be completed as homework in a separate notebook, and turned in at the end of the course for credit. This motivates the students to read that book carefully during the week.
