what i've learned from mis 204 information system course

by Jedediah Mueller 8 min read

In class MIS 204 I learned many new concepts that will help me moving forward in my career. The one concept that I feel will help me the most is System Development and Procurement. Within the concept it has helped me to better understand the processes in creating and implementing systems.

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What is mis 204h honors (3)?

MIS 204H Introduction to Management Information Systems Honors (3)This honors section of MIS 204, will provide enhanced, in depth learning for Schreyer Honor students.

What is the capstone course for a degree in MIS 450?

MIS 450 is the capstone course. The primary objective of this course is for students to develop Information Systems (IS) solutions to real-life problems by following the entire systems development lifecycle (SDLC). The course allows students to demonstrate their mastery of the SDLC methodologies and analytical skills.

What is included in MIS 447 data warehousing?

This course focuses on fundamental principles and applications of data warehousing. Topics covered include data warehouse planning, design, and implementation. MIS 447 Data Warehousing (3) This course focuses on fundamental principles and applications of data warehousing.

What is the objective of mis 465 database management?

MIS 465 Database Management (3), is a required course for information systems majors in the business program. The objective of the course is to present database design and development, specifically relational database management systems (RDBMS), along with project work on developing database systems.

Textbook Exercises (17)

Data sourcing is determining where the data needs to go in the database.docx

Management Information System Documents

Data sourcing is determining where the data needs to go in the database.docx