what i must know before taking law course at university

by Dr. King Braun 6 min read

During the course of your first year of law school, you will be required to read and brief—or summarize—hundreds of cases. Students are typically assigned about 30 pages per credit hour, which amounts to approximately 450 pages per week. To tackle this large volume of reading, you must learn how to read quickly while comprehending complex material.

20 Tips for Success in Law School
  • DO THE READING. Do all of the reading assigned for your courses. ...
  • BRIEF THE CASES. Take notes while reading. ...
  • GO TO CLASS. ...

Full Answer

What do you need to know before starting Law School?

Oct 17, 2019 · It’s crucial to set boundaries for how you will let law school control your life. Keep the cheat meals to a minimum, set study goals so you aren’t pulling an excessive number of all-nighters and commit to time dedicated for relaxing.

What classes should I take to become a lawyer?

Jan 21, 2014 · No one wants to know about your great scholarship or how high your LSAT score was. In fact, it is totally uncool to talk about. Law school is graded on a curve and can be quite competitive. Don’t voluntarily add fuel to the fire. Ain’t nobody got time for that. 8. Don’t be a gunner. No one likes a know-it-all.

What is it like to go to Law School?

Jun 23, 2020 · Let me share my list, in no particular order, of six things that you should know, based upon my own professional and personal experiences. 1. Academic diversity is key Although many law students majored in the social sciences and humanities, the legal profession — and law schools — need science, technology, engineering and math majors (STEM), too.

Can you go to law school with an unexpected pre law major?

Nov 28, 2019 · I would recommend Blackstone to anyone who is looking for the ease of going school, while dealing with work and in general life’s responsibilities. – Ashley Traser, Veterinary Assistant. 3. Work your course around your own lifestyle. I really enjoyed taking this course.

What should I know before going to law school?

Here are the steps you'll want to take to get into law school:Research the role of a lawyer.Complete a bachelor's degree.Pass the Law School Admission Test (LSAT).Request your official transcripts.Write a personal statement.Obtain letters of recommendation.Apply to law schools.Jun 9, 2021

What should I study to prepare for law school?

These are all attributes you need to do well on the LSAT and in law school. Popular pre-law majors that are great preparation for law school include philosophy/classics, economics, political science, history, English, and engineering.Jun 13, 2021

How do I prepare myself to become a lawyer?

How to Prepare to Be a Lawyer in High SchoolLook for hands-on experience. ... Be active in the world. ... Take advanced classes. ... Improve your standardized test skills. ... Practice public speaking and writing. ... Explore other possible career paths.Jan 26, 2020

How many years does it take to become a lawyer?

Before law school, students must complete a Bachelor's degree in any subject (law isn't an undergraduate degree), which takes four years. Then, students complete their Juris Doctor (JD) degree over the next three years. In total, law students in the United States are in school for at least seven years.Jul 13, 2021

What type of lawyer makes the most money?

Types Of Lawyers That Make The Most MoneyMedical Lawyers – Average $138,431. Medical lawyers make one of the highest median wages in the legal field. ... Intellectual Property Attorneys – Average $128,913. ... Trial Attorneys – Average $97,158. ... Tax Attorneys – Average $101,204. ... Corporate Lawyers – $116,361.Dec 18, 2020

Which subject is best for lawyer?

Here are the most useful high school subjects for future lawyers:English. ... Public speaking. ... Social studies. ... Science. ... Mathematics. ... Statistics and data science. ... American history and government. ... Communication.More items...•Oct 5, 2021

What subjects do I need to study law?

The admission requirements for law vary with different universities. The average university requires a 70% English Home Language or English First Additional Language, and a 50% for Mathematics (pure math or math literacy). Many universities will require a 65% average over all subjects.Apr 14, 2021

What skills do you need to be a lawyer?

Examples of lawyer skillsAnalytical and research skills. Lawyers rely heavily on their ability to perform deep research into topics related to cases they work on. ... Attention to detail. ... Organizational skills. ... Time management. ... Persuasive communication. ... Written communication skills. ... Interpersonal skills. ... Technical skills.More items...•Feb 22, 2021

How to control your life in law school?

It’s crucial to set boundaries for how you will let law school control your life. Keep the cheat meals to a minimum, set study goals so you aren’t pulling an excessive number of all-nighters and commit to time dedicated for relaxing.

Where is Anita Western?

Anita Western is a 3L at Michigan State University College of Law with a trustee scholarship and a passion toward the issues that arrive at the intersection of law and technology. Prior to law school, she earned three bachelor’s degrees in Criminal Justice, Spanish and Political Science. Anita works for BARBRI Bar Review as a marketing intern, where she partners with the Director of Social Media and… Read More

Is law school free time?

This is law school. It is an experience unto itself. In undergrad, free time seemed to be in abundant supply. In law school, there never truly seems to be free time. There are always more assignments to read and work to be done, not to mention social activities in which to participate.

What should I know about English law?

Perhaps the really big thing to know about an English law degree is that there are subjects which (i) you have to study (ii) you expect you won’t enjoy. This is an unfortunate side-effect of the fact that law degrees are at heart vocational and so you study certain areas which are crucial to the smooth functioning of society but aren’t considered too glamorous. It’s worth noting that some people do come to university with a professed love for commercial law and that’s great, but it does seem to be the norm to start university dead set on being a human rights barrister.#N#However, because you have to learn these topics in significant depth you do find yourself getting far more interested than you ever plan to. What can seem like a fairly technical subject such as land registration is actually vitally important to individual people when you think about it — many cases on the topic end up with someone being evicted from their family home, or allowed to stay despite the aspiring purchaser having no idea that they had a legal interest in the house as it was not entered in the register.#N#There is a frame of mind to adopt here, and it’s absolutely central to ensuring that you enjoy studying law. Find the interesting element of something which doesn’t originally appeal to you — there will always be one, often the ‘human interest’ or political angle. Make as much of it as is possible as interesting to you as is possible. And resign yourself to the fact that you’ll just have to learn the rest!

Why do law students clock up library hours?

Law students get a reputation for clocking up the library hours because each week you need to learn what the law actually is and academics’ opinions of it from scratch, and neither of these will be particularly short.

What is sharp mind?

The ‘sharp mind’ you need for university study comes in different varieties, and each degree demands a particular mix of certain skills. Law requires both absolute command of the details of legislation and cases, and a wider view of how different areas interlock and what they (aim to) achieve. This is shown most clearly in the two main types of examination question. Problem questions require you to apply the law to very specific (and sometimes outright preposterous) factual patterns and explain why in this specific set of circumstances a piece of legislation or principle of law would/could be applied in a certain way.#N#You need to know the legislation and the case law, because although you may be given a copy of the legislation it wastes time if you’re using it to do anything other than check minor points. Equally if you don’t know part of the case law in an area that can lose you marks or narrow down the number of questions you could potentially answer. Essay questions require you to make a broad point using specific examples, so you need to have a whole arsenal of examples to hand.#N#Basically, you need to remember a lot of things! And you need to be prepared to sit down and learn cases, and at the very least the structure and key clauses of the relevant legislation so that you can find it in the statute book during the exam. It is absolutely normal to have legislation and case summaries stuck up round your wall during exam season (rent agreements permitting!). But because all this knowledge also needs to be grounded in the wider picture for the purposes of essay questions this isn’t just an exercise in memorising names, which makes the process a lot easier.#N#An Oxford examiners’ report commented a few years ago (in light of students forgetting the names of key cases) that if you have done the work properly then remembering case names should be no more difficult than learning the names of breakfast cereals. I may not know hundreds of breakfast cereals, but it’s true that you learn a lot of small details without thinking about it.

Is law a good subject to study?

1. There is a lot of reading. Just to get the scary one out of the way first, it is difficult to explain how much reading a law degree involves other than to say that there are a lot of law books! Law students get a reputation ...

How to get better at reading?

Planning ahead early and prioritising work over play avoids dreaded all-nighters. When reading, one should focus on the end goal: learning the law in order to apply it correctly in an exam.

Is a law degree expensive?

A law degree is a very expensive investment. In fact, some may be better off choosing a degree they enjoy at university in which they can gain better honours and then decide whether to commit to law and do the GDL. 9. The jump from A-Levels to law school.

Is law school intense?

Law school is intense. In your law school, you are always competing against your fellow students for the best grades. Some law schools mark using a bell curve, so that your grades directly depend on how the rest of the year performs.

Is law a good degree?

Law is a well respected degree but its graduate prospects are not as good as universities like to make out. Law firms and chambers have been reducing the number of training contracts and pupillages, with some firms cancelling their next trainee intake. Furthermore, a law degree does not guarantee riches.

What is the significance of starting university?

Starting university is a milestone that marks the beginning of an important rite of passage into independent adulthood. Having the freedom to eat baked beans on toast for breakfast, lunch and dinner means there is plenty to get excited about, but the transition from A-levels to doing a degree can be daunting.

Who is the head of Lincoln Law School?

reveals Professor Duncan French, head of Lincoln Law School at the University of Lincoln. Students need to know how the law works and by keeping up to date with the news, they acquire a general sense of how it fits into society.

Is law a difficult course?

Law is often seen as a difficult course, so for school leavers beginning legal studies, that small step can sometimes feel more like a giant leap. For Eleanor Sheerin, studying law at university felt like a massive step up.

What happens when law students are together?

When law students are together, the conversation rarely deviates from the underlying theme of how stressful school is. If you would like to avoid a mental breakdown, find friends who aren’t in law school and commit to not talking about school.

Is it uncool to talk about your LSAT score?

No one wants to know about your great scholarship or how high your LSAT score was. In fact, it is totally uncool to talk about. Law school is graded on a curve and can be quite competitive. Don’t voluntarily add fuel to the fire. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

Is law school a graduate school?

1. Law school is not graduate school. Ever felt like taking a walk down memory-lane? Well, you’re in luck because the law school experience has more in common with middle school than it does with other graduate programs. On the first day, you enter the building like you own the place.

What skills do you need to be a law student?

Some graduate programs expect students to have an existing knowledge base when they begin; law schools do not. A strong writer with excellent analytical thinking and communication skills makes the ideal law student.

How often is the LSAT offered?

The LSAT is offered six times a year (beginning in 2018), and it is administered by the Law School Admission Council. By the time you begin the application process, your GPA will be relatively set, but the LSAT can be a way to make your application more competitive if your GPA isn’t showing your potential.

Who is Kristen Mercado?

Kristen Mercado is assistant dean of admission and financial aid at UC Davis School of Law, King Hall. Originally from Chicago, she has been at King Hall since 2011. She earned both her bachelor’s and her law degree at the University of Chicago.

1. Advance Your Education

First and foremost I thank Blackstone for giving an opportunity to those adults that did not take advantage of the college experience immediately after high school, allowing those of us in that group to thrive for the betterment of our lives and pursuit of happiness.

2. Finding the career path fit for you

Once I graduated high school I was at a loss of what I wanted to do with my life. I had decided to go down the path that my father (who passed away when I was 12) wanted me to and knew I’d be great at it. I enrolled at Blackstone’s Veterinary Assistant program and was very excited.

3. Work your course around your own lifestyle

I really enjoyed taking this course. It was so informative and covered everything I needed to prepare me for a career in billing and coding. It was a lot of information to take in, but I took tons of notes and will always be able to look at them for a refresher course.

4. Move up your Career Ladder

I took the online Trust & Estate paralegal course since I work as a legal assistant in that practice area. My attorney’s firm and I felt that I had the knowledge and ability to go further and become a T&E paralegal.

5. Military Assistance Provided

I found out about Blackstone through a military page I follow. I decided to apply for the Medical Assistant program because I’ve been wanting to break into the medical field for a long time and it seemed like the perfect fit! I couldn’t be happier in my decision, as I really loved the program and am really looking forward to my future job.

Top 10 Best Pre-law Majors (see also: what did most law school students major in?)

Political Science is the not-at-all-surprisingly undisputed top pre-law major. 18% of all applicants admitted were from this major.

10 Unexpected Pre-law Majors (see also: can you go to law school with any degree?)

You can absolutely go to law school with any degree. In fact, if you’re planning on specializing in law for a certain industry (e.g. environmental, medical, industrial) you may find it helpful to build a background in that industry before entering law school.

What should you major in to go to law school?

The bottom line is: you can major in anything you want and go to law school, BUT there may be some majors you’ll like more due to your interest in law. However, if you’re interested in a specific market, industry, or topic in law, building that foundation in undergrad may not be a bad idea.
