what happens in a first aid course

by Maymie Ward 6 min read

Your First Aid course work will cover how to control bleeding; what to do in the event of a head, neck or back injury; how to assess and treat injuries to limbs; how to respond to burns; how to treat minor injuries; how to identify and assess altered mental status; what to do in the event someone is experiencing ...Dec 30, 2019

How long does a first aid take?

A first aid course will take 2 to 5 hours of face-to-face learning, depending on which first aid course you take.

Can you fail a first aid course UK?

At the end of First Aid courses, you must complete a multiple-choice question paper. If you fail this, you will have one opportunity to retake. If failed a second time, you will need to book and sit the course again, giving you 2 more opportunities to retake.

What do you wear to first aid training?

Casual clothing is recommended, those which are loose fitting and comfortable. Due to the nature of the demonstrations, much of the practical work requires kneeling on the floor. It's best to wear trousers and flat shoes.

How long do first aid certificates last UK?

three yearsCertificates. Certificates for the purposes of first aid at work last for three years. Before their certificates expire, first-aiders will need to undertake a requalification course as appropriate, to obtain another three-year certificate.

What is first aid course?

First Aid courses include both theory and practical demonstration of possible First Aid scenarios. First Aid situations require specific steps that must be followed to ensure the casualty is treated with optimum care at all times and to avoid causing any further damage.

What is first aid training?

First Aid training is taught by trained professionals who often have a history of working in the medical and health industry. In addition to this, at St John, many of our trainers are long-term event First Aiders. This expert knowledge and real-life experience allows First Aid trainers to provide incomparably valuable insight to their students.

What is St John Ambulance Victoria?

St John Ambulance Victoria’s courses are run by trained professionals who are experts in First Aid. Our trainers have real life knowledge and are able to apply their experience to their teachings. By providing knowledge from real life situations it enables students to learn through a more in-depth, engaging and relevant approach.

What is a practical assessment for first aid?

The practical assessments give students the opportunity to put the skills and knowledge developed throughout their training into practice.

What is practical demonstration?

Practical demonstrations are used to apply the theoretical First Aid information taught. The hands-on approach allows trainers to engage students and demonstrate First Aid scenarios in a way that is applicable to their environments.

Why is it important to take first aid training?

Being taught by competent professionals means you will be more prepared to handle emergencies as they arise. Ensure your training facility practices the most up-to-date methods and adheres to associated regulations.

Can I learn first aid without advance preparation?

Although you may feel tempted to start studying in advance, it is usually best to go into your classes without advance preparation. This is because learning things incorrectly can hinder your progress, such as when you have to remember different steps for CPR or aiding a choking person, as examples.

What is the first aid course at work?

What does the course involve? For the 1-day Emergency First Aid at Work Course, attendees are taught a mixture of both practical and theory. You’ll learn how to examine a casualty, use a defibrillator, familiarize yourself with basic life support and learn how to control bleeding and trauma.

Why is first aid training important?

First aid training could be most important course you’ve ever taken. In the event of an emergency, you’ll have the knowledge and confidence to deliver potentially life-saving assistance. Although many undertake training as part of a workplace requirement, these skills are invaluable in everyday situations and the course welcomes all individuals.

Can you kneel on the floor?

Due to the nature of the demonstrations, much of the practical work requires kneeling on the floor. It’s best to wear trousers and flat shoes. For those with physical restraints or disabilities that makes kneeling uncomfortable for prolonged periods, a first aid course may not be advisable.

Is there a free first aid course?

Free first aid courses may be given in your local area which offers the chance to familiarize yourself with some of the techniques. These are beneficial for those wanting an introduction to first aid but they can be limiting. They’re often not as in-depth as a certified course and assessment will be kept to a minimum.

Do you need to know first aid?

A great first aid training course won’t require any prior knowledge of first aid or emergency response. In fact, attempting to learn for yourself beforehand may cause confusion when practicing the techniques. As the course is designed for complete beginners, you won’t be expected to know anything. Simply show up on the day with a positive attitude ...

How to prepare for a medical crisis?

The best way to prepare for these events is to get official first aid training, such as that offered by the American Red Cross. Until you're able to do that, though, ...

What is an AED?

An AED, or automated external defibrillator, is a portable, easy-to-use device that can check someone's heart rhythm and, if necessary, deliver an electric shock to correct the rhythm. 1. Requirements for First Aid in the Workplace. 1.

What is the severity of a burn?

The severity of a burn is based on its depth and size: 14. First-degree burn: This affects only the outer layer of skin and causes redness and swelling. It is always considered a minor burn. Second-degree burn: This affects two layers of skin and causes blistering along with redness and swelling.

How to treat a burn?

The first step to treating a burn is to stop the burning process. 13 Chemicals need to be cleaned off. Electricity needs to be turned off. Heat needs to be cooled down with running water. Sunburn victims need to be covered up or go inside.

What is the most important medical procedure?

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation ( CPR) is the most important medical procedure of all. If a person is in cardiac arrest (the heart is no longer pumping blood) and CPR is not performed, that person will die. On the other hand, performing CPR or using an AED could save a life. 2

What is a sprain in the ankle?

A sprain is an injury to ligaments, which are connective tissues that holds bones, cartilage, and joints together. Sprains are generally caused by a violent wrenching or twisting of a joint, which over-stretches or tears the ligament. Common places for a sprain are the ankle and wrist. 22

What happens when you freeze your body?

Frostbite occurs when the body's tissues freeze deeply in the cold—ice crystals form in the tissues and damage your cells. This is the opposite of a burn, but the damage it does to your skin is almost identical.

What to expect in a first aid course?

Learning first aid can be the difference between life and death for someone who has been in an accident, or otherwise suffered an injury. Whilst there are many first aid qualifications out there, most can be expected to have a similar kind of structure.

How long does a first aid course last?

Many first aid courses last only a day, but some can last longer due to the complexity or breadth of content required. A Basic Paediatric First Aid training course covers much more than a first aid at work course, and so lasts a couple of days.

What to wear for first aid?

A few small things can be done to get the most out of a first aid session. You should ideally wear loose fitting, casual clothes. Trousers and flat-bottomed shoes are also recommended.

What is the role of a first aid?

Your role as a first aider is, after ensuring that the situation can not get worse, helping the casualty to recover from their injury or illness, or stop their condition from getting worse. If the injury is severe, then the best you can do is try to keep them alive until the emergency services arrive.

How long should you apply pressure to a wound?

If it is not possible or effective to apply direct pressure to a wound, you can use indirect pressure as a last resort. This is achieved by applying pressure to the artery which is supplying blood to the limb, pressing it against the bone beneath, reducing the blood flow. This should be done for a maximum of ten minutes.

What does hypoxia mean in medical terms?

Hypoxia means low oxygen in the blood stream. This condition has the potential to be fatal, so it is vital for a first aider to recognise the signs and know how to treat the casualty.

What to do if you are not alone?

If you are not alone, ask the nearest person to dial 999 for an ambulance immediately. If you are alone and need to leave the child to ensure help is on the way, perform resuscitation for about 1 minute first:

Why do people have asthma?

Asthma is a fairly common allergic reaction in the lungs, usually caused by pollution, dust, pollen or traffic fumes. The muscles surrounding the bronchioles spasm and constrict which makes it very difficult for the casualty to breathe. Asthma sufferers normally carry around medication in the form of an inhaler which when breathed in dilates the bronchioles helping to relieve the condition.

What does it mean when your child's lips turn blue?

You have tried slapping them on the back, with no success. They seem close to losing consciousness, their lips are turning a definite shade of blue.

Which part of the brain regulates temperature?

The part of the brain that regulates temperature (the hypothalamus) is not yet fully developed in babies and young children, which can lead to the body’s core temperature reaching dangerously high levels, which may lead to a child having a fit.

How to renew first aid certification?

To renew your first aid certification, you can choose to take an in-person class at a facility near you, or register for a blended Simulation Learning course, which allows you to study online, then complete a hands-on skills session in person.

What is a recertification class?

First aid recertification classes allow you to renew your skills, learn the latest techniques and can help keep your memory fresh – so that during times of need, you're ready to respond.

What are the three P's of first aid?

Here are 10 first aid “must-knows” that you can use to treat a broad array of injuries: Remember the “Three P’s. ”. Check the scene for danger before you provide help. To treat cuts and scrapes, apply gentle pressure, disinfectant, and bandages. To treat sprains, apply ice and compression at intervals and keep the limb elevated.

How to treat cardiac arrest?

Be gentle with the afflicted person. Don’t rub their body and don’t move their body in too jarring of a way; this could trigger cardiac arrest. Move the person out of the cold, and remove any wet clothing. Cover the person with blankets and use heat packs.

Why is CPR important?

CPR is used to restore breathing and blood circulation to an unresponsive person. CPR is an incredibly important procedure that can save lives. But learning CPR is an intensive procedure that requires some training, which is usually in the form of a day-long class.

How to treat a sprain?

To treat sprains, apply ice and compression at intervals and keep the limb elevated. To treat heat exhaustion, use cool fluids, cool cloths, and shade. To treat hypothermia; use warm fluids and warm covering. To treat burns, determine the burn type and severity. Cover the wound with loose cloth to prevent infection.

What to do when someone is bleeding?

Blood is a vital component of our bodies. When someone is bleeding, you want to prevent as much blood from leaving their body as possible. Try and find a clean cloth or bandage. Then:

How to get rid of a swollen forehead?

Give the person water and keep them hydrated. Place a cool cloth on their forehead to lower their body temperature. 6.

What are the different types of burns?

There are four kinds of burns: First-degree burn: Only the outer layers of skin are burnt. The skin is red and swollen, and looks similar to a sunburn. Second-degree burn: Some of the inner layer of skin is burnt. Look for blistering skin and swelling. This is usually a very painful type of burn.
