how to delete a course in breadcrumb

by Miss Norma McCullough 10 min read

What does breadcrumbs mean in Google?

Breadcrumbs represent the relationship between parent and child category. They tell the user about the user’s location on a particular site and the site structure, which will help Google understand your site. In short, it acts as a boost for the sitemaps. That’s the reason you will find it across different sites.

What are the different types of breadcrumbs?

Types of Breadcrumbs. There are different types of Breadcrumbs. These are some of the popular ones: Hierarchy-Based. This is the most common type of Breadcrumbs that is used across the majority of the sites. As the name itself suggests, you will find the Breadcrumbs that shows the site structure.

What is breadcrumbs used for?

Uses of Breadcrumbs. By now, you should have known that Breadcrumbs’ primary function is to let the user know about the proper location of a web page on a website. As this feature is not active by default, there may be a plugin in a site to activate it. If there are no advantages, probably no one would add it.

Why do we use breadcrumbs in Google?

Google adds the Breadcrumbs in the search result when you have related it correctly. It helps to improve the SEO result of your site. Low Bounce Rate. If your site has a good structure, the visitors may check other related pages. This results in a low bounce rate of the site.

What is breadcrumb in WordPress?

Breadcrumbs are a list of links following a parent-child hierarchy. The first one in the list is often the “Home” link, it is followed down by each parent page/category/post of the current page that is being displayed. Interestingly enough, WordPress by itself does not come with breadcrumb feature by default, but it’s the theme’s installed ...

Why are breadcrumbs important?

Breadcrumbs are great because they give the visitor a sense of orientation and the ability to move back and forth pages with one click. But depending on your site’s design, you may prefer to remove them.

Does WordPress have breadcrumbs?

Interestingly enough, WordPress by itself does not come with breadcrumb feature by default, but it’s the theme’s installed that has the code to generate breadcrumbs. If the theme you are using does not have them, there are several plugins you can use to generate breadcrumbs.

Where to Put the Code

The following CSS should go either in a child theme’s style.css file, or in the “Additional CSS” area of the Customizer ( Appearance > Customize ).

Hide Course Name in Breadcrumbs

To hide the course name in the LearnDash breadcrumbs, and only display…

Hide Topic Name in Breadcrumbs

Another way to deal with long course, lesson or topic names in breadcrumbs is to hide the topic name. You might also just want to hide the topic name because it is typically already displayed as the <h1> title at the top of the page. Most people know that they’re viewing the topic, and don’t need to see it in the breadcrumbs.

Hide the Breadcrumbs Entirely

Of course, you could also hide the breadcrumbs entirely. There are two main ways to do this:

How to remove breadcrumb item

I would like to remove some item from the breadcrumb nav. I would like to remove them from PHP (so please no CSS or JS answer).

Re: How to remove breadcrumb item

I would do this in a theme by overriding the renderer. In the theme have a renderers.php file that has something like this ...

Where to add this snippet?

You can place PHP snippets at the bottom of your child theme functions.php file (delete "?>" if you have it there). CSS, on the other hand, goes in your child theme style.css file.

Does this snippet (still) work?

Please let me know in the comments if everything worked as expected. I would be happy to revise the snippet if you report otherwise (please provide screenshots). I have tested this code with Storefront theme, the WooCommerce version listed above and a WordPress-friendly hosting on PHP 7.3.

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Check out these free video tutorials. You can learn how to customize WooCommerce without unnecessary plugins, how to properly configure the WooCommerce plugin settings and even how to master WooCommerce troubleshooting in case of a bug!
