what grade is needed to earn credit for a course csu

by Malachi Bogisich 4 min read

You must attain at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average, which includes both transfer and CSU, Chico work, at least a 2.0 in courses required for the major, and at least 2.0 in all work taken at CSU, Chico. Some majors may have additional grade point average requirements. They are described in each major program description.

Full Answer

What GPA do you need to take a semester at CSU?

Undergraduate students, except first-term freshmen and transfers, with a cumulative CSU grade point average of 2.000 or better and with their advisor’s consent may register for approved courses on a S tudent Option Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis. This option may not be used in areas of study required in the student’s major, minor, teacher licensure, or for All-University …

How do I earn course credit as an undergraduate student?

At least 24 credits must be earned at CSU. Includes courses completed both prior and after admission to the Graduate School. Of the courses earned at CSU, at least 21 credits must be earned after admission to the Graduate School. Of the courses earned at CSU, at least 16 credits must be in 500 or higher level courses.

How many credits need to be taken in Residence at CSU?

Credit by examination is not allowed for a course that is a prerequisite for a course which the student has already completed or in which the student is currently enrolled. Challenge exams cannot be used to earn a higher grade in a course. No more than 24 semester units of credit obtained by challenging courses may be applied toward the ...

What are the requirements to get into CSU San Diego?

HONORS COURSES. The CSU assigns extra points for up to eight semesters of approved honors level, International Baccalaureate (IB) and Advanced Placement (AP) courses taken in the last three years of high school: A=5 points, B=4 points, C=3 points. No more than two approved honors level courses taken in the 10th grade may be given extra points.

Is D passing at CSU?

These grades are not calculated into the grade point average. When an R is placed before the grade, the student has elected to repeat the course under the terms of CSU's Repeat/Delete policy....Grade points.GradeGrade points per creditCSatisfactory2.000DPoor, but passing1.000FFailure0.000SSatisfactory 214 more rows

What is a 60 grade in college?

Below is a grading system used by four different colleges in the United States....Grade conversion.Letter GradePercentageGPAB80–89%3.0C70–79%2.0D60–69%1.0F0–59%0.01 more row

How many credits is a CSU?

Credit Requirements. Graduation credit requirements, outlined in detail below, include the following: a minimum of 120 credits, 42 of which need to be upper-division. Thirty of the 42 upper-division need to be taken "in residence" at CSU. And, 15 of the last 30 credits need to be taken "in residence".

What is the GPA requirement for CSU?

California residents and graduates of California high schools will be eligible for admission by earning a 2.50 or greater “a-g” GPA. Any California high school graduate or resident of California earning a GPA between 2.00 and 2.49 may be evaluated for admission based upon supplemental factors.

Is 60% passing a test?

A letter grade of a D is technically considered passing because it not a failure. A D is any percentage between 60-69%, whereas a failure occurs below 60%. Even though a D is a passing grade, it's barely passing.

Can you pass a class with a D in college?

Technically, a 'D' is passing, but it's a sort of a we-don't-really-mean-it pass. A grudging pass, or perhaps a mercy pass. Or, it can be an “I don't ordinarily fail students, but you're testing my faith” pass. D's make some level of sense if you believe that a 'C' is an average grade.Mar 21, 2017

Do Cal States look at senior grades?

CSU also considers your senior year grades and courses before granting final admittance. Students with a GPA below 2.0 are gen- erally not admitted. If you earn a 3.0 GPA or higher, you typically are guaranteed admis- sion to your local campus regardless of your admissions test scores.

How long do CSU credits last?

Do College Credits Expire After 5 Years? The short answer is “no.” Most credits do not have an expiration date. Many credits, particularly core courses (such as composition, English, or language arts-based courses and history courses), may be able to be applied to a new degree program.

Is Cal Poly a CSU?

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo | CSU.

Is CSU hard to get into?

Colorado State University admissions is selective with an acceptance rate of 84% and an early acceptance rate of 87.2%. Half the applicants admitted to Colorado State University have an SAT score between 1070 and 1280 or an ACT score of 23 and 29.

What is the average GPA for CSUN?

3.35Average GPA: 3.35 The average GPA at Cal State Northridge is 3.35. This makes Cal State Northridge Moderately Competitive for GPAs. With a GPA of 3.35, Cal State Northridge accepts below-average students.

What is the average GPA for CSU Monterey Bay?

3.39The average GPA at Cal State Monterey Bay is 3.39. With a GPA of 3.39, Cal State Monterey Bay accepts below-average students. It's OK to be a B-average student, with some A's mixed in. It'd be best to avoid C's and D's, since application readers might doubt whether you can handle the stress of college academics.

What is instructor option grading?

Instructor option grading allows the instructor to determine whether Traditional or Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading is to be used for a course. In courses approved for instructor option grading, the type of grading (Traditional or Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) to be used for all students in the course during the term is to be indicated on the course syllabus.

What is an I grade?

At the discretion of the instructor, a temporary grade of “I” may be given to a student who demonstrates it is not possible to complete the requirements of a course due to circumstances beyond the student’s control and not reasonably foreseeable. A student must be passing a course at the time an incomplete is requested unless the instructor determines there are extenuating circumstances to assign an incomplete to a student who is not passing the course. When an instructor assigns an “I”, the instructor shall specify in writing the requirements the student shall fulfill to complete the course as well as the reasons for granting an “I” when the student is not passing the course. The instructor shall retain a copy of this statement in the grade records and provide copies to the student and the department head or designee. Students will be notified to take action on Incomplete grades at the beginning of their anticipated graduation term. The student should not register for the course again to complete the coursework. After successful completion of the makeup requirements, incomplete grades will be changed by the instructor of record or the department head, in absence of the instructor of record. After one year, or at the end of the semester in which the student graduates (whichever comes first), an Incomplete will be automatically changed to an “F” (failure) or a "U" (unsatisfactory) unless the course has been previously completed and a grade change submitted by the instructor or the head of the department. If the class for which the student has been given an Incomplete is S/U only, the grade shall revert to a "U"; if it is a traditionally graded class, it shall revert to an "F". If a course is instructor option and S/U grades exist, the Incomplete will roll to a "U". If only traditional grades ("A" thru "F") exist, the Incomplete will roll to an "F". The temporary grade of “I” must be changed to a grade (e.g., A, B, C, D, F, S, U) prior to the student being awarded a diploma from CSU. (Faculty Council approved minutes March 6, 2018)

What is the appeal committee decision?

The appeal committee’s decision is the final decision of the University. Written summaries of the hearing and decision, together with a rationale for that decision, shall be provided to the student and the instructor who assigned the grade and shall be retained in the department office for a period of one year.

What is the role of instructor in a course?

Instructors are responsible for clearly stating the instructional objectives of the course at the beginning of each term and for evaluating student achievement in a manner consistent with these objectives. Students are responsible for maintaining standards of academic performance established for each course in which they are enrolled. Instructors are responsible for determining and assigning final course grades. Graded examinations, papers, and other materials used as a basis for evaluating a student’s achievement will be available to the student for inspection and discussion.

What is a repeat delete?

Repeat/Delete is a one-time per course grading option that may be used by undergraduate students who repeat a course. Once a student has graduated from CSU, a student may not repeat/delete any CSU course taken prior to the date of graduation. The following rules apply when the Repeat/Delete option is applied:

How many credits are required for CSU?

Of the courses earned at CSU, at least 16 credits must be in 500 or higher level courses. Of the 16 credits, at least 12 credits must be in 500 or higher level regular courses. Course numbers with the last two digits between 82-99 (i.e. PSY 784, JTC 690) are considered non-regular courses.

How many credits are required for a masters degree in CSU?

Plan C master’s degrees generally require only coursework. No thesis, project, or final examination is required. Designed for professional degrees. At least 24 credits must be earned at CSU. Includes courses completed both prior and after admission to the Graduate School.

What is thesis plan?

The thesis is typically a written formal document which addresses, in an original fashion, some important concern of the discipline. A thesis involves significant independent work. A certain number of credits are allowed for the preparation of the thesis.

What is a masters in fine arts?

Master of Fine Arts is a terminal degree for practicing professionals in the visual or literary arts and requires the preparation of a major artistic work . This is a terminal degree for practicing professionals in the visual or literary arts.

What is a doctoral degree?

The Ph.D. is the highest academic degree offered by the university. Those who earn it must demonstrate significant intellectual achievement, high scholarly ability, and great breadth of knowledge. The nature of the degree program will vary greatly depending on the discipline involved. In addition, doctoral work requires heavy participation in research or other kinds of creative activity. Particular projects may assume any of an almost infinite number of forms.

What is a continuous masters program at CSU?

For students enrolled in a continuous master’s/Ph.D. program at CSU (Continuous programs are those in which the student is admitted to the Ph.D. program and formally registers the Fall or Spring semester immediately following receipt of the master’s degree):

Do you need a thesis for Plan B?

Non-Thesis/Project - Plan B. Plan B master’s degrees do not require a thesis; instead, more credits are earned in other types of courses and/or a scholarly paper is required. Plan B master’s degrees may also require a project, journal, or professional paper. At least 24 credits must be earned at CSU.

What is a NC grade?

NC reflects the equivalent of any grade lower than a "C-" for undergraduate courses (for graduate and professional studies students, the rule used to assign a grade of NC will vary between programs). The NC grade is not used in calculating grade point average or progress points. It should be noted that both the W grade and NC grade may affect your ...

What happens if you take an incomplete grade?

If you elect to take an incomplete grade for a course, do not re-enroll in the course, but instead work with the instructor to complete the remaining elements of the course. When the work has been completed, the instructor will assign a final grade. [ back to top]

What is an incomplete grade?

An incomplete grade is useful if a student has completed a substantial portion of the course and is passing the course, but is unable to complete the course requirements within the academic term.

Does CR/NC count as GPA?

CR/NC grades do not have grade points associated with them and will not count in your GPA. For example, if you take 15 units of courses CR/NC for the semester, you will earn units toward graduation, but your current GPA will not change.

Does CR help your GPA?

Earning a CR in a course does not generate grade points so it will not factor into your overall GPA and would not impact your probation. Taking a class CR/NC will not help you raise your GPA. If you think you will earn a grade of C or above, taking the class for a grade could help your GPA.

Does CR/NC affect financial aid?

Taking a course CR/NC will NOT impact the receipt of financial aid for most students. It should be noted that if you earn a NC then it can affect your “Satisfactory Academic Progress” which can affect your financial aid in the future.

Can I take CR classes?

Yes, you can take a course for CR/NC. International students in F-1 status must complete at least 12 units/semester if they are an undergraduate and 9 units/semester if they are a graduate student in order to maintain their immigration status. As a result, the student will need to earn CR for those required units by either earning a CR or a letter grade of A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-. Further, an unauthorized withdrawal (WU) grade adversely affects immigration status. The regulations are complex so for help understanding what is sufficient, please contact you international student advisor at [email protected].

What is credit by examination?

Credit by Examination. Credit by Examination is an option available only to undergraduate students. You may request to challenge courses because of special studies or experiences. A challenge consists of taking an examination on the course material rather than taking the whole class.

How many times can you challenge a course?

Students may do a challenge exam for more than one course, but each course may be challenged only once.

Does SAP require a GPA?

The federal government assesses students to assure they are making Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). SAP depends on having a GPA above 2.0 and passing 67% of the classes enrolled in spring semester.

Can I take a course with a D or better?

Yes. If you earn a grade of D or better and chose the S/U option, you will earn credit for your current course and be allowed to progress to the next course. If your current course is a pre-requisite for other courses in your academic plan, we strongly advise you to take advantage of academic support services (tutoring, SI, Writing Center, etc.) to assure success in your next class.

Does S/U affect GPA?

Any course with the S/U option will not affect GPA in any way, unless you are repeating a course taken previously (See #23 below). The S will not help your GPA and the U will not hurt your GPA. If you choose all S/U for all your courses, then your cumulative GPA will not change.

Do you need to complete a class to get an S?

No. You need to complete the work of the class in order to earn a grade of S. Each professor will calculate your grade based upon the course syllabus at the end of the term. If your calculated final grade is a D or higher as outlined in your course syllabus, you will earn an S. If you fail the class, you will earn a grade of U, you will not earn the credits, and you will most likely need to retake the class.

CSU Visitor Enrollment: Enrolling at Another CSU

Attend classes at another CSU campus for one semester (you may visit for one semester only). Overlap in academic terms may not be possible.

CSU Concurrent Enrollment: Enrolling at another CSU

Attend classes at another CSU campus while enrolled at CSULB in the same term.

CSU Fully Online Program

Take an online course from another CSU while enrolled in classes at CSULB.

Cross-Enrollment: Enrolling at a UC or CA Community College

If you are a California resident currently enrolled at CSULB, you may enroll in one undergraduate course per academic term at a participating University of California campus or California Community College.

Other Ways to Earn Credit as a CSULB Student

In addition to officially enrolling in one of the programs above, students can take courses at community colleges to meet degree requirements. To ensure a course can be used to meet the degree requirement, complete and submit the Request for Evaluation of Course Work from Another Institution (DocuSign) to the Office of Enrollment Services.

Workforce Training College Credit

CSULB grants undergraduate degree credit for successful completion of non-traditional classroom instruction as recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE) in the National Guide to College Credit for Workforce Training.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

CSULB grants unit credit to those students who pass the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) examinations in certain subjects that have been approved for credit by the CSU System. Scores must be submitted directly from College Board.

Table of Contents For Undergraduate Students

See more on csuci.edu

Table of Contents For Graduate Students

FAQ For Undergraduate Students

  1. For undergraduate courses, you need to earn a C- or better to receive CR. The following letter grades convert to No Credit (NC): D+, D, D-, F, or unauthorized withdrawal (WU). If you are in a gradu...
  2. Yes, you can choose which courses to take CR/NC, but think carefully about your choices. In some cases (for example, some GE courses), a D+, D, or D- counts toward the completion of …
  1. For undergraduate courses, you need to earn a C- or better to receive CR. The following letter grades convert to No Credit (NC): D+, D, D-, F, or unauthorized withdrawal (WU). If you are in a gradu...
  2. Yes, you can choose which courses to take CR/NC, but think carefully about your choices. In some cases (for example, some GE courses), a D+, D, or D- counts toward the completion of a requirement....
  3. Some majors, minors and certificates require a letter grade of “C” or better (for example), and a CR may not count (e.g. Nursing). Talk to your major advisor before changing your grading option to...
  4. For Spring 2021, you can change your grading option in your CI Records Student Center from …

FAQ For Graduate Students

  1. For graduate and professional studies students, the rule used to assign a grade of Credit and a grade of No Credit will vary between programs. Students are encouraged to speak with their program ad...
  2. While letter grades are factored into the calculation of the GPA, CR/NC grades are not. For graduate students, a cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required to graduate and some programs may …
  1. For graduate and professional studies students, the rule used to assign a grade of Credit and a grade of No Credit will vary between programs. Students are encouraged to speak with their program ad...
  2. While letter grades are factored into the calculation of the GPA, CR/NC grades are not. For graduate students, a cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required to graduate and some programs may have other speci...
  3. Yes, you can withdraw from any class as late as May 28, 2021. You will need to fill out the drop form if you are dropping a single class or a Term Withdrawal form if dropping all classes. Submit co...
  4. Students in Credential programs and MA – Education programs should not ask for CR/NC if t…