what golf course uses milorganite

by Tess Jacobson 9 min read

Is Milorganite safe for golf courses?

Milorganite comes in two sizes: Classic (SGN 150) and Greens Grade (SGN 90) ... Golf course tees take some of the roughest abuse on the golf course. Their care and maintenance is continually under fire due to the desire by golfers for that perfect tee shot. By including Milorganite in your fertility program for tees, you alleviate some of this ...

Is Milorganite good for grasses?

To keep the appearance of a green golf course during the winter golfing season, many southern superintendents overseed turf with cool season annual grasses. Annual ryegrass often is used due to its relatively low cost, annual growth nature and acceptable appearance. ... Milorganite is an excellent source of nutrients for overseeding. Its low ...

Are there any mined resources in Milorganite?

Nov 28, 2016 · November 28, 2016. Supplier News Turf. Milorganite is celebrating its 90th year of production and environmental stewardship. One of the nation’s largest recycling programs, Milorganite turns biosolids found in recycled wastewater into a useful fertilizer well known among turfgrass professionals and consumers nationally.

What is the difference between Milorganite Greens grade and classic?

Fond du Lac County, Rolling Meadows Golf Course "I've applied Milorganite religiously on my sand based greens as a late fall application for many years. It serves as a perfect buffer for snow and ice. It also works well on exposed surfaces protecting the …

Do golf courses use Milorganite?

Groundskeepers have been using Milorganite on golf courses since 1926, so it must be working. And because it's organic, it's eco-friendly so it won't burn plants, but instead, nourishes the soil with essential nutrients like calcium, iron and zinc.Aug 7, 2013

What kind of fertilizer do golf courses use?

Golf Course Fertilizer is thought to be special; however, it has the same NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) that most low-cost plant fertilizers contain. In reality, there is nothing special about golf course fertilizer.

Where is Milorganite used?

Use Milorganite as a general fertilizer to promote healthy turfgrass growth, without the peaks and valleys of growth and color associated with readily soluble nitrogen. Greens Grade Milorganite is well suited for closely-mowed golf greens, and Milorganite Classic is suitable for fairways and lawns.

Is there human feces in Milorganite?

Despite what you may have heard, this Milwaukee-made fertilizer does not contain human feces. On a tour of the Jones Island plant, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District agency services director Jeff Spence and public information manager Bill Graffin wanted to dispel that myth at the start.

What do golf courses use to keep grass green?

Grow Greens Hydroponically

Many golf greens use a hydroponic system for growing grass. This system is installed during construction — a bulldozer makes a hole for the green that is between 12 and 16 inches deep. In more advanced systems, the hole is lined with plastic, before gravel, drainage pipes and sand are added.
May 18, 2016

How do golf courses get their grass so green?

That means the grass needs a steady diet of water and nutrients to keep it alive. To this mix is added a variety of herbicides (to kill weeds that try to move in), pesticides (to control insect damage) and fungicides (to control disease) to help keep the grass perfect.

Can I apply Milorganite every month?

It is unnecessary and harmful to use Milorganite every month. Milorganite is an organic, high-nitrogen fertilizer with a very slow release schedule. It takes 8–10 weeks for Milorganite to release all of its soil nutrients and feed your lawn.

How long does it take Milorganite to work?

Milorganite takes approximately 1 week to take effect, depending on the conditions. This slow-release organic fertilizer shows results in week 2 or 3 and stays effective for up to 10 weeks. This US-produced fertilizer is a great alternative to many synthetic fertilizers that have shorter effects.

Why is Milorganite so popular?

You don't have to worry about streaks, stripes, or accidentally burning your lawn when you use Milorganite! It contains virtually no salts, so it won't burn your lawn, trees, shrubs, or plants, even in the hottest temperatures or driest conditions. You don't have to water it in.

Why does Milorganite smell?

An ominous anagram for Milorganite is air long time, though it looks like we won't need to. These new odors fade quickly after each application of the fertilizer that made Milwaukee famous, the lab analysis found. Schlitz and Coke are among the products that changed their formulas and paid the price.May 3, 2018

Is Milorganite a deer repellent?

From these results, we concluded that Milorganite® has potential as a deer repellent for ornamental plants. Though the repellent did not eliminate deer damage, it reduced the overall impact. The effectiveness of a repellent is highly dependent on climatic conditions, deer density, and resource availability.

Is Milorganite toxic to dogs?

Milorganite is not poisonous or harmful to pets. It is one of the safest organic fertilizers on the market, subject to the strictest EPA regulations. It is safe for exposure to people and animals.

What is milorganite greens grade?

Milorganite comes in two sizes: Classic (SGN 150) and Greens Grade (SGN 90) Milorganite contains slow-release nitrogen and nonstaining iron. Mix Milorganite and grass seed to fill tee box divots. Players expect the greens to play smooth; nothing should interfere with this surface.

What is SGN 90?

That’s why we developed Milorganite Greens Grade, SGN 90. These small particles fall into the turf canopy so the fertilizer doesn’t interfere with the putting surface, or end up in the baskets of greens mowers. Spreading the uniform, dust-free granules of Milorganite Greens Grade is one of the best ways to make sure your players return time ...

What is a milorganite?

Truly All Purpose. Milorganite is an all-purpose slow-release nitrogen fertilizer that can be used safely on lawns, flowers, vegetables, shrubs, and trees, as well as a carrier when spreading grass seed.

How long does milorganite last?

Milorganite has been proven effective for over 90 years. It’s goof-proof, so you won’t burn your lawn or garden. It’s a slow-release fertilizer that feeds for up to 8-10 weeks.

Does milorganite stain concrete?

Milorganite delivers organically complex iron throughout the feeding period and won’t stain concrete, unlike iron salts in some synthetic fertilizers.

Is milorganite a synthetic?

Milorganite has been recycling since 1926, to make a nutrient-rich byproduct that is transformed into a highly effective fertilizer. There are no mined resources or synthetics in Milorganite. The production of Milorganite is guided by our dedication to be a good steward of the environment.

What is milorganite fertilizer?

Milorganite meets stringent criteria imposed on any fertilizer product for health, safety, and environmental concerns. Milorganite complies with all federal and state regulations, which allows Milorganite to be used for all of your fertilizing needs when used as directed.

What is the best soil for grass?

This improves the soil’s ability to grow grass and other plants. Milorganite is ideal for sandy soils, because it adds organic matter and doesn’t leach, which means the water-soluble nutrients aren’t washed away.

What is milorganite used for?

Milorganite is an all-purpose slow-release nitrogen fertilizer that can be used safely on lawns, flowers, vegetables, shrubs and trees, as well as a carrier when spreading grass seed.

Does milorganite stain concrete?

Milorganite delivers organically complex iron throughout the feeding period and won’t stain concrete, unlike iron salts in some synthetic fertilizers.

Does milorganite burn plants?

Doesn’t Burn Plants. You don’t have to worry about streaks, stripes or accidentally burning your lawn when you use Milorganite! It contains virtually no salts, so it won’t burn plants, even in the hottest temperatures or driest conditions. You don’t have to water it in.

What is the best soil for grass?

This improves the soil’s ability to grow grass and other plants. Milorganite is ideal for sandy soils, because it adds organic matter and doesn’t leach, which means the water-soluble nutrients aren’t washed away.

Is rock phosphate soluble in water?

Rock phosphate can be used as a P fertilizer on soils with a pH of 6 or less. It is not soluble in water. The mineralization of P is a slow process, typically over a period of years depending on soil properties. If used, it should be finely ground and incorporated into the soil. If a soil test indicates a severe deficiency, others sources may be best for the short term. However, rock phosphate could be used as a long term source.

Is phosphorus a byproduct of compost?

Phosphorus may be an integral by-product of other soil amendments, natural organic fertilizers, and bio-stimulants. The most notable additions come from the use of composts as soil amendments or nitrogen sources and the use of recycled water.
