what generic course title does geography go under

by Harvey Pfeffer 5 min read

What is the coursework of a geography degree?

Undergrad Geography Coursework. A typical undergraduate geography degree consists of coursework in geography and other disciplines. In many cases, the college courses taken in other subjects fulfill a student's general education (or GE) requirement. These courses can be in subjects such as English, chemistry, geology, math, sociology,...

Is a course in geography worth it?

For a candidate interested in the subject, a course in Geography is worth it. It allows the person to follow a career in a subject that he/she is passionate about. With experience and hard work, a career in this field can also be extremely rewarding.

What are the different types of geography?

Others include: biogeography, climate change, coastal geography, development geography, ecology, geomorphology, health geography, language geography, migration, religion geography, sexuality geography, tourism geography, transportation geography, soil science, and others. Discover the world's top universities for geography.

What year do you take geography in high school?

However, freshman and sophomore years are usually the time to take your general education courses to get them out of the way. You will take most of your geography courses (and your schedule will mostly be geography courses) only during your junior and senior years (third and fourth years, respectively).

What category does geography fall under?

In general, geography is considered a science which attempts to explain the world around us and the impact of both natural and manmade factors and events.

What type of course is geography?

It's largely a science, but you'll also gain insight into other subjects including politics and sociology. If you're interested in studying geography, there are two routes to choose from: Physical geography: The study of the earth and its natural elements.

Is geography a BA or BS?

The Geography major is offered as a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and a Bachelor of Science (B.S.).

Is geography a science related subject?

Yes, these are counted as science subjects. Our preferred science subjects are Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Maths, but Geography and Psychology are also regarded as science or science-related subjects.

Is geography science or arts?

The term “Geography” is composed of two Greek words 'Geo' meaning Earth and "Graphien" means to write. Geography is the science that studies the relationships among areas, natural systems, cultural activities and the interdependence of all these over space.

Is geography a science or social studies?

So, geography can very much be a social science. Geography is one of the rare disciplines that cross the line between social science and natural science. In fact, it is both sciences. This makes geography one of the most complex, wide reaching, and fascinating subjects you can study.

Is BA in geography good?

Yes, geography is a good major for many undergraduate students. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 5% job growth for life, physical, and social science occupations. Professionals with knowledge in this field and related fields can move into a range of meaningful professional roles.

What is the study of geography about?

Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. Geographers explore both the physical properties of Earth's surface and the human societies spread across it.

What college is the geography major in at OSU?

The Geography & Cartography major is part of the social sciences program at Ohio State University - Main Campus....Ohio State Geography Rankings.Ranking TypeRankMost Popular Bachelor's Degree Colleges for Geography & Cartography511 more rows

Is geography a STEM subject?

These include physical geography, environmental science, archaeological science and parts of psychology. Geography – the discipline that we represent - has been formally recognised by HEFCE as a part-STEM subject for both teaching and research in Higher Education.

Is geography a humanities subject?

The humanities include the study of ancient and modern languages, literature, philosophy, history, archaeology, anthropology, human geography, law, religion, and art. Scholars in the humanities are "humanities scholars" or humanists.

Is geography and biology related?

General biogeography is an interdisciplinary science, which combines geographic and biological aspects constituting two distinct research fields: biological geography and geographic biology.

Who is a Demographer and can a B. Sc. holder in Geography can get the post?

A Demographer is a social scientist who uses statistical methods to study the size, distribution and structure of human populations. If you have a...

What is the expected salary of a geographer?

The salary of the geographer depends upon his/her qualification and hard work and also based on the merit as well. And the average salary of the ge...

Who are the top recruiters of the field?

The top recruiter of the field isISRONRSCNATMOAgriculture researchGIS and Remote sensingColleges and UniversitiesEnvironmental protection agenciesG...

Is a course in Geography hard?

A course in Geography might be vast but shall be easy if the candidate is truly interested in it.

Is a course in Geography worth it?

For a candidate interested in the subject, a course in Geography is worth it. It allows the person to follow a career in a subject that he/she is p...

What is the regional paradigm?

Development happened in geography during the second half of the nineteenth century, wherein lots of research and findings were brought out by the geographers. One such finding is the regional paradigm, and it focuses on the areal differentiation on the Earth’s surface. This also had a shift later where there were debates about geography being considered as a science. There was a quantitative revolution wherein the subject was given a scientific approach along with the application of the statistical methodology to geographical research.

Is geography worth it?

For a candidate interested in the subject, a course in Geography is worth it. It allows the person to follow a career in a subject that he/she is passionate about. With experience and hard work, a career in this field can also be extremely rewarding.

What is an undergraduate degree in geography?

Undergrad Geography Coursework. A typical undergraduate geography degree consists of coursework in geography and other disciplines. In many cases, the college courses taken in other subjects fulfill a student's general education (or GE) requirement. These courses can be in subjects such as English, chemistry, geology, math, sociology, ...

What are the requirements for a geography major?

There are core upper-division requirements that usually include: 1 Geographic techniques and methods (learning about geography journals, the use of the library, research, using computers for cartography and GIS, using other software platforms, and learning how to think geographically 2 Cartography and/or Geographic Information Systems Laboratory (4 to 8 hours a week learning how to make maps and making maps on the computer) 3 History of geographic thought (learning about the history and philosophy of geography as an academic discipline) 4 Quantitative geography (statistics and analysis of geographic problems) 5 One upper-division course in physical geography 6 One upper-division course in cultural or human geography 7 One regional geography course to learn about a specific region of the world 8 Senior project or capstone project or advanced seminar 9 Fieldwork or internship

What is a physical geography lecture?

An introduction to physical geography lecture (sometimes including a laboratory course in which you make maps, using Geographic Information Systems [GIS], work with compasses and topographic maps, etc.) An introduction to cultural or human geography lecture. World regional geography lecture.

What are the first two years of college?

During the first two years of college, a student would likely take their lower-division geography courses and maybe a handful of other lower-division geography courses. However, freshman and sophomore years are usually the time to take your general education courses to get them out of the way.

How many hours a week is the geography lab?

Cartography and/or Geographic Information Systems Laboratory (4 to 8 hours a week learning how to make maps and making maps on the computer) History of geographic thought (learning about the history and philosophy of geography as an academic discipline)

What is the study of landforms and the processes that shape them called?

Physical geography, environmental studies, climatology, or geomorphology (the study of landforms and the processes that shape them) Human or cultural geography. Regional geography. A student would likely be required to take three or more upper-division courses within at least one concentration.

What are the subjects that are required for a college degree?

These courses can be in subjects such as English, chemistry, geology, math, sociology, political science, foreign language, history, physical education, and other sciences or social sciences. Every college or university has different general education or core required courses for all students earning a degree from that university.

How many credits are required for a geography major?

Geography Major. The Geography major requires a minimum of 46 credits in Geography (or specifically noted Environmental Studies or Asian Studies) courses. At least 9 Geography courses must be taken for a letter grade. A grade of C- or better is required for any course applied towards the major, and a GPA of 2.25 or better is required in courses ...

What grade do you need to get a B.S. in geography?

degree. Math classes must be passed with a grade of at least C- or P.

What is the minimum GPA required for a geography major?

A grade of C- or better is required for any course applied towards the major, and a GPA of 2.25 or better is required in courses used for the major.

What is the GPA for a major?

A grade of C- or better is required for any course applied towards the major, and a GPA of 2.25 or better is required in courses used for the major. A major check sheet (affectionately known as the ‘Green Sheet’) summarizes the requirements below. Green Sheet for students beginning Fall 2016 and later: Geography Major Checklist (2016)

What is advanced coursework in geography?

Advanced coursework often looks at specific systems, such as urban geography, or topics like conservation. Many programs also have a required internship or research component for students to gain field experience before graduation. Geography majors may learn to work with GIS.

What is a geography major?

A geography major studies the natural environment and human activity. Many geographers use GIS in their daily work as surveyors, cartographers or geoscientists. (Getty Images)

What do geographers do?

Many geographers use GIS in their daily work as surveyors, cartographers or geoscientists. The graphic design nature of those skills can also lead to opportunities in media. Geography graduates may work with people in related fields such as civil engineering and urban planning.

What is the purpose of GIS?

Geospatial representation and analysis uses geographic information systems, or GIS, to map, visualize or store information about different spaces. Related disciplines like cartography, which focuses on the art and science of mapmaking, come from this area of study.

What is physical geography?

Physical geography explores the interconnected components of the environment through the traditional sciences. Human geography examines the interactions between humans and nature, and the reasons and methods for humans organizing into societies. Geospatial representation and analysis uses geographic information systems, or GIS, to map, ...

What are the courses required to learn GIS?

Courses in math, engineering and computer science are also common for learning the technical aspects of the work. Additionally, web and graphic design courses help students learn how to display results to broad audiences. Working with GIS requires continued education as new methods and tools are developed.

Can you teach geography and cartography together?

Many departments teach geography and cartography together, and some offer cartography minors and certifications as paths into the field. The growing need for detailed digital maps that respond in real time has increased the demand for the specific skills associated with cartography.

Course Duration

BA Geography is a regular, distance, and online 3 years course that includes 6 semesters.

Course Fees

It is the charge students paid for their tuition classes in educational institutes for their education purpose.


The salary depends upon the organization and what knowledge you have and it increases as per your experience, knowledge, performance, and skills.

Best Courses after Bachelor of Arts (BA)

Master of Arts ( MA ) is one of the most popular and best post-graduation degree courses after BA in Geography.

What is a bachelors in geography?

Geography degrees can either take the form of Bachelors Of Arts or Bachelors Of Science degrees. Bachelors of Science degrees usually involved studying physical geography, whereas BA degrees tend to focus on human geography. These are the two main divisions of degrees, and each would leave you in a different direction professionally.

What are some examples of areas you would study in this field?

Globalization, cultural change, and urban development are examples of areas you would study in this field. If however you are more interested in geology and physical sciences, you would probably prefer to study physical geography.

Is the Earth a fascinating place?

The earth is a fascinating place. Even if we call it our home, there are a lot of things we don’t know about it. If studying about the earth, its features and peoples interest you then a career as a [...]

Is geography a good major?

While geography may not sound like the most obvious choice for a major, it actually can be a highly practical field to pursue a degree in, especially if you have a clear career path outlined in your mind. I recommend that you do some research on the jobs that I just listed, and that you learn all you can about them.

What is geography in science?

Got it! Geography involves the study of Earth's landscape, its atmosphere and climate, and the humans that inhabit it. This broad social and physical science looks at these diverse topics through the lens of spatial patterns, or the arrangement and distribution of objects and the space between them.

How many credits do you need to become a geographer?

Most bachelor's degree in geography programs require 120-126 credits and take four years of full-time study to complete. Online accelerated programs can lead to faster completion times. Students interested in a career as a geographer may want to consider combined degree options, which can lead to a bachelor's and master's in geography in as little ...

What is physical geography?

Physical geography also seeks to understand how and why natural phenomena occur. Geotechnology. This concentration focuses on the many geotechnologies used in the field of geography. Covered topics include GIS, GPS, cartography, remote sensing, and aerial photographic interpretation. Globalization.

Is geography a good degree?

Yes. For learners interested in studying Earth's landscape and its inhabitants, a degree in geography can prove exciting and lucrative. Students learn in-demand skills, such as the latest in geotechnology, which can lead to careers working for the government, nonprofit agencies, and private businesses.

What is a course title?

As part of the official transcript record that may be reviewed by other institutions and prospective employers , titles should be easily understood by the general public and not couched in departmental or university jargon.

How many spaces are needed for a course title?

Please follow these guidelines when entering course titles: Use no more than 22 spaces for the complete title, including any required abbreviations. Use upper- and lowercase letters, capitalizing each word of the title. Use English language in course titles unless approved by UOCC and listed in catalog.

What is group oriented course?

Courses must be scheduled as regular courses, with specific CRNs for each section taught be a different instructor, a specific title, meeting times and days, etc., These courses cannot be treated as individualized courses, but may require the use of an abbreviated general title as the first word of the specific course title, ...

What are the two types of open ended courses?

There are two types of open-ended courses, Individualized Courses and Group-Oriented Courses.

Can individualized courses be added to CRN?

Certain individualized courses may not have specific titles added. They may be treated as regular courses if a particular instructor will be working with several students on the same subject matter. In that case, specific sections must be set up for each separate topic and not left under the general STAFF section CRN.


Undergrad Geography Coursework

A typical undergraduate geography degree consists of coursework in geography and other disciplines. In many cases, the college courses taken in other subjects fulfill a student's general education (or GE) requirement. These courses can be in subjects such as English, chemistry, geology, math, sociology, political science, f…
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Lower Division Course Requirements

  • These initial courses are typically lower-division courses, which means they are designed for freshmen and sophomores (students in their first and second years of college, respectively). These courses are usually: 1. An introduction to physical geography lecture (sometimes including a laboratory course in which you make maps, using Geographic Informati…
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Upper Division Course Requirements

  • There are core upper-division requirements that usually include: 1. Geographic techniques and methods (learning about geography journals, the use of the library, research, using computers for cartography and GIS, using other software platforms, and learning how to think geographically 2. Cartography and/or Geographic Information Systems Laboratory (4 to 8 hours a week learning h…
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Additional Geography Concentrations

  • Then, in addition to the core upper-division courses, a student working toward a geography degree might focus on a specific concentration of geography. Your choices for a concentration might be: 1. Urbanand/or economic geography and/or planning 2. Geographic Information Systems and/or cartography 3. Physical geography, environmental studies, climatology, or geomorphology (the s…
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General Requirements For The B.A. Or B.S. in Geography

  • Bachelor of Science
    All Geography majors seeking a B.S. degree will be required to complete any math sequence that satisfies the University’s math requirement for a B.S. degree. Math classes must be passed with a grade of at least C- or P. 1. For the Geographic Information Science Track, we recommend a co…
  • Bachelor of Arts
    All Geography majors seeking a B.A. degree must demonstrate proficiency in a second language either by passing the third quarter of a second-year university language course with a grade of C- or better or by an examination indicating an equivalent level of proficiency. If you are considerin…
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Group Requirements

  • All undergraduates must satisfy group requirements. For details see Group Requirements in the Bachelors Requirements section of the UO Catalog. Geography majors should consult their advisor to determine which group-satisfying courses best support their major. Please note that for students who have Geography as their first major can only use ONE course with the GEOG subje…
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Four-Year Plan

  • Below is a four-year plan or road map for Geography majors (click to enlarge). It includes not just courses, but other ways of gaining experience to ready you for your post-graduate plans, no matter if or how they change. (pdf available here)
See more on geography.uoregon.edu

Major Requirements

  • At least 9 Geography courses must be taken for a letter grade. A grade of C- or better is required for any course applied towards the major, and a GPA of 2.25 or better is required in courses used for the major. Click here for a pdf of this checksheet
See more on geography.uoregon.edu