what format to export a course

by Amalia Haley III 5 min read

Courses are exported and imported in.tar.gz files containing OLX (open learning XML), the edX markup format for open course exchange. For more information about OLX, see the EdX Open Learning XML Guide. To extract and compress.tar.gz files, you use a third-party program.

Full Answer

What is included in the course content export?

Export and Archive Courses Export a course. The export course feature creates a ZIP file of your course content that you can import to create a new... Common cartridge format. Common cartridge is an initiative led by the IMS Global Learning Consortium. The initiative... Archive a course. The archive ...

What is a course export ZIP file?

The course content export downloads as a .zip file and a visual HTML index of files (hidden or unpublished files are NOT included). Essentially, the .zip file is a snapshot of how the course existed at the time of the content export. Within offline content, users can view assignment descriptions, points, and due dates.

What is the difference between an archive and an export course?

Jul 20, 2020 · As an instructor, you can allow users to download your course as an ePub file using an ePub reader. You can also select the format for the course ePub file. The default ePub organization is by module, meaning only items that students have access to view in each module will be included in the ePub file.

When do users need to re-export the course?

Grades can be exported separately as a comma separated values (CSV) file. Some external app LTI tools such as Google Drive and Office 365 do not retain tool configurations in exported courses. You may consider copying the course instead. Canvas does not support course export files over 50 GB.

How do I export a course?

Canvas for Elementary export packages retain the Canvas for Elementary theme.Open Settings. In Course Navigation, click the Settings link.Export Course. Click the Export Course Content link.Select Export Type. In the Export Type heading, click the Course radio button [1]. ... Download New Export.

How do I export content from a course?

Enter a Canvas site and click on Modules. Click on the Export Course Content button. A page called “Exported Package History” page will appear, and you will see a progress bar once the export-download begins. Once the course content export downloads, you will be given the option to save the file.Oct 15, 2020

What is export format?

In a personal computer application, to export is to convert a file into another format than the one it is currently in. Once the file is exported to the desired format (specified in its file name suffix), it can be opened and worked on by an application that recognizes and uses this format.

Which format is used to export an application?

Export Applications and Components. The ExportApp utility lets you copy an entire application from the database to an export file in text or XML format. You can later import it from the export file into a database.

What is ePub Canvas?

An ePub file, or electronic publication file, is a popular file format used for storing eBooks and other types of content. ... You can download a Canvas ePub file and upload it into any eReader software for viewing, such as iBooks or Azardi.Jul 8, 2020

Where do exported courses go in Canvas?

Where do canvas content exports go? An export is made of the content. It is downloaded to the user's computer as a zip file. Students would typically use a course export file to export content from a Canvas site when they want to export material for a course.

How do I create a export file?

Export project informationChoose File > Save As.Choose Browse. ... In the Save As type box, select the file format that you want to export data to.In the File name box, type a name for the exported file.Choose Save.More items...

How do I export a document?

To export your document into another file format, follow these steps:Click the File tab.Choose Export from the items on the left side of the screen.Choose Change File Type. ... Click to select a file type.Click the Save As icon. ... Work the dialog box to set a folder or other location for the file, or to change its name.More items...•Mar 26, 2016

What is CSV file format?

A CSV is a comma-separated values file, which allows data to be saved in a tabular format. CSVs look like a garden-variety spreadsheet but with a . csv extension. CSV files can be used with most any spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel or Google Spreadsheets.

What is export in MS Word?

You can export the data in your current view to Microsoft Word. Unicode or international data is included in the export and is encoded in rich text format.

How do I export a project from scratch?

You'll need to join Scratch or sign in to save your project online. (To save a copy to your local drive, go to the File menu and choose 'Download to your computer'.) If you used the bears project, click the Remix button (near the top of the screen) to save your version of the project.

How do I export data from another program?

Open your list file in your database program. Go to the File menu and select Export. On the Export dialog, select the record range you wish to export. To export or backup everything, choose the option All Records.Jul 16, 2014

What Is the Course Content Export Feature?

Canvas supports exporting course content into an HTML format for offline viewing on a computer. This feature supports courses that use complex HTML or dynamic linking to downloaded files.

How to Use the Course Content Export Feature

Users can view the course “Modules” page to export course content. Content is exported as a .zip file and downloaded to the user’s computer. The file is essentially a snapshot of how the course existed at the time of the content export.


Please email Courseware Support at [email protected] if you have any questions or need assistance with course content exports.

How do I export a Canvas course?

You can export a Canvas course to give to someone in another Canvas account, to upload to another institution's account at a later date, or to create a copy as a backup on your local computer. You can import an export file into Canvas at any time.

Select Export Type

In the Export Type heading, click the Course radio button [1]. Click the Create Export button [2].

View Export Process

View the progress bar. Exporting a course in Canvas may take a few minutes, depending on its size. You will receive an email when the export is complete.

What happens if you don't import a course into Destination?

If the imported sections of the course include links to materials that you don't import into the destination course, the links will break in the destination course. For example, if a course area links to a test but you don't import the assessments, the link to the test will break. After importing, edit the destination course to update or remove any broken links.

Can you import a course package into Blackboard?

You can import course packages back into Blackboard Learn to create a new course with the same content. Exporting a course includes only the course content. The export doesn't include any user interactions such as blog posts or grades. Don't unzip or extract a course or archive package. Don't remove files from the package or try to import ...


There are two versions of TCX files: TCX Course and TCX History; and FIT files can be exported as a FIT Course.

Advanced Turn Notifications

Premium and Basic subscribers can set a notification distance in meters for an upcoming turn when exporting a TCX Course or FIT Course file.

Three reasons you would want a TCX Course or FIT Course file over a GPX

You have a GPS unit that does not have mapping capabilities (Edge 305/500) but want turn warnings, or you have a GPS unit that has mapping capabilities (Edge 705/800) but you did not purchase the microSD card that contains the mapping/routing information which provides the nice GPS style turn guidance.

Two reasons to choose GPX file

You have a GPS unit that doesn’t read TCX files. The eTrex, Oregon, Montana, and GPSmap series do not read TCX.

Other File Types

KML: Not used as an export format for navigation on GPS devices, but a useful export for viewing a route or activity in Google Earth.

Need more information on your Garmin device?

We’ve shared our thoughts on some of the most popular devices here: Compatible Devices

How to import a course from Blackboard?

To import course materials from a zipped course package that has been exported from Blackboard, go to the new course, then go to the Control Panel  Packages and Utilities  Import Package/View Logs, then click on the Import Package button.

How long is a blackboard course active?

Your Blackboard course is kept active on Blackboard for about thirteen months after the term ends. Older courses not appearing on your Blackboard Home Page can be copied into newer courses by FCLD. Please fill out and submit the online Course Copy Request Form from the

What do faculty need to contact MTS?

Faculty should contact MTS for assistance scheduling or implementing classroom technology (2-Way interactive video classrooms, Smart Podiums, laptops, etc.), for setting up WebEx accounts, or for scheduling and instruction for a wide variety of media equipment and resources like LCD data projectors, CD/cassette players, TVs and VCRs, digital video, and more.

Can you import a zip file from another university?

You can import a .zip file from a course exported at another University ONLY if that university is using the same version of Blackboard as the University of Hartford. Using files created on different versions of Blackboard has resulted in corrupt courses. Please call FCLD to discuss your options before attempting to import course files from any other Blackboard system.

Export or backup a course from Moodle

Moodle has a backup feature that stores all (or selected parts) of a course to a compressed file that can be saved for future use or copied to a different Moodle site. This can be useful if an instructor is moving to a different institution or would like to have a backup of the course for safekeeping.

Transferring a Moodle course from Swarthmore to another institution

It may be possible to export a course from Swarthmore's Moodle site and import it to another institution's Moodle site. Download the .mbz Moodle backup file as specified above and use the Moodle Restore feature to import it to the other Moodle site. Depending on the versions of Moodle used, it may not be possible to transfer all the information.
